How do you feel about midget races in videogames?

How do you feel about midget races in videogames?

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I wanna fuck 'em.

I feel horny.

They exist to be bullied

Dworfs are great.
Halfling and Hobbits are just shit.
Goblins are also shit but kobolds are great.

>midget races
They're too short

Dwarfs are great


where's the pun nigger
apply yourself

>Draw a child

>Call it an 1,000 year old midget

Been playing FFXI since early 2004.

My doujin folder is complete.


short race

Perfect for kicking.

confused. Most data shows they are the least used and it's almost like they are there just to have a child/midget.

I like the ones that aren't lolis.

They're trash

"cute not pedo" bait

Only if they're cute

Is English not your first language?

why would you marry a potato?

If they're flat it confuses the ever loving fuck out of me, even though I know it technically makes sense.

If they're stacked, it makes my boner all happy inside.

Is that his dick?

It can't be yours if you're still this confused over a fucking play on words you retarded shitskin.

Midget races with adult features are the best. Midget races with child features but 'oh its ok she's actually 2,000 years old so it's fine' are for Actual Pedophiles.

There is no play on words in any of what you said dumbass. What kind of backward ass language did you translate it from? Kill yourself you literal nigger.

No. She is hugging his dong

They're okay.

Dude just stop. The pun was clear as day. I'm not even the dude who wrote it.

>tfw 7 year old third cousin just casually walks up and hold my hand then tells me she loves me

I don't want her to grow up

Most of them exist to be legal loli's, and that's enough to put me off them

You can't just throw two words together and call it a pun you fucking retard.

I just like shortstacks.

>pun nigger
Is that a nigger who makes puns? With that level of grammar you're unlikely to even understand puns.

I think he was going for "race" as in "a ten-lap race," which would be a "short race."

Still retarded.

Nobody calls a race that is short a 'short race.' You can't just throw two words together and call it a pun.

why aren't midget races a thing? anything midgets do is funny but watching them run around a track would be gold

something something evil pigs

They're despicable. What kind of monster would race midgets

They are called pygmies moron.

I'm not disagreeing about the pun, but "short race" makes sense as a term.

Also used as a phrase to describe hard times, like in Wu-Tang clan:

Still a terrible attempt at a Carlos moment, though.

>tfw realizing I only read the first sentence of any Sup Forums post

You owe me a coffee and monitor cleaning

The best thing about lalafell is that Tataru is the only one in the game that sounds like you would expect them to sound.

then we get a ton of hilarious shit like this.

Diversity gone mad

>They're despicable. What kind of monster would race midgets

End it all. It's over. close the thread. I'm done.

>literally too retarded to call someone a moron

>people are sexually aroused to tiny green wicked witches of the east


Cute, usually OP.

IRL midgets have giant tits though. Have you never seen a midget in your life?


You're damn right.

granny fucker

But ever since picking up FFXIV about half a year ago, I have an intense desire to be balls-deep inside one of those onahole-folk.

Momodi's taken bigger cocks than yours fuccboi

Pedo bait. That's why I don't watch anime, and play FF.

Lalafells are an unholy abominations that should be purged.
Why am I aroused by them?

They should be exterminated

feels bad because i'm a manlet myself

because they are all smug cunts

lalathighs is why
you could literally just pick one up and use it like a fucktoy


Better than nigger races to be honest

Should be 500% exaggerated.

>talking shit about redguards
fuck off underage





That entire set is good shit.

They have their charm.

link it

Post it fag


should've said shortcomings

This teenager has never heard of short races.




A slutty shota disco dancer with furry ears? Can we have such a thing?

>you said dumbass
But he didn't, though.

Are.. are you retarded?

You mean goblins? Well I mean it's not like they HAVE to be ugly or old

Two words man.

Standing Blowjob.

No, just a grammar nazi. So I guess yeah.

yep it's cute

>tfw had green fever ever since goblins were put into WoW
It's gonna take a high bishop to cure me of this degeneracy.

I'm misusing semicolons; and there's nothing about which you can do.

I might have to get this game now.

It's OK if you do it ironically. Retarded, but OK.

>goblin chromie will never massage your dick with her short stack breasts as she sits on on your lap

Who said I'm using it ironically? I skipped the grade where they taught us about independent clauses; I never really learned when a semicolon is appropriate over a coma or a full stop.

Don't jockeys already race for our amusement?

>those weird squat little hips

Why does my penis want shortstack so much?

its a mystery