Would it be okay to play MGSV without having played any other Metal Gear Solid games? I've always been interested in the franchise but never owned a playstation console, and this is the only one on PC.
Metal Gear Solid V
the story is dogshit anyway so just play it
You can play it. I wouldn't recommend it
You can play every MGS on PC except for 4. But play V anyway, has almost nothing to do with the story of the other games.
You're going to miss some nuances in the story, but the gameplay is top notch
How could I play the first three, emulators?
You will not understand jack shit what's happening and who those people are, as the story progresses linearly in the series and expands with each title. Also, MGS5 is a seriously unfinished game with no ending.
Seriously, at least emulate MGS1 first. If you dig it, get PS3 + Legacy Collection. Totally worth it.
i was in the same boat as you were, i played it at release without ever playing a MGS game.
It was al very fucking weird, like, japan-weird.
Dont expect a shooter/stealth game that makes sense.
If you don't mind that then it's a good game with fun base-raiding gameplay.
In the same boat as you, heard that that the main plot itself is easy to understand and enjoy without any prior knowledge, but that having played MGS3 adds a lot since this takes place right after it or something like that.
I'm going to try and emulate the other games myself, and probably watch a playthrough of 4 before I play this one.
>Should I start with the 9th game?
don't play the ports. Play twin snakes simply because it runs way better than ps1 emulators. and it's pretty much just better looking anyway.
MGS1 and 2 even got legit PC ports, but they may not work (right) on modern machines. PS2 MGS games are amongst the hardest to emulate right though, and you WILL need a Dual shock 2 / 3 or SixAxis controller, as these are some of the few games to fully utilize their pressure-sensitive face keys in normal gameplay, extensively.
I'd be much less of a hassle to just grab a cheap, used PS3 bundle instead. Then look up either the HD collection + buy 1 and 4 separately, or get the MGS Legacy Collection for the whole canon series.
Play in release order. That is a requirement in MGS.
>Play twin snakes simply because it runs way better than ps1 emulators
The fuck it does! Also, TTS is awful remake of the original, inferior in literally in every single way.
>inb4 nostalgia goggles
played the whole saga for the first time in 2012. I'm no old Sonygger.
>People accept Rising canon
over Portable Ops
1 and 2 were ported to PC ackacktually
2's port is horrible though
>no ghost babel
it's a really good game, despite retarded Sup Forumsirgins shitposting about "muh cut chapter 3" (which never existed, by the way).
just don't expect to get anything out of the story, it's boring on it's own and requires you to be somewhat familiar with the lore and Kojima's insane allegories.
there's nothing conflicting about MGR's canonity, as it takes place long after MGS4.
MGS5 is one of those games that has fine gameplay, but purely in controls-wise, also great visuals, but that's about it. It's a total husk of what could've been a total game of the decade, ruined further by Jewnami's greed and laziness.
It will literally leave you with a "phantom pain", since you constantly feel like something's missing. Too much filler padding too.
I would argue that rising would be better played after mgs4 and before pw, since rising ties directly with 4 and pw ties directly with V
I played my first game last year. Calm down friendo.
As far as i'm aware twin snakes added a couple of zany extra cut scenes and that's it. Plays fine.
>inferior in literally in every single way.
except it emulates better and looks better. No need to shitpost
no, the gameplay in MGSV was great all around
>As far as i'm aware twin snakes added a couple of zany extra cut scenes and that's it. Plays fine.
Nope. It's a total clusterfuck in every way:
-You start with maximum HP and ammo cap, instead of "leveling up" after each boss fight.
-the new voice acting and soundtrack suck.
-the new localization sucks ass, and is pretty much direct Jap-to-English shit now.
-The MGS2 controls and moves, in unaltered MGS1 environments and enemy placements = the game becomes piss easy. The bossfights took the biggest hit, since you can now simply snipe them with your handgun.
-The added Dogtag collecting has no purpose at all, unlike in MGS2.
-The cutscenes are way too fucking crazy, being filled with 5 meter 360 double backflips and Matrix slowmotion. Oh, and tons of added "humor", which just ruins the characters and mood.
-To be honest? The Twin Snakes also looks fugly. Everything's just gray and cyan now, ruining the cold and dark industrial mood the original has. And the 3D models look waxy.
>it emulates better
the hell are you smoking? I've been emulating MGS1 for over 10 years just fine on ePSXe!
meanwhile, you need notably better PC to even run Dolphin.
I know "it's suposed to suck" is a meme here. but really, considering Kojima's precedent, would it be insane to think the "phantom pain" you fell is part of the point?
>unironically playing TTS
Its logo still disappears when you shine the light on it in Ground Zeroes and Miller doesn't recognize it. Not canon.
Gameplay is top tier
>no, the gameplay in MGSV was great all around
The endless menu surfing and the map-design (too much fucking emptiness) are far from great. Yes, there's more to "gameplay" than just controls.
As much as "it's supposed to suck" thing has come to be connected with MGS to a degree (MGS2 is well known for that), in V's case, it's clearly a result of rushed release, and lazy post-release padding added on top of missing content.
>Would it be okay to play MGSV without having played any other Metal Gear Solid games?
Sure. That's what I did.
Well, actually I started with Ground Zeroes, which is basically a prologue to MGSV and pretty much mandatory to play first.
You're confusing gameplay and controls. Gameplay was repetitive go here, blow this up or capture this guy.
>except it emulates better and looks better.
MGS1 emulates just perfectly. The fuck you smoking kid? Twin Snakes looks like shit even for a GC game. And it SOUNDS totally awful compared to MGS1.
>Yes, there's more to "gameplay" than just controls.
okay? Controls are still an important part of a shooter.
>Gameplay was repetitive
nope! tons of shit to mess around with and freedom of infiltration! Mix it up a little. You're confusing gameplay with story
i still haven't finished either peace walker and MGSV: TPP
i guess base management stuff isn't for me.
...well, here's the thing:
You can. Nobody can stop you.
However, that would be really, REALLY not recommended. MGS5 is a poorly constructed grand-finale of 30 years old series, constantly referring to and showing things you're expected to have knowledge about and even emotional connection at that point.
No amount of plot-summaries will ever scratch more than the surface of all the things you DO and experience in the series. And all that actually matters a lot in MGS saga; not only what happened in the story, but how YOU played through it all.
>Controls are still an important part of a shooter.
MGS is not a shooter though.
5 may allow you to play it like one though, but that's just one of its many downfalls.
>Can I?
How is that a downfall? It's still stealth focused, particularly in FOB.
>nope! tons of shit to mess around with and freedom of infiltration!
freedom to tranq everyone and ause the "soldier sort of sees me, but not really mechanic", otherwise you'll get low scores?
wow such freedom
>freedom to tranq everyone
Tranq doesn't work all the time. Yet again somebody bitching about the gameplay demonstrates that he doesn't actually know shit about it
>You're confusing gameplay with story
Not him, and he's not. MGS5 gets VERY repetitive towards the end, even more so thanks to literal copypasted filler missions you're obliged to finish in order to unlock (yes, unlock) goddamn pseudo-ending to the game.
And that's not even mentioning the stupid menu-surfing, piss easy gameplay thanks to literally empty maps you can run out into + being able to order endless amounts of new gear, and the stupid MP integration.
also, in rgds to your low score argument
The missions are designed to be replayed though
Mgs1 emulates perfectly... Bc it's on PC
ive never played the others either and felt pretty comfortable playing V. make sure you get GZ also
the "grand finale" was MGS4 and that sucked hard.
MGSV was it's own thing
Gameplay is supposed to be "easy" in freeroam in the sense that you have options to mess around with. If you want to be put to the test do FOB, which is the height of stealth gameplay of the entire series
the replay missions are optional, you can unlock the ending without ever touching them
>The missions are designed to be replayed though
I know that. However, the game really does not feel rewarding doing so, and the literal lack of ending is goddamn infuriating.
I loved Peace Walker to bits, and that game was like a blueprint for MGSV. It however completely lacks the polish and finalization it had.
>the "grand finale" was MGS4 and that sucked hard.
Fuck you too. MGS4 was great game, and way better than 5.
>muh headcanon
MGSV is the conclusion to the Operations series, 4 was the end of Solid's story
They're fun too
chapter 3 was the worst thing ever and writing was really questionable but otherwise it's not a bad game.
PC version sucks tough
MGS1 just isn't the same without psycho mantis' 4th wall breaks
>the game really does not feel rewarding doing so,
Sure it does, I mean everyone was saying how great MGS2's VR missions were, so why is it so bad V has replayable content that's arguably more fleshed out than previous installments?
I'm an old man and can't beat the first mission, Phantom Limbs. How do I get better?
>MGS4 was great game, and way better than 5.
you subjective opinion is objectively wrong
fite me IRL[\spoiler]
>the replay missions are optional, you can unlock the ending without ever touching them
How?? AFAIK, you NEED to finish X amount of side quests to unlock the Truth.
What "headcanon"? It's all part of the MGS saga, and all of it is connected. What you experience via gameplay is a huge appeal point of this series.
>MGSV is the conclusion to the Operations series, 4 was the end of Solid's story
Stop trying to separate them into two unrelated entities. V is a prequel story to MG1, and a finale to BB story (no matter the Venom bullshit).
>I mean everyone was saying how great MGS2's VR missions were,
Who were?
I've never said anything of the sort. MGS2 was terrible all around.
Replay function does NOT fix the game's lack of end and terrible, repetitive gameplay that lacks context and finish.
Yes. MGSV can be summed up in it's entirety by "Poochie died on the way back to his home planet".
I can fite you IRL any day and night, but it wont change the fact that MGS4 was a truly epic, tear-jerking experience, that did much better job treating the series right than V in whole.
>the literal lack of ending is goddamn infuriating.
Also the game had tons of endings. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it didn't exist. That said, the best thing about the story is it ends in such a way that you still feel like you're adding to the plot by continuing to play after the missions are finished. The best part about Vs design is that you can keep playing for as long as you want until you get bored and still receive meaningful rewards for doing so. And even once you get tired of the game you can still log in every few days to update your combat deployments and collect MB coins.
All wrapped around a solid game with fantastic shootan and stealthan hybrid mechanics... it's great and I feel sorry for you being unable to appreciate a masterpiece of this caliber
This thing is missing Ground Zeroes.Play it before TPP
>Stop trying to separate them into two unrelated entities
They clearly are though.
>Replay function does NOT fix the game's lack of end and terrible, repetitive gameplay that lacks context and finish.
I disagree with all of this
>Also the game had tons of endings
No conclusion to main plot points (goddamn giga MG is stolen, and just left as is?) = no ending. The confirmed lack of Chapter 3, which has been only released as an unfinished video, does not help the fact at all.
The fact that you can dismiss all the major flaws just shows how goddamn low people have let their standards drop in the past decade, and points towards your lack of dedication and interest towards the series n whole.
>MGS2 was terrible all around
how many videogames did you play to think that mgs2 or even mgsv are "terrible" or "awful"? Even if you dislike them there's so much effort put into them that by default makes them better than all half-assed shovelware products which are released everyday with 600 unfixable bugs and garbage gameplay
>They clearly are though.
They clearly are not though. I totally hate this trend that has started in recent years; Silent Hill 2 fags are trying to do the same with their fav game now, just so they can pretend the rest of the saga doesn't exist.
>I disagree with all of this
Then you really don't understand nor appreciate game design at all.
>how many videogames did you play to think that mgs2 or even mgsv are "terrible" or "awful"?
Over 300 at this point. I haven't counted in couple years though.
>goddamn giga MG is stolen, and just left as is?) = no ending.
yeah... no.
Chapter 3 unlocks with disarmament, KoF was a single mission that got cut early on. Eli works as a viable ending because 1) it's cleared up in the credits, 2) he wasn't after Venom afterall and 3) MGS2 reference. Saying the game has no ending just because of that minor point is ridiculous
>Tactical Espionage Action
>Tactical Espionage Operations
>focus on different MCs
>Focus on entirely new set of gameplay mechanics not present in the Action series
I want to play metal gear solid 3 on the pc, what is the sexiest (Highest framerate, nicest visuals) way to do so?
>KoF was a single mission that got cut early on.
KoF was THE original Chapter 3, and the one everyone bitching about it being missing are referring to. A short cutscene signaling unreachable online-achievement is nowhere near the same thing.
Just because YOU can form a passable head-canon with the sheer lack of intended content does not mean everyone else would gladly suck the crippled cock of this game.
There is only one PS2 emulator, and it is far from perfect, requires beefy PC, and MGS2-3 are some of the thoughest games to run right at the moment.
Just get PS3 + HD collection. You get 60fps at HD quality, with improved textures.
How is a game that takes place after a prequel a "grande finale"?
>treating the series right
that's the fucking problem with 4
for a guy who likes to take chances and twist the media's conventions, Kojima was tame and schlocky as fuck in MGS4
It's 2017 you can emulate PS2 games ya know
>KoF was THE original Chapter 3
KoF was one mission that wrapped up an otherwise not terribly important sideplot
I want to play it right this fucking second though.
I emulated shadow of the collosus fine on older hardware than I have now, will I be fine?
>MGS4 was great game, and way better than 5.
It had a better story than 5, but the setting, music and gameplay was much better in 5.
and what head-canon? They literally tell you what happens in-game...
>Gladly suck the crippled cock of this game
simply epic I doff my hat to thee
You really haven't followed the development and story of the saga at all, have you?
V was (again) meant to be the game to "close the circle" of the whole MG series, and thus end it for good.
He really wasn't.
He was, however, not allowed to create his original idea for the 4's ending, the one where both Snake and Otacon would've been executed for their global "war crimes". That was the whole reason Here's To You plays as 4's end credits theme.
Also will a DS3 be fine?, I only have the controller, console YLOD years ago, heard someone talking about needing pressure sensitive memes.
Even you have to go back start with Metal Gear Solid, no need to bother with the clusterfuck of games before then. The very first MG wasn't even released in the West and was remade by a different team.
>MGS4 was great game, and way better than 5.
>I emulated shadow of the collosus fine on older hardware than I have now, will I be fine?
Barely, perhaps. You will need SixAxis or Dualshock 2-3 gamepad, like said earlier tho'. Even basic functions, like rising the gun & firing it, are mapped to same button, done via different strength key-presses.
Have you played 1 and 2 yet though? Because yes, you should do that first.
3 was still Action. Operations just means it has mission based gameplay and not one main game.
>the one where both Snake and Otacon would've been executed for their global "war crimes"
dafuq? never heard of this
>That was the whole reason Here's To You plays as 4's end credits theme.
this... actually makes sense
neat arguments.
MGS4 has better gameplay, pacing, writing and characters than V. Also proper bossfights, and had way better MP.
>buying into the "close the circle" meme that literally
grow up, that doesn't mean he HAS to end the game directly at the start of MG1
>dafuq? never heard of this
been living under a rock? It's an ancient old knowledge.
>V was (again) meant to be the game to "close the circle" of the whole MG series, and thus end it for good.
I know that, but stories usually finish at the end of the timeline. Not a missing link between the older games and the newer ones.
1 yes 2 barely
I just hear MGS3 is the pinnacle of the series and I don't want to miss out.
>better gameplay
Lol, fuck off autist.
MGS4 has garbage writing that really REALLY needs editing, fuck awful pacing with only the first two acts having anything of substance, and worst of all is incredibly linear to the point where the game barely gives you a chance to try out everything you can do.
It was a poorly made game dude. Also I like MGO3 quite a bit, but come on lets not pretent we're playing MGS for the MP
>I know that, but stories usually finish at the end of the timeline.
That's a stupid generalization enforced by Hollywood. And even they sometimes dare to oppose that trend.
In MGS games, the newer games are set in the chronological past of the beginning of the saga.
You should cook your YLOD PS3 in the oven (look it up, a legit fix), or get it replaced.
>Would it be okay to play MGSV without having played any other Metal Gear Solid games?
Its preferable. Playing the previous games makes MGSV painful and cringeworthy. It's only good by itself
great arguments again, fallacy fagget.
Right, but MGSV plottweest was insanely stupid.
V is easily the worst of the bunch, you must play it first if you're going to play the others.
MGS4 is pure pleb entertainment. Mindless, based around a bunch of loud things happening so the player is occupied for a while and feels satisfied at the action. At no point will it go beyond that, never trying to make the player think or feel anything special.
>both Snake and Otacon would've been executed for their global "war crimes"
I never understood this, that is, why just Snake and Otacon. Sure they were the two main people at the head of shutting down the SOP system, but they had loads of help. Raiden, Mei Ling was even a part of Philanthropy at one point, Johnny, Meryl, all were instrumental in helping Snake and Otacon do so.
>Argue an apologist
Suck my dick autist, if you think 4 had better gameplay than V you're delusional and should be ignored.
I might just go do that desu,
I hear ya. I WISH Phantom Pain had been PW 2.0 like people derided, but it's not even close.
not really, just meta
I agree with the editing, though most of that annoying repetition in cutscenes originates from many fancy wordplays being lost in translation in English version.
I still do not agree one bit about the pacing or later chapters. The series was ALWAYS very linear, with just decent amount of tactical choices how to tackle areas. This does not change in 4 either.
MGS4's MP was the MGO2, not 3. And it was miles better than MGO3, tons of fun.
Yeah, it's better that way because you won't be disappointed by the shitty story.
No, stupid. What makes MGSV good is "Freedom of Infiltration" as opposed to the scripted stealth of the old games. The story is overall bunk, though.