DSP's views are plummeting...

>DSP's views are plummeting, he's burned through all the money he had saved up from when he was single and had a good 9-5, and is in severe risk of filing for bankruptcy in the next 6 months
>AngryJoe is rapidly ballooning up and is in danger of potentially losing his eyesight
>TotalBiscuit is terminally ill
>Spoony's pickled his liver and has gradually pissed away 4/5 of his Patreon money after his backers got fed up with him refusing to do anything
>Boogie has somehow gotten even fatter
>MadThad isn't going to be released until 2 years after The Last Guardian
>LOW... TIER... GOD is literally drinking his own urine on stream for money
>InuitInua has been forced to out herself as a transwoman and has been doing webcam pornography since "her" YouTube career never took off
>The Irate Gamer thinks he's a ghost hunter
>CGR Mark was forced to take the Patreon route and his video quality has dropped dramatically as a result
>MetalJesus is still a socially awkward manchild
>AlphaOmegaSin and ManletTears are both still shrinking
>Dobson had to move back in with his parents and is quite literally living off food stamps after his girlfriend got sick of his shit and left him

Why do people say YouTube's worth doing again?

lol he masturbated on camera that one time

>MEGA 64 and AVGN are still kicking.

What a bunch of cockroaches

>able to list 30 youtube celebs by hearth

Holy fucking shit video games fuck

DSP could have been living the good life by now if he
1) Never left his apartment
2) Never dated PandaLee
3) Acted like less of an asshole to the people making him money
I still can't believe someone can fuck up as monumentally as he has

he literally posted it again.
These people, if it is not all the same retard, have prepared and written these in handy textfiles to have it ready whenever it is shitpost o'clock.

what is this
the 15th... 20th DSP thread in the last 12 hours?

what the fuck is going on? this is NOT video games.

Phil is /ourguy/.

mega 64 actually creates stuff though. it might be highschool level but it's often entertaining

All of those people you listed have always been, and always will be total shitters.

These people are cancer.
YOU are cancer.

>InuitInua has been forced to out herself as a transwoman and has been doing webcam pornography since "her" YouTube career never took off


More like Who? Had to google her the bitch barely has any views and thew only reason I vaguely recognise her face is because I've probably seen her posted on here.

Seconding this wut. If there's a video i want to see it.

Asmongold is still making bank

>Dobson had to move back in with his parents and is quite literally living off food stamps after his girlfriend got sick of his shit and left him

That's hilarious if it's true. Anyone got a source?

>Bootsy got dropped from the channel
>Mike Matei completely took over the channel along with Ryan
>Complete shills
>Regularly deletes posts that criticize him
>James is now a "guest" on his own channel

>tfw didn't know The Last Guardian came out two months ago

James is a father and has a full time job now to support the senpai

You need to grow up and move on to big dick matei

Last I heard it's just always the OP making the claim but it's a lie.

The problem is James knows nothing about curating a YouTube channel (as piss easy as that is) and has always been dependent on Mike to manage it.

He always loves people talking about his dick, corrects you if you say it's only 9" and then quickly deletes his message.