How badly would a new DMC try to pander to the Souls/Bloodborne demographic?

How badly would a new DMC try to pander to the Souls/Bloodborne demographic?

The whole 'hard as shit' angle was DMC's thing long before Demon's Souls ever came out so I doubt much would change

Souls is the new "le hard game" now though, it's the most mainstream "difficult game".

a horrible mess that will drive away the core audience forever, souls controls like ass while DMC is all about frame by frame timing

My point is that DMC doesn't have to go out of its way to pander to them, the most there would be is Capcom doing some heavy advertising schtick but in terms of how they design the games they could just do what they've always done, DMC3's original release earned its cred as arguably the hardest game of its time without any shilling, people just played it and got fucked

>a horrible mess that will drive away the core audience forever, souls controls like ass while DMC is all about frame by frame timing
Nobody said anything about outright copying Souls.

Nioh plays 10 times better than Souls and clearly still caters to that demographic. I hardly think a new DMC would have a stamina meter or some shit like that, possibly bloodstains though.

>Dante becomes a shirtless fag
and that's how I knew I would never buy another game in the franchise

what demographic?

people who grew up on demon's souls are now getting married and having kids.

>pander to the Souls/Bloodborne demographic

it doesn't have to, the formula for a perfect devil may cry game imo is DMC3 difficulty + DMC4 combat fluidity and character design + DmC level design = game of the decade

>people who grew up on demon's souls are now getting married and having kids.
What? People who "grew up" with Demon's Souls would be in their early 20's now.

i wouldn't mind it copying level design but combat should remain like dmc 4.

That would be fucking sick.

It wouldnt OP but well done on being able to link another completly irrelevant game to dark souls once again!

Remember if "x" is has the word "challanging" attached to it at all, don't forget to meme it up with something about Souls!!

>It wouldnt OP but well done on being able to link another completly irrelevant game to dark souls once again!
Dark Souls is the biggest new IP to come out of Japan in over a decade.

Like it or not, it has a massive influence on other games, for better or worse.

Sure user! Sure!

Thats why it is ok for anons who started with gaming with a 360 who only discovered Resident Evil Remake fo the first time ever in 2015 on steam to somehow come to the OBVIOUS conclusion, unironically that:

>hey guys? I might be on to something here, but, this setting and DIFFICULTY... Well... I-IS REMAKE T-THE DARKSOULS OF THE RESIDENT EVIL SERIES??!!!

Aparently the same goes for ocarina of time these days? We now compare a game from 1997 to all dark souls games because "muh sword and roll, who did souls like better" faggotry

Fuck off fuck off fuck off

You should learn to read you fucking idiot.

I never said I wanted Souls elements, I just come to expect them.

>five games

I understood you were sayig but im tired of seeing actual souls fags drone on and on about irrelevant shit, now we are going to as well?

Dark Souls is the biggest new IP to come out of Japan in over a decade.

Like it or not, it has a massive influence on other games, for better or worse.

WEIRD. Didn't influence

>resident Evil VII
>Yakuza 0
>zelda BOTW
>Tekken 7
>Persona 5

Just some of the japanese games not AT ALL tied to anything about souls that have not been influenced by souls.

But DMC is not Souls or Nioh...

Fuck, i don't even regard Nioh as a "souls game" the same way i don't call Silent Hill 3 a "resident evil" game

>a new DMC
Id sure love to see that

Let's call sonic a "mario game", and BoTW a "skyrim game"

No no BOTW is in a genre known as "MGSV: The Phantom Pain-Like"

You do realize that mentioning a bunch of games that weren't influenced doesn't really mean shit right?

I could sit here all day talking about Italian dishes that weren't influenced by Dark Souls.


HOLY SHIT! Great fucking thread Op, really outdone yourself.

>You do realize that mentioning a bunch of games that weren't influenced doesn't really mean shit right?
>mentions DmC

core gameplay is completely different
Souls-like level design would be interesting but ultimately unnecessary

DMC is a single-player Marvel simulator with linear levels, puss-puss punching bag enemies even on Son of Sparda, with the world's shittiest soundtrack, that maxed out it's design like a decade ago.
Souls an 18fps adventure game that has yet to hit it's stride in terms of combat polish and mechanics and is janky as fuck and 2deep4u.

Of all the games in both series, only DMC3 and BB are worth a fuck now.

There not even remotely similar.... I bet your that same retard that kept making threads complaining about nioh not playing like ninja gaiden.

What's that, an actual solid and well put together statement about a game on Sup Forums?

Good post user, you're a cool dude


I never fucking said DMC was like Souls though, just that it could be influenced by Souls. Just like how games like Watch Dogs were influenced by Souls with invasion mechanics.

Bad enough to make Dragon's Dogma.

>hard as shit

>DMC is a single-player Marvel simulator with linear levels

DMC1 was way more interconnected though. it didn't really have seperate paths but you very much explored a space like Resident Evil.

I played the original DMC when it was current and the only part I remember like that was jumping through a hole in the floor by a marionette in one of the first few levels. It was still uncommon in that game too probs

Im sorry user but no, you are just saying "hey! It could be influenced maybe!"


Resident Evil 2 remake is on its way soon, should i make threads asking "how do you think they will pander to aouls fags on this?"

Was RE6 also infuenced by souls for having a a mechanic where i could take part in another persons play through as an enemy?

Like how chrono trigger influenced MGSV with the "japanese creator" mechanic

>hard as shit
yeah Cerberus was kind of disheartening for the first five rounds, mostly due to the weird ass camera / hitbox

Because Capcom chases trends, if you hadn't notice. They literally said they made Resident Evil 6 for the Call of Duty audience and RE7 was clearly made to be good for streaming and let's players.

Capcom will literally take beloved franchise and inject popular elements in them because they think it will sell.

>[INSERT EVERY COMPANY EVER] will literally take beloved franchise and inject popular elements in them because they think it will sell

Capcom are worse than most though.

See: Umbrella Corps

They also took a full risk in Remastering REmake in HD 12 years after its exclusive release for modern platforms.

Thats not following a trend at all, THEN despite being told by action babbies that RE6 was one of the most sold games in Capcoms libraries ever, they compleltey trashed it in for RE VII


That's like saying Activision were bold to make a Prototype re-release. It's easy money.

How Bout you go play the original release of dmc3 and report back user

DmC > DMC1 > DMC4 > DMC3 > DMC2

>projecting this much insecurity

never got your dick wet, huh?

>Thats not following a trend at all, THEN despite being told by action babbies that RE6 was one of the most sold games in Capcoms libraries ever, they compleltey trashed it in for RE VII
RE6 was actually a failure for Capcom because it was so insanely expensive to make.


I note how you ignored the other point about RE6.

ANYWAY user There IS a coat involved in taking a 12 year old game on its own (not as part of some old skool triple pack) and not just HD'ing it but remastering it too. For an aparently "dead outdated unplayable by modern standards" genre that happend to be one of the top selling PSN games btw

That's a pretty bad joke m8

>RE6 was actually a failure for Capcom


riddle me this
why does DMC3+ Dante take his shirt off?
Why does the writing seem like something straight off a MLP fanfiction blog?
I could watch 100 hours of hardcore gay porn and it would still be less gay than DMC3.

It punishes you for losing but it isn't hard at all

Am I the only one who has always fucking loathed this promotional image of Dante?

He looks like the biggest chucklefuck retard with that chin.

This. But don't expect anything more than a butthurt and quiet reply of "he's f-fun." From DMC3 fags.

The point stands, he is in a trench coat, is DYEL, wears no shirt anyway and thinks hair in his eyes emo hairstyle is cool.

I dont care if t intentional hes a fag

Can we get a DMC that mixes the best of both 3 and 4, lets us play as Lady, Trish, Nero, Virgil and Dante, all in new levels with new bosses and enemies please?

Just imagine Nero in DMC5 this time with new styles and weapons to use. The possibilities are endless. No instead we got fucking Donte May Cry instead.

I am fucking mad.

If they pandered to me by having a fucking decent camera control and some actual level design, then I'd be happy.

That many characters would just dilute the movepool and never work.

I've always found Trish boring as fuck. All the DMC girls are kinda subpar but Trish is the only one that's outright shit. Her story in 1 always reeked of awkward director cuts and now she just feels loosely tacked onto the franchise with no other reason for being there other than just sorta existing

You are not alone, but amoung vocal die hard DMC fans you are in the minority.

They all think DMC3 dante is the greatest vidya protag ever fucking desinged or written.

You can picture them in the mid 2000's, emo hair and fingerless gloves, maybe even a fucking lip ring watching Dante WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO YU-HUHHHHHHHHHHHHH for the first time and them thinking to themselves "b-badass!"

Whilst the rest of us enjoyed a decent action game but laughed off Dante as what "those weird emo and metal kids actually wanted to be irl"

Be more precise plz.

DMC4 was perfect

>great artistic direction
>great soundtrack
>great gameplay
>cute boy as main character

What else can you ask for

>doesnt even deny being a Sup Forumsirgin


hes literally ottermode

back then:
ottermode + emo hair = girls sucking your cock

stop being so butthurt over this. dante is not made to be taken seriously, this is some fucking turbo autism or some shit, fuck me.

>doesnt even deny being a Sup Forumsirgin
maybe because that's because I'm not an insecure fag like you

a sequel

to be fair, I thought DMC3's normal mode was hard as fuck, but I was in 3rd grade back then so I'm not sure.

Woah you are mad.

back then:
>ottermode + emo hair = girls sucking your cock

You forget the other thing that happened: Chavs. Fuck chav bitches anyway, but wether swole ass or skinny beat the fuck out of any emo kid and OCASIONALLY got that emo girl dick suck too.

sure thing bud. i'm the guy complaining over someone losing their shirt in a game kek

im not from the UK, never had any issues with chavs

when DMC3 came out even jocks used fucking hair straighteners to get that emo hair. it was back then what the undercut/hipster cut is nowadays.

im not talking about makeup and wearing chains and all that cringy shit.

got it
defending shirtless guys
totally not gay

>level designs that can actually keep me awake for more than 10 minutes at a time
>better designed enemies that don't fall into the two categories of A: hapless punching bag and B: dodge away from it and wait for the vulnerable moment
>none of that GoW grappling shit. It was a mistake and the meme that it was somehow a radical technological innovation was a fucking lie capcom. It has no place in a DMC game.
>more than 3 good boss fights (seriously, berial dante and credo are the only good ones)
>a less convoluted setting that doesn't shoot itself in the foot with plotholes trying to maintain a veneer of depth

> Not secure enough to 'preace a killer bod

Fag alert!!

>when DMC3 came out even jocks used fucking hair straighteners to get that emo hair. it was back then what the undercut/hipster cut is nowadays

Im the user you were replying too. Jesus chris... Maybe that was an american thing only then. We had a clear devide of social gropus and for some reason that was chavs and emos.

No joke though, looking back, Emo girls were the cute sensitive ones. Chav girls were mostly hard nosed bitches that didnt give a heck.

>he doesn't like shirtless twinks

Why do you even play japanese games?

it probably was. im not even american but i lived there for a year from 2006 to 2007

Please no.

DMC3 Dante never puts his shirt on. The game begins right as he's getting out of the shower.

Too bad that as good as that haircut looks in the video game, it's just as bad in real life.

>on the box his hair is some slick shit
>our more edgy twin is at least more aesthetic
>in game
>slick back is some sonic the hedgehog hair type shit


I can see the marketing for DMC5 right now-

Capcom will make it happen.

Itsuno would never do that, and Capcom isn't holding Itsuno hostage, he gets to do whatever he want for his projects.

>Oldest incarnation of Dante.
>Writing is typical 90/00's engrish.
>Still managed to age the absolute best in terms of style.

Really makes you ponder.