
Other urls found in this thread: 7 Teardown/67382

bump for explanation from Sup Forums

Fuck that, post cute pokemon.

This looks shopped. I can tell from the pixel and seeing quite a few shops in my time.

Remember when cell phones had a little antenna you could pull out when you had shitty reception (you can ask your parents if you don't)? It's for that.

You said cute, not sexual

That's genius.

Makes no difference to me user.

>assumes bluetooth works identically to cellular signal
Did you forget to take your meds this morning, or did the arthritis completely fuck up your thought process?

no it's legit

Not that guy but that seems to be the case. Anyway how else would you salvage the controllers without replacing them?

Okay, thanks for telling me. I'll believe you.

Make the wires 30 feet long and attach to the base.

the left joy-con's bluetooth radio is in the center of the controller while the right joy-con's is at the top. Plugging antennas in to them wouldn't fix the left one because it is already obstructed by internal components.

>antenna? what is that, never heard of it

>dumbfuck thinks bluetooth doesn't use antennas
I work in the car industry and I use that shit all the time.

I imagine the antennas are part of the wriststrap contraption and not connected directed to the bluetooth radio inside.

>biggest youtube nintendrone channel
>even they admit it's fucking terrible

doesn't even need to be behind your back, holding it next to your thigh is enough AT TEN FEET

I think my Charizard is sick guys.

that.... seems like a viable option....

ping ping


it's a me mario

so long gay bow- BZZfffzzz ZZ WHIIRLLLLLLLLLL

huh what happened?

there's been a long ongoing tradition of the buyers having to fix jewtendo's shit.

Too bad on the rails there's just buttons and probably some copper strip for charging.

I put my joycons behind my back and everything and the signal remained perfectly stable. Are certain people using a common device unknowingly degrading the signal?

That's what you get for buying day 1

>people think the issue is the location of the internal sensor
It's power

The whole thing, joycons included, is underclocked like crazy. The BT transmitter isn't getting enough power.


I used to have a theory that Nintendo made their consoles sub par so that the next one looked great by comparison. Apparently I was wrong because they are all shit.

[citation needed]

Nah, it's you who's sick in the head. Get help furfag.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out why a BT connector would have such a weak signal that hands can block it

>Tegra X1
>in that tiny-ass case
>not underclocked
if it were running at normal power it would be a hot plate

>there are people in this thread that do not know what antennas are, how they work, or that bluetooth is a radio signal

Kill yourself. Like for real. Just end your own fucking life please

b-but my iPhone don't have antenna checkmate bitch

It does, multiple even.

Digitalfoundry actually said that. They ran tests on it and said the signal strength of the joy-con's is very low compared to any other controller using the same tech, especially the left one.

>more waggle gimmick shit

I can't believe Nintoddlers pay money for this shit.

>That's the joke

Lol no it doesn't show me where the antenna is

Not him but,
>degenerate furfag whom should never reproduce telling others to die
Go fuck some monkeys and gets AIDS, you genetic failure.

thats the nicest mosque in vienna :)

The bluetooth transmitters go off the joycon battery though, not the switch internal battery. 7 Teardown/67382

your Zard has some fat deposits
why aren't you training it correctly?

The antenna goes through the little white stripes around the phone, user.

The joycon runs off the internal battery when connected, no?

Gotta keep power use down so the Switch can reach that amazing 2 hour battery life.

You retards not thinking about why you need an antenna if there's a FUCKING CABLE PLUGGED INTO IT OMG SUMMERS HERE BOIS

Not shopped at all senpai

Jesus.. Imagine seeing this image 20 years ago and knowing what controllers will be like in 2017. What were they thinking?

XD and let me guess
Nintentoddlers are defending this

Gotta love all that fantasy history

why put the antenna on top when the real one is on the side? At least be realistic with your shoops.


It's sad. Please just fuck off already

Bumping because this is fucking hilarious that they put a physical antenna on each joycon

This has to be fake. I'm looking all over my joy-cons and see nothing like it.

Looks fine to me!

Wait is this real?


I'm getting mixed signals here, maybe I should ask a professional.

So how are they explaining this one?

I don't understand this BING BING WAHOO meme. Is it supposed to imply that Mario games make embarrassing sounds? A reasonable person should be embarrassed to have ANY device making noise in public, regardless of what that noise is.

It's just Quentin having an autistic breakdown pay no attention to it.

Can you retards really not spot some two minute photoshop work? They didn't even bother to differentiate the antennas. They're the same antenna just mirrored.

that particular post has nothing to do with playing in public you fucking retard, it's just making fun of nintendo games

see, what you posted is considered autism on the internet

its only videogames that should be shameful to use in public, since people still read books on their tablets, watch youtube on their tablets, listen to music on their tablets, have conversations with others on their tablets and lose their tablets when i toss rocks at them and they drop it on the ground.

You seem upset

>buy Switch on day one
>download Fast RMX from eShop
>literally unplayable because the joycons WORK INTERMITTENTLY FROM 9 FEET AWAY
>order a £65 Switch Pro Controller with same-day delivery

Nintendo outplayed me

>buy shit product from shit company
>give shit company even more money to make shit product usable


This tards all came from plebbit so what would you expect.

Nintendo's hardware has always been rock solid. This is an anomaly for them.

every picture on the internet is real

It does work identically to a cellular sigal. It transcodes data into electromagnetic waves, sends them out over the air, gets picked up by a device's antenna, and that device transcodes the electromagnetic waves back into data. The only difference between the signals are the bandwidths they use. And just because a device doesn't have a large antenna sticking out of it doesn't mean there's no antenna.

This is how most wireless signals work, with very few exceptions, such as lifi or IR which light sensors instead.

>OP posts a funny picture
>People in thread argue on the fact this is real/not real

this place gets dumber and dumber by the minute

I fucking hate this place

Sorry I'm too busy untangling myself out of all these cords and pulling random antennas out of my eyes to pay that much attention.

>bioluminescent boobs

Where do I get that?



its pretty obvious. it was build during the ottoman invasion of europe. it was used as church until 2010 and then made a mosque.

I just got mine in and did a quick test from about 12 feet away using the calibration thing. No problems. Even went behind my back. Joycon were in the cradle though, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

No you didn't
