>11 BOTW threads in the catalog
Well, since the shilling isn't going to go away any time soon, let's have a quality SoA thread.
Post your favourite
11 BOTW threads in the catalog
Other urls found in this thread:
Funny I was just playing Valkyria Chronicles and I just realized why Vyse and that girl on the right stood out so much.
>Since a NEW FUCKING CONSOLE HAS LAUNCHED and is taking up the board let's discuss /vr/ content
I just got done playing this for the evening.
>daccat's isle
>ixa'taka main theme
>black moon cyrstal
>ixa'taka main theme
Mah nigga
I had the song stuck in my head for years after I beat the game the first time.
I'm worried that I'm missing a moonfish for 3 though, I want to 100% the game this time so I hope none of them are in non-repeatable areas
>Temple of Pyrynn
>Ice Dungeon
>Iron Star
So long as you make sure to explore every nook and cranny and go to fill in all the map areas, I don't think there's any that will really trouble you
>mfw I found Drachma and Rhaknam at the bottom of Glacia
>mfw i just did that
unfailingly makes me tear up every time
Does this game run well on Dolphin? Always wanted to play it but I don't feel like setting up my Wii to pirate Gamecube games.
>11 BOTW threads in the catalog
switch has one game confirmed.
>SoA HD never
You had one job Sega
Didn't they register the domain a couple of months ago?
Game is astonishingly detailed for its time.
MOONSTONE CANNON, FIRE! Is IMHO the most satisfying and erection-inducing moment in vidya.
> Sega register IP stuff so they can sit on it.
sega isn't pure enough to touch the IP anymore
I know there was a video on youtube from a while ago of some dude at Sega saying they might make HD versions of SoA and Shenmue
Then some guy in a thread a while ago posted a link to an article that said the domains SoA HD and Shenmue HD had been bought up
That's all I know
Even if it is in the pipeline, I don't hold any hope it'll happen anytime soon
Build up artificial hype. Textbook stuff.
I loved all the flavour text for all the background items. It really helps with world building, like when you get into the underground dock on Pirate's Isle you can go up to all the spools of ropes and read about how they're used, or look at the cargo and read what's inside.
I wish we had the chance to choose our ship
Honestly, I wouldn't want them to
Just leave it as the gem it is
Wasn't that supposed to be a feature? Buying and selling pirate ships
I think that was why Urala's crew feature was to increase the value of your ship but you could never do anything with it
I really want to try playing this, but that encounter rate somehow make me want to give up. Is it worth it Sup Forums?
Yes it is
Keep pushing through
A lot of the random encounters can be dealt with easily with the right combination of Specials
It is not that I have trouble with them, it is just annoying to have an encounter every few step
Yes. I beat this game back on dreamcast, again on gamecube, and am currently running through it on dolphin.
You must be playing the DC version
They tweaked it in the GC version so that the encounter rate was reduced but the level scaling was incremented to fit
Still, the recommendation stands
Keep at it
SoA is, I think, one of the very few JRPGs that Sup Forums doesn't hate
Think about that. Yeah, some people have their grips and it does have the occasional flaw but nobody has every outright said they hate it or that it's a piece of shit
That speaks volumes
>SoA is one of the very few JRPGs that Sup Forums doesn't hate
What's more shocking is that I've seen SoA threads in the past where people have come into the thread and said they didn't really like it, but still decided they didn't want to ruin the thread by shitting on it.
It's rare you see that elsewhere on Sup Forums.
Cool. Might give it a go then.
Let's just discuss both at once.
For instance, playing BotW on a handheld made me realize I'd slaughter an orphanage for a Skies of Arcadia HD port on the Switch.
You know something that still really bugs me?
Grendel was the first Gigas that you could actually do sizeable damage to. You were supposed to use the HARPOON CANNON FIRE to knock him into the ravine but stubborn bastard that I am, I decided to chip away until all of his health was gone, destroying him the regular way
It took over an hour and there was absolutely no extra reward
It still irks me
I always wondered about that. On one of my playthroughs I got him to around 50% health before I was finally able to get the harpoon canon shot off, and I debated seeing if I could just finish him without that, but decided that I'd rather just finish him then and there.
You made the right call
>Delphinus - Is there another answer? It is so cool and sleek.
>Dark Rift
>This is a hard pick. Maybe the theme at Yamato though.
Where would you lads rank Skies of Arcadia in terms of best JRPGs ever made?
the girl on the left is also the medic that evacs units out
>Delphinus - Is there another answer? It is so cool and sleek.
All they really need to do is re-release it for a more modern system. SoA Switch, or SoA on Steam would be great.
Gamecube isn't /vr/ user
and for that matter neither should Dreamcast it came out to compete with shit like PS2/Xbox/Gamecube i:e 6TH GEN NOT ON /vr/ but you mouthbreathers were crying MUH 5.5 over and over until the mods caved in.
I'd settle for a Virtual Console version of Legends at this point. SoA on the go would be nice.
Ports/remakes/etc. are still /vr/ as long as the original is /vr/