Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
what's wrong with this picture? seems like he had a better time with horizon zero dawn and uncharted 4
is that not a valid opinion?
That witcher 2 review makes me lose hope in humanity
No it's not, those games are shit and you're a stupid fanboy
>It's a fucking spic wallbuilder
>PS4 fans are fucking spic wallbuilders
Well according to some people on here its acceptable to give a game a 0 on metacritic to balance out the 10s
Who cares nintenbros?
Sonyggers will go back to their multiplats and PC ports, we'll get to enjoy nintendos latest (along with pcbros)
It's almost like
He made a account
Just to bash on it
And why is it allowed?
>You're not allowed to give bad scores to the games I like and good scores to the games I don't like
>why is all the normie shit popular?
If exclusives are so shit why do they keep making them checkmate
Of course it is, but a 0 for a game you don't like and a couples 10s for games you do like is clearly retarded bias.
*scratches head*
>3 ratings only
>by coincidence most shitposted games on Sup Forums currently
So you falseflag as Sony fan and post your own autism on Sup Forums OP?
It is almost like it was made just for (you).
At least he was nice enough to give it a 3 instead of a 0, might have just missclicked though
>24 years old
That's the most pathetic part.
Because people can make accounts however they see fit. Same happened with Bloodborne, MGSV, NMS, etc
>game he doesnt like
>its so fucking gay wow faggot game
>game he likes
>fucking epic story graphics and gameplay dudes! fucking epic!
You tell me?
Endless amount of Sonybros on metacritic
>Too many trees
>most people play something so you are not allowed to play your own games
>nintendo fan complain about graphics and framerate
Don't pretend like it's only sonybros.
Giving users anything but a "like/dislike" is useless because this is what happens.
really begins to turn the ol' crank
>play exclusive on [FAVORITE CONSOLE]
>rate 10/10, regardless of how much you liked it
>don't even play exclusive that is on [COMPETING CONSOLE]
>rate 0/10 based on 2 gifs and an upset comment you saw online of the game
Holy shit, Ninteno fans are salty.
I can't think of a more useless metric to measure anything than Metacritic user reviews. It's just console kiddies slinging 10s and 0s for stuff they like and don't like.
You can't even verify that they've played the fucking game!
they should just remove user scores on metacritic
at least Awoogirl gets it right.
It's on every side. Sour grapes etc. etc.
users who only give 0s or 10s should be automatically shadowbanned
>those usernames
Top kek.
PROTIP: If you're going to falseflag this hard, try not to be this obvious about it.
I hope that it is some obscure art performance commenting web culture and not actual autism.
Sonyggers everyone
>Color Splash
Thats disgusting, even for obvious shills
Gee what a completely inconspicuous name, I have no idea what other websites this fine individual must use.
odd numbers to use on metacritic
>10 for order 1886
top lel
metacritic was a mistake
turns out when you give random people on the internet a soapbox you get idiocy in return
who knew
Get over it. Soulsfags did the same shit to Nioh. It happens with literally ever major release.
Xbox kids are going to bomb Nier soon because it's not on Xbone for instance even though it's on PC.
What I'd like to know is why anyone has any faith in any metacritic score when the numbers are so easy to manipulate.
How dare someone have opinions
they're going ham
Only 1 or 3 scored games convince me that you guys just made those accounts for purpose of this thread.
The physics are light years ahead.
It doesn't really matter if it's good or not. It's a game from [my favorite developer], on [my favorite console].
I'd wager most metacritic regulars avoid 0s because it's obvious anti-shills. 5 is believable, at least.
Because it's not illegal
Nope, you can find people like this on every single popular game on metacritic. It's nothing new.
there's a difference between sharing an opinion and actively trying to bring something down because you're an autistic fanboy faggot
>Annoying soundtrack
that's why steam review a best thing
At this point userscores are more fucked than the "professional" outlets that never score a new AAA release below 75
0 comes out as assmad while 5 is just passive aggressive.
I get that people want to use scale from zero to ten but most still read the reviews on IGN scale of five to ten where everything under 7 is broken.
>steam reviews
They are always the same kind garbage
Its okay when Sony does it.
All metacritic has to do is remove tallying scores of people that give 10s and 0s in their logic. Easy
It's not just Sony vs Nintendo, either.
This, because you can see how much time was spent in the game. Sadly there's no way to prove it outside of steam. Maybe you should have to send in a photo of the game you review with a timestamp to prove you at least own it.
>1000+k hours
>Not reccomended
It was funny the first time but it's just fucking stupid now. The same with all the shitty "it's Skyrim but with X" ratings.
then people give 1s and 9s
People just don't score anything fairly. Any game of "their" company or exclusive to"their" console gets a max score, while exclusives of the competition get the lowest score.
You are invested in a children entertainment bizness, yes you will cross path with actual childs in this media.
Nothing to worry about.
I liked how the WiiU did it.
You could only rate games if you owned them and in Miiverse there was an icon next to your posts in a given game's community that indicated whether you actually own the game or not.
Imagine that on Sup Forums
I found someone who actually knows what's good and not.
>113 ratings
At least the sonyggers aren't as cancerous as this guy, who is your average nintoddler.
>" I can't recommend this game with all the bugs in its current state
>patch comes out and fixes their complaints
>"I still can't recommend this game, despite it's fixes. turns out I don't care for this genre of game."
I think the only valid way to judge whether a game is good or not with metacritic is to read average and low good. 5, 6 and 7s.
If a game isn't a broken mess like Superman 64, it's probably over 4, regardless of other shit.
It goes both ways, to bad there is no way to varify if the users actually played the game.
it's just as easy to give something a 10 as it is a 0
>Don't pretend like it's only sonybros.
there's 40 millions more of those shitters than the rest. so yeah, it's you in a large margin, not even debatable.
hey look op, we got the spammer there.
User reviews are really pathetic.
Fanboys are the worst.
this is deserved though, Horizon is by no means a good game. At all. It's shallow and archaic. the coat of high res texture can't even save simple dialogs emotes.