Redpill me on Far Cry 4
Redpill me on Far Cry 4
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The only game where I can say the villian was right and I wouldn't be saying it ironically
Pagan Min is literally asian Trump.
I wish the joke ending where you sit at the table and bro up with him was an actual playable ending. Crushing the rebels with your gay step-daddy would have made for a much better game than what we got
Siding with the villain is a good ending
I don't give a shit about story opinions in an action game
One of the best loli i've ever seen in a west game.
Are you sure? His character design is completely degenerate.
Guess I'm not installing it.
I do, carry on other user.
>not installing a game because people on the internet say irrelevant things
you sound like a retard
metrosexual != degeneration
Good, HIV positive queers like you should stick to jRPGs.
Gameplay is pretty much Farcry 3 except it's prettier and bigger
Where? One guy called him Trump, and he hasn't elaborated on whether he says that's a good thing or not. (You)'re being paranoid.
Nope, they have loli.
I think he is ashamed of his desires. Classical nu-male.
>kill the bitch
>let Pagan leave
>kill the fag
Not counting the joke ending, is this the best one? Also the dream sections were pretty sweet.
Not exactly a dream, you took one of the heaviest drugs known to man.
Very good indeed.
It's a shitty ubisoft game, what do you expect? They strip everything good about video games and fill it with collectibles/achievements/"upgrades".
Every fucking time the same thing.
Yeah. And maybe having cuddles and butt play with stepdaddy.
n-no homo
3 was fucking good
4 is meh
Good, you thin-skinned faggots are a cancer and destroy everything you touch. Hail Trump.
This. I loved 3, I liked 4. 3 had better balanced guns, better ability system, better animals, better setting, and a better villain (Vaas was awesome). 4 had the buzzer and fortresses. But if you liked one you will like the other.
3 had a dual story that most people didn't pay attention to, and neither did Ubishit.
On the surface, you had a typical survival story where you have to save all your friends and escape a pirate infested island. But there was also the personal story that Jason Brody had where he went from a sheltered rich boy into a crazy drug addicted tropical Rambo. Aj didn't have that. He was a born killer, I guess.
Jason's transformation happened way too fast, though. He was enjoying killing almost immediately after the intro where he was a college kid shitting his pants.
Well at least they tried. I'd say an A for effort. Ubisoft didn't even try with AJ.
it's shit
Right here:
Not to mention how a couple of those poltards assume I disagree with him, instead of being fatigued of every piece of art form I like turning political
Didn't he, his girlfriend, brother, and his friends notice the transition at some point?
I think Jason noticed it himself when he killed Buck or something.
God I miss speedrunning it at least once a week for a year.
>The only game where I can say the villian was right and I wouldn't be saying it ironically
>The only game
Spotted the millennial.
>Didn't he, his girlfriend, brother, and his friends notice the transition at some point?
Yep, after you save one of the girls (I forget which one), you have to escape with her while you kill a whole bunch of pirates with a grenade launcher. Jason is shouting and having a good time, and the girl points out that Jason is becoming like them (or something like that)
The only part I was impressed about was the fact you can complete the game in 10 minutes with that secret ending.
redpill me on far cry 2
Great. fuck the malaria though
Only one praised Trump. Try again.
What I don't understand about FC4 is how this guy it's just a normal dude who wants to carry his mother's ashes to some place, someone gives him a gun, tells him to kill and he's like
>Oh, okay, I guess...
Best one in the series .
You can't break a man the way you break a dog or a horse. The harder you beat a man, the taller he stands. To break a man's will, to break his spirit, you have to break his mind
I wanted to side with Min & be the bad guy
Fuck Ubisoft for making for side with Amita & that other dude
Yeah, when he went to save Liza (his girlfriend)
I think he was happy that he didn't die and got away. Liza definitely noticed something's wrong when they were in the cage but didn't comment on it much for the sake of their friends.
But Min wasn't the bad guy
Nah man, he killed at the beginning when he was escaping from Pagans castle, if not then defending that tower before snow or whatever fell on em.
>Crushing the rebels with your gay step-daddy would have made for a much better game than what we got
It would have been the same game except you shoot blue guys instead of red.
Vaaz died way too early, the other villains were really underwhelming after that
>no radio towers or camps to "liberate"
>no fortress to attack
>no moral choices
Fuckin eagles!
>best in the series
>always encounter jeeps full of enemies every 300ms
I figured it'd be like this
FC3 is a fantastic shooter, but I'm afraid FC4 will be just "More of the same and worse".
It's only 15$ tho so I might just go for it
my /fa/ autism
I like to consider 4 a standalone DLC for 3
Because it basically was.
Besides the wingsuit, the gyrocopter, and co-op, what else did Ubisoft add?
Got it for my birthday along with a mate. Shit was so fucking fun. Flying into fortresses in co-op, grenade launcher in one hand, machine gun in the other. Raining literal hell. Running off innawoods shooting the living fuck out of everything with my MG42.
Fantastic game. Doesn't share the same character development as 3, but environment and gameplay is amazing.
the new map/setting is good but you can never enjoy it because there is an ak going off or raider scratching and sniffing his ass every second
That part was proper weird. He saves her life and she acts like a cunt while he's doing it. I can understand her being confused afterwards but during??
Kys poof
Explain your autism. Shit looks okay to me. Read up on the character design if you want insight.
> Leave one of your bases.
> Your base is attacked 5 seconds later.
This happens annoyingly often.
Those shoes look nice
I like how the game tells you Pagan was in the right the whole time.
The drug trips really give a lot of insight into the games plot through metaphor. On my 2nd or 3rd drug trip I knew the rebels were the bad guys. Destabling their own home for greed. In the end neither of the two choices given are good. But Pagan is like a hybrid of the two. H8a eyes are set on the distant future, not short term satifaction.
I think playing a game where you slowly push the rebels out while also helping pagan make choices on how to punish civilians or where to build new towns would have been great. Give you the choice of being a dictator, or a leader of the people.
you don't close the last button of a jacket, its a fashion-gaffe if you close it
The little houses you slept in were in many cases intensely comfy.
The house you get mid-game needed more customization.
>skrillex intensifies
Yeah, same, I just go for the fortresses first
I wouldn't say that he was right, but that the rebels were even more wrong. Pagan being the way he is is largely Ajay's dad's fault anyway
Gameplay wise 4 is more of the same but a bit better. A big improvement is that you get the wingsuit after just a few missions. Suppressors are overpowered, if you want to make things more fun, use the recurve bow for stealth instead.
I'd unironically hang out with pic related
You dont fit in here you tried hard angsty teen.
3 id objectively better in every way, specially the atmosphere, it had this one man army feel to it, makes me feel so cozy
Probably where the game fails the most. There's no chance to really take the throne for your own, or do missions for Pagan. You can kill both faction leaders but it's endgame where you've already done the damage.
Brah that shit was gnarly
I unironically enjoyed Far Cry Primal a lot more, despite the game being average too and just FC set in prehistoric times with halfassed crafting.
FC4 is just FC3 set in India, nothing else.
Imagine doing missions for Pagan while he banters with you on the phone.
Blazing up that weed farm with a flamethrower while that played was a highlight of fc3.
Redpill me on the redpill meme
Better visuals. And gameplay.
Then what is the game even?
Primal was ok. Kinda shame you can get smilodon like three missions in and it shits on all other pets tho. No point in using anything else.
When the fuck do you use rope like buttons?
FC4 is super fun but it can get repetitive.
I don't know man, gameplay wise FC4 seemed the same for me as FC3, not much of a difference.
The entire game would have to be changed if partnering up with Pagan were an option. Especially with how much power the rebels have. My guess would be that the game would have to start with Pagan's empire crumbling and you would have to help restore balance or some shit
Did you play with a friend?
Now someone redpill me on the DLC to FC4 now that it's on sale.
Well there's your problem. Go make a friend and play it.
Why would I want to replay that shit game with someone? I already did it, and was deeply disappointed. Don't use your shitty fun with friends argument on me you fuckboy
So mechanically it's the same but you are propping up a dictator?
Okay, stay sad and alone. I'm off to have fun elsewhere.
>redpill me on video game
What does that even mean??
>dumb it down for me because I unable to think for me and want to conform to an internet forum by parroting their opinion. i.e I'm too beta to have my own thoughts and be an individual
Or if it's worth buying or not dunno
The rangoon is delicious. You should stick around to try it.
There are these little events that happen randomly in the game where there's some people round a fire. Sometimes one of them plays a flute. It's lovely.
Game's pretty boring apart from that.
If you want the canon ending, the game is only 15 minutes long.
It was more of the same but Far Cry is my guilty ubishit pleasure so I still had fun with it.Far Cry Primal though was just pure shit. They removed everything fun about Far Cry.
He was a bad guy and he knew it, the reason he wanted to catch Ajay so badly he knew that at the very least he could do a better job at ruling
you could defend them instead
We already have the defending shit in. It gets annoying.
A mechanically okay but insultingly unchallenging open-world shooter. 90% blatantly copy-pasted from FC3. Do NOT bother with 4 if you've already played 3.
They're just fancy buttons, you never tie the bottom button on a jacket
That was me and I did it ironically, because that is what these people expect. I figured the "hail" part would have been enough. But I was not joking about user being a thin-skinned pussy.