Wow, they had to cheap out the plastics to achieve 300$. Flimsy as fuck.
Wow, they had to cheap out the plastics to achieve 300$. Flimsy as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
>putting superglue on your finger to slander nintendo
the jealousy is real
>There are people on Sup Forums right now who have spent $300 US DOLLARS on this piece of trash
Send it back. I wouldn't have kept that shit.
I just got a surprise $350 bonus from work on Wednesday and I still couldn't find the desire to buy one.
Wow. I can't believe that a few units of a new product out of 2,000,000 might have some imperfections.
This is really a shocking discovery and surely will be the downfall of Nintendo
You have a single fact to back that up?
>Not being able to spend $300 on whatever the fuck you want
What's it like being poor?
So so
Pretty good desu.
He just posted a video of him breaking it on the internet.
No refund for this goy.
spent over $550 I regret nothing
>h-he didn't spend $300 on a shitty console with only game being available on other platform with minor differences
You sound like some kid who gets new toys just for bragging rights.
nice gif user
im sure the child laborer in their RMA department doesnt care
>buying a console on launch
>buying a Nintendo console on launch when the only game aviable is a single player game
>buying a Nintendo console on launch, hoping for third party titles
You will in a year
What were you expecting, high end construction on a low end product?
This shit is my pet hate when it comes to controllers. Like every playstation controller (except the PS4, which is good) is unbearable to me because of the way the plastic gives and squeaks when you give it the slightest squeeze. Makes it feel like the cheapest shit, like you could just pry it apart. Nintendo controllers normally feel pretty nice and solid, it's a shame if they've cheaped out.
>$300 1,2,Switch machine
Okay? Did you expect any less?
Get a Nacon Revolution.
Still gonna drop $800 Canuck bucks on it.
That's GDQ
>Going into full denial to save face.
Nintendrone damage control is real.
fucking kek user got me
Is this autism?
No, its a guy trying to go around the projector without getting in the way of it.
You betcha
>All these people buying the first shitty edition of the Switch.
>mfw I'm gonna pick up a Wii U on the cheap and play BotW and all the worthwhile exclusives I missed.
>tfw Switch looks like a chink tablet that could break by simply sliding off the joycons and smashing on the ground
>tfw SNES was actually a murder weapon as you could break skulls with it and it would be fine
What happened to nintendium?
He's obviously a spy of the lizard-people getting used to his new, human body. He is infiltrating our intellectual elite.
You have provided me yet another hearty kek on this fine evening, Nintnedrone, haha!
-t. PC Master Race
My n3ds has the same issue.
>not waiting for the New Nintendo Switch
This abomination is the worst thing to ever come from this board which is pretty Impressie considering gamer gate
It's not really from this board. I know a lot of people steal Sup Forums stuff and claim it as their own, but we really didn't invent Switch doggo.
Yes, it's a guy doing crash bandicoot idle animations
I'm pretty sure the switch doge was created in one of the console tan threads when anons were throwing around ideas for the switch tan. I'm surprised to see anything come from it though, it was one of the rejected designs.
>to achieve 300$
There's no way that thing cost more that $200 to produce. Nintendo are turbo-jews.
>Bragging about playing shit 5 years after everyone else
>Bragging about being cheap and saving a fraction of the price
>Bragging about not actually supporting the industry you claim to love
>tfw trying to figure out how to get past invisible wall
We've all been there
This is one of the worst console launches of all time
(Key word "one" for you b8 eating faggots)
I like the PS4 controller though, it's the 3 that came before it that suck shit.
>Expecting sony quality electrical good from a toy company
Test after launch update. This is getting better and better every minute, by tomorrow I expect a hueg factory recall.
It's actually a little astounding how ignorant you are.
It's a fucking 6 inch tablet that plays current gen console games for $300.
That's fucking insane tech. If it was to have more power, battery etc and the thing would end up costing $500+ you'd be shitposting just as much
I literally just made £136,020 and i'm not buying this shit
>not bragging about every hard earn shekkel saved from the jews who run this garbage industry
>It's a fucking 6 inch tablet that plays current gen console games for $30
what games?
>current gen console games
What console games ? Because it couldnt run any AAA ps4 game so... did you mean to say "last gen console games" as in the poster child for this mobile ship heap skyrim ?
I want underage to leave
Not gonna lie, former Nintendo buyer here. This is fucking hilarious watching Nintendo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this goy get the Metacritic votes.
>industry that i claim to love
nigger the industry has been dead for a decade. YOU are the one killing it not i
And once the new Mario comes out they'll probably have a bundle for 200...and still no need to pay online fees since MK and Smash is also on the U
It's getting DQ Heroes 2, DB Xenoverse 2 and DQ XI. PS4 games.
They might be downgraded a little sure but running it on what is essentially a fucking 6 inch tablet is wizardry for $300.
>current gen
>It's a fucking 6 inch tablet that plays current gen console games for $300.
When they release one, call me
Should be fine unless you are in an IKEA commercial
Smash tourney sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline
>driving the industry into another crash
well done!
That screen prob cost nintendo like $10, $50 for GPU, 15 for battery, etc.
Sony and M$ had to break even/lose money to compete in the console market. Nintendo should have to as well and sell this thing for $200.
You mean Super Nintendo Switch
actually, I'm pretty sure Cuteosphere on tumblr invented the Switch doggo
i had the same problem with the wiiu, I literally bought it just to play one game, sm4sh, and then i took it home and the update pushed the game over the HDD space.
Underrated post
This was made Oct 20, literally the same day as the Switch reveal trailer
This gif is more interesting than vast majority of threads and posts on Sup Forums
Please dont forget me
>running it on what is essentially a fucking 6 inch tablet is wizardry for $300.
Maybe 3 years ago.
Switch is essentially a Nintendo Shield.
Clearly, the industry doesn't love me back.
Can't wait for the scalpers to return their Switches, and read the cataclysmic articles.
>current gen
No it doesn't.
Please delete this friend, you are only giving ammo to the sonnyggers.
>Xenoverse 2 and DQ XI aren't current gen
Fucked around with my Switch for a few hours. Neat, but the price should've been $250 or a little less.
Zelda's graphics seem to be a quarter between 360 and Xbone. The frame drops are really bad, though.
Is there anyway to have my Switch's audio go to my sound bar? There's no optical cable on the dock. If not then I'm really disappointed.
Those are fucking weak on the consoles they're on.
The Shield stream games on a screen. The Switch is it's own power source for graphics.
The Vita can stream PS4 games too, but it cant run them.
>Those don't count!
other way around. this place has always stolen shit and claimed it as its own. Moetron, Waha, etc.
no it just runs tearaway and killzone
This. Along with I'll either pirate Zelda on cemu or just never play it. I skipped the last two anyway. There's better franchises.
hopefully u should have an audio out of your TV that can go to the sound bar.
ya know, the usual way you use a sound bar....
not even the good crash from the looks of it.
Those games run on toasters
Is this an actual game?
Being weak doesn't stop them from being current gen.
Nobody is claiming the switch isn't a weaker PS4. It's pretty obvious WHY it's a weaker PS4. But to straight up deny switch is getting and will continue to get current gen games is delusional and frankly a little pathetic.
Could you play TW3 on it, nah.
glad I got the current gen Mega man collection on my ps4!
I hook my PS4 and PC directly to my sound bar. How do I do it without the optical port?
nigger fuck OFF
its weaker than a 360 just like the wii u was
>People unironically beleive this