What's the most retarded power difference between Your Character and Final Boss in any game...

What's the most retarded power difference between Your Character and Final Boss in any game? I can think of multiple games with Japanese high school students fighting literal god and win, but pretty sure someone can come up with something better.

Final Boss in Amalur

Because that dragon was a complete bitch and push-over?

Ants, how is this even a question

1 googol ants would cover the entire earth and crush all living things on it.

Ants win easily.

How much prep time do the Marines have?

If the Marines each stomped a bootfull of ants (let's be generous and give them 1000 kills per step) every second, they still wouldn't have killed them all by the heat death of the universe.
Ants win by attrition.

1 googol ants couldn't even fit in the entire universe

When the universe dies the ants are also dead. It's a draw.

>Ants numbers so large they become their own planet
>Marines launch Ant Planet into the sun

That was easy

will rock fits well

user, 10^29 ants alone make a sun volumed ball.

A googol of ants is a million million million million million million million million million million million million times that

How do you guys know how much space 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ants occupy?


there aren't one googol atoms in the universe

>picture says 1000 US Marines

>it's actually army soldiers instead


Try universe

The problem is living ants would still be able to cling to the Marine's boots and the moment they get a foothold on the Marine's body, they are fucked.

Math? You have a finite volume times a finite number. Just because it's close to your mom's waist size doesn't mean its impossible to calculate.

Yeah I'm sure Scientists have been counting every atom in the known universe, despite barely leaving the orbit of our own planet yet.

>1 ant bites a marine
>pain makes that that marine pull the trigger >against the other marines
>they shoot between the others

He should have said visible universe. And that number can be estimated.

It's called math.

who would win, a sun made of fire or a sun made of ants?

I think we're ignoring one key factor here. There are literally so many ants that, in any concentration, they will be gravitationally bonded to one another. And with such mass and gravity at work, eventually the blob of a googol ants will be dense enough to start performing nuclear fusion, which is all fine and good until they continue to coalesce. Eventually, the mass will reach the tipping point and the entire structure would collapse in on itself into a supermassive black hole. And since the ants are pretty much filling the universe, I'd hazard to guess that this black hole would take the universe with it.

Add like 1 million more zeroes

I'd feel antsy

That's when we blow the shit out of the black hole right?

Big Bangs produce limited amounts of particles.


These are the United States Marines though, which means that they have the backing of the CIA, world renowned experts in getting others to kill each other.
All the CIA has to do is install a puppet ant dictator amongst the ants and wait as a civil war breaks out amongst insectkind. There's a reason that civil wars are the bloodiest. The Marines can just chill and casually help one side in the war, because their work is being done for them by their enemies.

Well most of the universe is void so it's not really that impressive.


>American posters

Who's to say another big bang didn't happen beyond our visible universe?

Nuking a Black Hole won't irradiate the space it surrounds.
It's more likely that it will irradiate time.

10 trillion lions vs. the US army.
A gorilla vs. a group of 2nd graders.

The void isn't truly empty, there are rogue atoms all through it.
And there's a LOT of void.

There is Dark Matter.

Not sure how every space to ever exist having an atom would add up to though. I think it's like 10 to the 84th or something.

googol is 100 zeroes

The sun made of ants would crash into the sun made of fire and become a sun of fire ants.

You don't seem to grasp just how huge the number is, don't you?

They'd fuse and become Fire Ants


Define "win"

An ant weighs 1mg, so 1 googol ants weighs 10^93kg. The observable universe is estimated to weigh somewhere around 3x10^53kg. Ants win

what now?

Ants become a massive star and burn up.
Easy win for Marines

One ant weighs more or less 5mg. So it's 5mg x 10^100 or 5 tonnes x 10^93. The mass of the Earth is 5,97 x 10^24. The mass of those ants would be enough to fill... fuck, my mind can't even comprehend the size of that ant ball. It's heavier than any stellar object known to man though.

1 Googol of ants vs 1 Quintillion Gorillas

The ants get exposed to Spiral Power and become one googol super-evolved universe ants.

It's a fair fight.

It's tonnes - mg -> cg -> dg -> g -> dag -> hg -> kg -> T (Mg).