Nintendo Switch runs FREEBSD

>Nintendo Switch runs FREEBSD


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that's a terrible thing, retard

Can anyone spoonfeed a tech illiterate retard like me?

Hacks confirmed

Get hyped

BSD being terrible? Why would you ever say that?

>Chromebook runs Gentoo
>Nintendo Switch runs Free BSD

Holy shit. What is actually happening now guys?

But does it run Doom?

>not Irix


It's like Linux, but not shit.

ps4 (ps3 and vita) are all based on BSD
that'sbnot a free gateway to piracy, still need some dedication

Explain further, Sup Forums

The time for free OS is now!

PS4 also runs a FreeBSD-derived OS (internal depot with name changed). Microsoft is about to destroy Windows in their attempt to force app store integration. The future is finally here.

>Nintendo stealing ideas from Sony

Can't make this shit up

I thought most hardware that's not Microsoft ran some sort of Unix system

Android is Linux prepared by people who did BeOS.
All 'smart' devices run either linux or android.
You suddenly wake up for Gentoo meme.

While Gentoo is still a meme, BSD is here for years. Twitter's inner architecture runs on BSD. MacOSX is based on BSD-like kernel (Newton or Darwin, I don't remember). Both companies are pushing millions into BSD project every year.


So in reality, Windows is actually the outlier? As in most devices and backends or whatever in the world run Linux kernel/Unix kernel?

Just out of interest, what makes BSD attractive for these sorts of applications over other open-source alternatives?

Windows is for PCs, Xbox, Lumia phones and some servers.
The rest of known world runs on Linux or BSD.
But Windows is by no means based on Linux.

Can't wait till next year for first generation of hacks when the Switch starts to get some games

The BSD license. You're allowed to NOT share your source code, unlike Linux, where you can get sued because of the GPL.

iOS is a fork of BSD as well?

Holy shit that's insane.


Other way around

BSD license doesn't force you to share changes you did to the code.
BSD is sickly and disgustingly stable.
It has better architecture in regard of having mikrokernel and pushing basic functionalities, drivers etc. From kernel to userspace.
Linux kernel is a moloch that does everything. BSD kernel is very small in comparison - giving you power over for example drivers/firmware.
BSD has better TCP IP implementation.


It does.

It's only notable when Nintendo does it.

Dunno. But I guess yes. BSD kernel or BSD-like kernel gives you huge flexxibility since it does not contain that much. 90% of the system is userspace making drvelopment of mobile system 'easier'.

>Holy shit that's insane.

Windows is a pile of crap. Prohibitively expensive crap at that.

It makes no sense to use it anywhere outside of the one market that gave itself in by accident.
The whole idea of UNIX is to follow set standards to make machines that can interact with each other which is what almost every machine in the world requires nowadays... Windows sticks to doing bullshit by themselves and ignoring said standards.
Of course no one is retarded enough to go and make unusable devices with it.


Xbone as well? Xbot and BSD lover here, never knew.

pretty sure windows 7 is still the dominant os for desktops.

Yes. Fairly certain it's just a very stripped back version of OSX even.


iOS is basically OS X, so yes.

Xbone is a fork of 10 like Dreamcast was a fork of Windows CE

Considering Nintendo only has a bunch of Jap programmers whereas Microsoft and Sony has a bunch of westerners.

Yeah that's a big deal.

>BSD license doesn't force you to share changes you did to the code

Mainly this. Viral open source licenses are freetard cultist cancer.

oh? did Nintendo finally hire someone that knows how to use an OS beyond XP?

Fuck, making me want to switch to Linux or whatever. If only FFXIV had a Linux client.

It's all about license. You can't distribute your own Windows. You can't change its core. In the meantime you can take Linux or BSD and adjust it to your needs.
80% of enterprise IT world uses linux because of that.

The license is exactly why people avoid Linux for applications like this.

You can always dualboot.

Or, if you have the hardware, use windows in a virtual machine using PCI passthrough at nearly native performance.

You would still be using windows, but it's better than being locked to one system.

>If only FFXIV had a Linux client.
Faggot, you can already play it.

>Nintendo Switch runs FreeBSD
So? What the fuck did you expect it to run? Windows?

Jap programmers are not good at innovation. New projects are sent to other countries so someone who can handle new paradigms of software dev can handle it, then they put it through windmill of legendary japaneese QA and release it.
> source: im a slav who works for japaneese company



Linux is a fucking meme used by tinfoil hatters. You're going to lose compatibility with most of your common applications/games.

Of course, most people who run it don't use it for such. Just to shitpost on Sup Forums. In that case, it's better.

Technically, Mac OSX is a stripped and locked down version of BSD, and iOS is a fucking gutted version of OSX.

But technically, yeah, iOS is a BSD fork.

We'll make free software that anyone can use for free :D

>big company: okay, i'll use it for free too


No you don't.
Sup Forums and Stallman is shit.

>Fuck, making me want to switch to Linux or whatever

It's better but that doesn't make it a good choice for a destop, user.
The fact of the matter is, Microsoft has this space by the balls.
They openly admit they know they are worse than the competition but as long as all the desktop software is tied to their OS (which it is and that's never going to change because it would take ridiculous amount of time and unimaginable sums of money), they're free to do whatever the fuck they want.

I half expected it to be running Android.
Or their home made OS like they have been doing for years and years.



See: and and Use Windows 7 and be happy.

>Falling for this meme
Windows for the average computer user and pc gamer for compatibility.
Linux for industry.

Name one (1) thing that does not run doom.

What? If they were against that they wouldn't have explicitly allowed it in their license.

Graphing calculators.

The closest they've gotten is an interactive wireframe map viewer, and only with custom hardware, so it doesn't count anyway.

A 911

No, wait...

The funny thing is Linux is actually a lot easier to use these days than Windows.

To install any program I want all I have to do is write a few words and have the program installed, and to update all my stuff all I have to do is write a few more words. It's quite spectacular when you are used to chasing down applications on shady websites or updating your shit is a huge hassle.

That's a great background.

god I hope the switch gets hacked. it would be the perfect portable emulation machine

Hasn't been tried yet, therefore not an argument.

Technically runs, therefore not an argument.

Proven yourself wrong within the same post where you tried to show an example, therefore not an argument.

You don't know how this works, do you?
Also, said big companies also funnel big bucks and personnel into these projects to make sure they work great when they need to use them so it's a win-win situation.

And I guess like another certain company they will contribute nothing back.

Can't you just use any fucking android gaming device and get more or less a bitter emulator machine?

That's not Doom.

>Hasn't been tried yet

not doom

>Proven yourself wrong within the same post where you tried to show an example, therefore not an argument.
It's fake you dip

>All 'smart' devices run either linux or android.
android is based on linux right Sup Forums?
I know it is open source, despite having to root a phone and void it's warranty to modify it

To be fair that ain't Doom. It's like me painting a copy of the Mona Lisa and claiming I have the original painting in my home.

anyone else amaze how far technology has come

So it DOES run on a calculator.

These are opinions, not arguments.

Have you ever played Doom?

I hate those gaps at the edge of the screens. These are dirtcatchers.

Apple has contributed a lot to FreeBSD.

>Not an argument
>Falling for obvious bait/meme posting
Actually no joke unironically kys

After an extensive (about 10 seconds) research on Google I feel safe to say that you can't run Doom on a quantum computer.

It's like shit, but Linux?

Only the linux kernel is open source. I mean, most of android is as well, but under a different license that google chose.

He even says in the damn video that it's not Doom as much as it's Wolfenstein with Doom sprites.

Have I played doom? What kind of question is that?

An Olivetti Programma 101

You do realize the meme revolves around porting Doom in any capacity to strange devices? Obviously, it's not going to look exactly the same when you're demaking a game, but it counts. That's Doom.

I am not a sissy faggot on anti-depressants,cyber-bullying does not work on me.

i usually use a toothpick for cleaning those, mostly for my controller where there are seams in the shell

not to mention that shits pretty satisfying

>controls camera with steering wheel
>Shoots with horn

>Windows is by no means based on Linux
But it is getting Ubuntu application compatibility soon.

Anyone who paid attention knows that Microsoft pissed away their lead under Balmer, as PC lost it's position as the only computing platform anyone gives a shit about.

It's possible to not use any Linux/BSD, but you'd have to go out of your way to do it.

>Windows PC
>Windows Phone
>Tablet that runs Windows 10
>Xbox One

Of course, if you're an insane faggot, you can avoid BOTH.

>PC that runs eComStation
>Blackberry Leap phone from 2015
>No Tablet
>Only old vidya consoles

It's not Doom but it kinda counts in the meme of "Doom can run on anything".

Though only the actual Doom running on something is impressive since more or less anyone can make a simple Doom knockoff and get it running on something.

Jackie Chan

>android gaming device
Garbage controllers, shit battery life (even compared to switch), fewer input options, etc

The switch comes from a respected company dedicated to making game consoles with good construction quality. and most importantly I'm already going to be buying a switch for the games so it might as well be what I play emulated games on too.

I run os/2 and ecom station
I use Linux for gaming
Fuck microsoft

Well that's disappointing.