This kills the switch

This kills the switch.

Nintendo should have learned with the Wii U that people don't expect to pay premium prices for Nintendo hardware

They shouldn't have included the dumb waggle rumble depth camera shit, and just made it simple, functional, and cheap

They'll learn the hard way again

I don't speak pizza, what are you trying to show me?

Porco dio I hate nintendo now?!

What the fuck this is real?
Literally why would anyone pay this much more for zelda machine?

Porcamadonna there are still people buying a standard Ps4 over the Pro?

Mobile phones? Yes, I agree

Switch can run from the PS4 by going into portablemode which is the whole point of having a portable mode.
An system any remotely close to the PS4 would be an instant suicide.

bopity boopy I hate-a Nintendo now!

Ps4 199 pizza coins
Switch 329 pizza coins

Let's call em pepperonis

*hand gestures*

Dumb nintenshits under the delusion people won't go pic related when they bring the switch at their millennial rooftop parties.

You can't beat Sony. What did Nintendo think was going to happen? They're going to get rammed by Sony from every direction possible.

The fuck?
Literally no one buying a switch at launch is going to any party. They just want to play Zelda because it's Zelda and the greatest thing ever because it's Zelda.
Stop believing ads, user.


>PS4 has no games after like 5 years
>Switch has no games at launch
Neither is worth buying right now.

>I can unplug this from my TV and play on the go, why the fuck would I buy a ps4? You can't even play it on the go lmao


>Le no games meme
>Le I don't like them they don't count meme

Nobody plays games on the go in the west outside of phones. Even 3DS was a failure compared to DS.

thats actually a really good price desu

No is a hyperbole to "very few". Both systems have a VERY small choice of exclusives.

How do you kill that, which has no life ?

Translated to burger
Ps4 costs 210 us dollars
Switch costs 347 us dollars

Almost double the price (Pro controller added) just to play a Wii U port. What the fuck is Nintendo thinking?

>it's still 299€ in my country
pasteis de nata ain't worth this bullshit

How's 300 dollars a premium price? Fisting costs the same

Nobody cares about you or your spic country.

I thought Nintendo would go easy on the jewing in Italy since the character that brings them the most money is from there

>tfw wake up early to go to the Wal Mart near work to get a Switch
>Stay in line for almost an hour to find out that I needed a ticket that the stupid fucking store staff wouldn't give me at opening
>People behind me took tickets from people who dropped out of line and got to get the console despite coming later
>tfw only person in line who didn't get a Switch
>tfw I have no face
I'm never buying a fucking thing from Wal Mart again, fucking dumb niggers can't even run their line properly.

With this

In comparison to existing, more powerful consoles, it is.

More powerful consoles are potato tier components aswell. At least switch is gimmicky enough and cheaper than them. Ps4 was 400 and one was 500 at launch.

eu sei como te sentes

>italians sucking sony's cock

Tell me something I don't know.

PS4 was 400 Euro four years ago. And PS4 is 200 Euro today, despite better hardware then Switch. Nintendo is most definitely overcharging for their glorified smartphone console.

You can buy the entire ps4 library with the money you save from buying a slim.

>posting facts is sucking sonys dick

Nintentoddlers are so fucking delusional

How am I meant to play BOW on a PS4? Checkmate.

With the money you save, you can buy the Zelda-Killer™, Horizon: Zero Dawn™!

Just got the 1tb version with Horizon + 3 months worth of PS plus for 250 pasta bucks at FUCKING GAMESTOP, feels good man.

Only pure Zelda fans desu. Most people buy consoles for CoD, Football games and Skyrim.

It's also almost 5 years old

> glorified smartphone console.

Oh a troll, guess this is where the conversation ends lol.

the switch kills the switch

Sony just destroyed Nintendo in Italy. People here play only cod and fifa (and they would hate to go outside with a videogame console anyways), so the Switch really only sells to few die hard nintendo fans. This amazing promotion is already the final nail in the coffin for a console that has only been out for less than a day.

I would say there are plenty of games aside from those on other platforms but then again an autistic manbaby Nintendo zealot wouldn't know because he doesn't get any of them

>hurr it's sold out everywhere
>check prime now
>neon available

Easiest flip I'll ever do.

I think its what people call a scalper or something.

Why are the Italians so active on this board always make SONY shill threads?

Scalped switches are on for 380€

LOL they are never gonna sell them

its called massive import taxes

> (OP)
>Why are the Italians so active on this board always make SONY shill threads?

The SNES and n64 were pretty much ignored here

So we are not blinded by nostalgia

You're right. You're all blinded by FIFA.

amico non compro SONY dalla PS1,quale nostalgia? Tutta la roba degna di nota era disponibile su gamecube, PC e xbox, e tutt'ora è la stessa storia

I am a PC fag coglione

I'm explaining our American friend why we are not nintendrones

I for one am shitalian but I never played fifa in my entire life. In fact I've been a nintoddler ultil the wii, the i became a sonygga.

Please subscribe to my blog.

>A.D. 2017
>PS4 still costs 199.98€

who is going to spend 199.98€ for a 4 years old console?
this shit should be at 160 by now

italia? forse volevi dire sonyland


4 years old and still objectively stronger than Switch. Is Nintendo even trying?

the N64 was pretty popular in Italy even when you could buy pirated cds for candies for the ps1.

Modifica WHEN?

Guys. Why is the PS4 Slim so cheap?
It's 30% off everywhere. Is it just in Sweden, or is it a campaign by Sony? The Standard model is still the same price as usual.

Because Sony are competitive and not Nintendo-tier greedy.

You're missing out kid. Fifa was legit pretty good for a few years starting with 09.

Now it's made for kids with ADHD.