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So which ones will get into scandals, fail after graduation and suck dick for popularity poll rigging and PVs?

HQ battle levequests when?

I recently just started playing FF14 on PS4, I made a fat blue Gladiator starting in Ul'Dah and kind of enjoying it.

Any tips for a new player?

I've not done any dungeons yet, and I've been basically going through all the story quests. I've just got done with the Royal Reception Ball and got my pilot's license to fly anywhere, so I'm hoping the new locations are good as the desert one was pretty good.

here's hot tip: when you feel like MQS is getting boring just remember: there is like 300+ quests for you to do, so get grinding goy.
level DOL\DOH at least to 30 and start turning in shit for GC
Find some goy and sell your refferal to him for several millions to get some money.
Get some money for fantsia, if you're planning on playing seriously then you need to fantasia at least twice : to cat and to something else.


Follow that or you'll miss a lot of shit as you go along.

>being anything other than c@ slut

I'm guessing MQS is Main Quest Story? I've been doing sidequests outside the main story already anyway whenever I see them.

Also, DOL and DOH is the gathering and crafting of the land and hand right? I need to start working on these as I haven't even touched them yet.

I have no idea what Fantsia is though.

Cheers user. This is all the content that is locked behind level then? Looks pretty good, do I need to stop everything and look in to each thing or can I simply focus on levelling to cap and then go back to them, or will it ruin the experience?

Can you exchange tokens back to tomestones or did I just mess up big time by thinking that they would be a good way to store my shit

That guide only goes up to 50 but by then you'll have a grasp on what you need to do and the game won't have nearly as many things to throw at you.

You'll want to unlock any dungeons asap, especially the first 2 since they unlock the daily dungeon roulette which is a big boost to exp. Basically, things related to combat should be a priority, things not related to combat can wait.

You fucked up.

Yes, this is for you

oh well.

fuck them for writing that they are exchanged for tomes in the item description

The mooncats

Funnily enough I have that same hairstyle.

Fantasia lets you change your appearance.

Thanks but no thanks, I'm not interested in degeneracy.

t. Al-be-erdi

MSQ\MQL or whatever they call it - yes, main story. Everything is locked behind completing main story and you simply cannot go to addon areas untill you complete all of lvl 50 story.

DOL and DOH are crafters and gatherers, if you plan on leveling them to max lvl then you should get some levels by any means first and then just do grand company supply turn-ins: they give 10% of max exp for every turn in, double for HQ items and double for "hot" items, getting 40% of a level with one item is no joke. Expecially after 50 when leves are shit, but before that doing tradecraft leve is easiest and fastest way to level them.

Fantasia is real money shop item that lets you change your character's looks.

If you want to play tank then you need to level PLD\GLA to level 22 regardless of what tank you choose.

Flames are literally the worst...but damn i want their mage gear so much...but i think it's stupid to reroll, right?

Keep hearing about these 'leves' where do I find or start them and what exactly are they? For example if I wanted to do crafting/gathering ones where are they located?

Why not just change GC? It's 50k gil to change

>join duty
>see the group
>4th name is Uzumaki Kirito
>heterochromia, cat, with the faggy hair

and my friends think im exaggerating when I'm describing what kind of faggots play this game

My bad

just a little more information, some leves are really fucking chore to do and makes your leveling longer actually, even if you go to +4

however, they are wonderful to level gather/crafter

Leves are like mini mission that tell you, kill X enemy, or protect X item from being deatroyed.
DoL/DoH leves are all.about make X stuff or gather X stuff in 20 mins, if you bring back HQ versions of the item requested they double or triple the XP gained


Then i will lose adders dressup and Uldah is deserted as fuck. Don't know, maybe im worrying for nothing...

Leves are sort of repeatable quests: first you unlock them through main quest line on lvl 10 and they teach it to you(at least that's how i remember it).
In every adventurer's guld (tavern in every city) and in every zone's camp (sometimes in several camps in one zone) there will be guys named "levemete" - you do some quick task for them and they unlock leves for you.

You get 16 leve allovances per day (you can only take 16 of those every day) with a total buffer of 99. There are 3 types of leve: battle, gather and craft.
Battle: take leve, go to location, kill\collect stuff from the ground, complete
gather: go to designated gathering street and gather shit, some leve operate on score while others on just fact of completion
Craft: just bring items to NPC, you can just buy them, HQ items will make leve give twice as much exp

With some exception battle leves are meh, but gather and craft are easiest and fastest way to level profs. Don't let your leve allowance sit at 99 user.

This relic is so cool.
Shame about the job though.

>wanting to betray the SeedSeer

you don't deserve to be a snek


I love the characters face, he's literally dead inside from all the grinding

Light step was the worst because I had to actually play PLD.

>second week in a row
fuck you stupid cat

If you decide to stick with Gladiator, remember that tanking as a low level gladiator fucking sucks for a while when the MSQ pushes you into dungeons. When you go to pull groups, spam flash like a motherfucker or monsters will be running all over the place and your healer will hate you. Flash is the only tool you have for AoE hate until way, way later, and it doesn't work very well until you get shield oath (also way later). If you think you've flashed enough, flash one more time.


Use shield lob first, then run into the pack and spam flash two or three times. Then focus on the main enemy threat with your combo, occaisionally rotating through the other enemies if you see them taking damage. It's not too bad; you'll mostly only have to worry about thaumaturges aoe's stealing emnity early on.

battle stance for pld when?


They making PLD more of a steel wall

...PLD will dual wield shields?

I'm guessing PLD will finally be able to block magic

How do we fix the economy?

Make it so that your item gets additional tax depending how much it undercuts to the next highest entry. You won't get told how much tax will be added and yo can't check it on the MB. Only buyers who don't own the retainer will when they try to buy it. Maybe the tax then will be so high that the next item is a cheaper option. Also those taxes should be neutral. You'll still have to pay if you buy in Limsa from a Limsa retainer.

I want them to embrace PLD as an off-healer
>reduce clemency mana cost
>add a (good) aoe heal
>remove divine veil heal requirement
>heal on damage effect


People would manipulate it to forcefully increase the prices to gil-buyer-tier levels, making the economy worse than your typical korean MMO.
Undercutting is part of the supply/demand balance, it's not like there is a magical way to prevent it (other than forcing everyone to sell the specific item for the same price).


You know the only reason they want it is because they need a "L-L-L-L-LEWD" ERP faggotry job.


really makes you think.



is there a SMN flowchart?

Whats responsible for direct x crashes? Graphics card or software?

Most likely a driver issue or dx installation got fucked, but if you want to be sure, run a few benchmark tests with dx and opengl.
Try new windows installation just to be sure as well, also redownload eveeything after you fresh install windows

Since we are all so looking forward to finally liberating Ala Mhigo the most, what is the 2nd most thing we are looking forward to?

Liberating Othard obviously

Speech bubbles

Is that Race Bannon?

He looks ready to eliminate some heathen Garlean monkeys.

Yea...but...Muffy hat vs DoM sultanate clothes...can't decide...

Could be either.

I had DX problems and crashes with my GTX 660 that was passed through to a Windows VM running the game. So I just switched the 660 and the 770 so that the 660 runs the host OS instead while the 770 ran the VM. Solved every DX issue I had with the game and gave better performance anyway, so win win.

Though it can be a software issue as well. That's probably the more likely culprit. I'd reinstall Direct X or in worst case scenario when you feel you've tried everything: Just reinstall Windows as a whole.

>Liberating Mhiggers

Direct x crashes are common in XIV. Seems to be something in their end.

>with my GTX 660

I'm running it on that card

>Sophia Ex through raidfinder
>be BRD
>there's another BRD with 175 relic
>they seem to be premades
>kill Sophia with ease
>BRD bow drops
>I roll a 78 on it
>everyone else doesn't roll at all
>they wait it out so that I simply leave
>wait too
>BRD finally rolls around 30 seconds
>others don't and time runs out
>other BRD rolled a 61
>leave and got 7 commendations
>probably given to me before they checked the loot

Maybe it's a issue with the card. I think my error was 1100002. As mentioned I'd recommend reinstalling DX.

Also I do believe it was solved by going DX9 mode instead of DX11, though I personally didn't want to play in DX9 mode.

Can't they just pass?

I like bara, picked roe, have the same hairstyle and clothes

what the fuck is this

I stopped playing over a year ago I think. Is it worth it for me to get back now or should I just wait for the next xpac?

I quit the same week Alex released so I guess that's the last I did.

It prevents giving loot before the time runs out in case their BRD rolls low. They wanted me to simply give up out of boredom waiting for the loot.
They never asked at one point if their BRD could have it either. Could even report them for stalling.

You're part of a very specific and predictable demographic.

>click on /xivg/

Do they even play the game anymore? What a frightening place.

a Sup Forums browser?

We like cats.

They're full of furfags. Literally that one image where those two fat guys are erping to each other in furfag speak.

Are you guys looking forward to the skill pruning? Doesn't seem that many people are against it.

Recently returned the game.

After I'm done with the main quest and leveling my main class to 60, I want to level up my Miner.

I saw that there's large scale levequests, is it more efficient to do those or to do the small levequests to level up my mining?

Seriously tho, what's you opinion on dressup of those two?

Do both, and cry along with the rest of us that are leveling gathering classes

im very against it, my favoutire part of xiv is when my level synchs down and my hotbars become unusable because im DoM.

Do collectibles.
Then do levequests between collectible windows.

Just submit HQ to GC everyday.

>leveling any kind of gathering/crafting class

Kinda. It would mean that they're not only looking at new skills for each job, but also going back and looking at old skills to see what needs improving. As a BLM I'm hoping they do something with freeze and thunder II, maybe even surecast. Sleep too, probably, since at some point everything becomes immune to it.
>it's a pvp skill!
Then put it in that pvp skill menu with all the others.

Normal leves give you more xp for the same amount of allowances, large leves are basically for when you have an abundance of allowances to spend.

Generally aim for collectables and GC hand-ins, and then levequest in between those.

SCH will probably lose aero and blizzard 2 but since we are getting new spells I expect to get a replacement.
Also Summon III

skill pruning has never been a good thing in any MMORPG that has ever carried it out

But XIV has a lot of garbage skills since XIV rotations are rigid as fuck, so this might actually work out

No, /xivg/ is literally just grown men playing pretend with their virtual dolls.

I gotta ask, how do you deal with so many skills?

I don't mind the amount of skills, but I don't know any proper bindings or ways to switch from one bar and back to the previous one with ease.

>nipponland will get estates and apartments
>Ishgard still doesn't have comfy snow homes and comfy apartments
>you will never relax in your apartment, with the view of the window having snow and shit

yoshida pls

Reminder that YoshiPro said fem mooncat would be the best choice for canon WoL

>>you will never relax in your apartment, with the view of the window having snow and shit
32bit limitations, please understand

SCH, AST and WHM. I want to get a new anima for one of them. I love to use all of them but not sure which one should I get it for.

but I don't want to be considered a furfag.

Thank god you aren't playing some other mmo, then?

Keybinds and macros.

Flip a coin between SCH and AST

I have all my skills tied to 1-6, a few letter keys, and my 3 mouse buttons on one bar, then I have the next bar as CTRL + those buttons, and the next as ALT + those buttons.

3 hotbars: 1-5, shitf+1-5, alt+1-5
I click on my buffs.

Can I see your bars?

>have 35 potsherds and 203 lootbags


Why did they choose a generic midlander then? I know it's a 1.0 thing but I hate it when everything needs to have a "relatable/self-insert" and it's a boring male every man.

>I click on my buffs