Will it be good?

Will it be good?

No fuck off

I think it will be above average but Sup Forums will call it shit if that means anything.

Yes fuck off

Yes they look so cute


The genre died for a good reason.

Show me that good reason

I thought it was released a while ago, when is it supposed to come out?

It honestly looks like it may have potential, but of course everything on Sup Forums is automatically garbage tier unless it's Zelda or Bloodborne.


It's going to be GOTY for me I think.
Collectathon 3D adventure platformers are my favourite genre. I hope they don't fuck it up.

Slam dunk GOTY.

And here comes the hype wave as soon as BOTW is finally out of swing. I wonder if this will land much of the disappointment that was emptyworld, rehashed skins and "dungeons" that is BOTW?

It will be a meme game.

I've realized that if Sup Forums thinks a game is shit is usually pretty good, the same is true for the opposite as well. Sup Forums has shit taste.

>Inb4 Sup Forums is one person hurt durr
I know it's not, it's called a consensus.

>bat ship CRAZY
What a nice joke
Also I want this game

Will eating shit be good?

nothing said by the majority of people here should be taken seriously it's mostly all shitposting and low effort posting

dont die

I hope so, only thing I REALLY want to play this year. Toyboy looked good.

The bat is ugly.

Laylee is very cute.

that is an unaccurate porn image portraying her cuter and sexier than she is. laylee is ugly

Laylee isn't ugly, she just has a funny face.

They look like lifeless lumps of plastic.

>bat ship crazy
Is that a MGR ref?

> its female so it has to be pretty

No, not really.

I hope so...I honestly miss era of 3D platformers...
>Sly 5

It's furshit, Sup Forums will eat it up no matter how terrible it is

>Porn gets made of cute animals
Game has no appeal to furfags at all. If it was that way, they would be a fox and a dragon because those are the most popular furshit things.

Well..Yooka and laylee are anthropomorphic animals

The game is still e10 at worst.

>anthropomorphic animals

This just in folks, Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot are furshit

You don't need to be a furry to like these kind of fictional animals

I saw a gameplay video the other day about them in a casino level and it was bland as fuck

I'm well aware, I'm just pointing out how retarded it is to call every anthropomorphic character furshit

No, it's made in Unity. Expect the same buggy physics and framerate drops all Unity games have.

I think it is kinda furshit like it or not because a furry is a person who is an enthusiast for animal characters with human traits

Astrox doesn't have any of those things.