And we thought it couldn't get worse LMAO
>game will still sell
So it's the same as ME3. What's the big deal?
If the MP is Co op then it doesnt matter.
Yeah, normies are retarded, but even them are starting to get pissed.
Do we know that it's the same type of multiplayer as ME 3?
The big issue is that even in terms of graphic, animation, "cinematic" experience (what normies love), mass effect is starting really to look bad.
The standards aren't the same now that the normies played GTAV, TW3, HZD, etc.
>travel to a whole new galaxy
>limitless potential and creativity
>still stuck reusing the same tired old aliens
This is turning out like the Fallout 4 launch.
Which led Bethesda to never show prerelease footage of games or give out review copies ever again.
There's no way EA marketing would do that though, I think.
don't know about you but I love that helmet
armors in general look mroe like ME1, functional and without sticking out details, like military get up should be ideally
You forget that after a while some things will grow popular simply because they're popular. People love talking about stuff.
Plus the gay/romance pandering actually works. They're not in it for the gameplay or the quality. They're in it for the characters. God knows why the characters haven't been that good.
Source: My girlfriend's friend.
>every new alien is humanoid biped
>tfw you only like the soundtrack and special effects
should i buy this shit, xbox one has no games and there´s a new multiplat release. For Honor´s popular too?
Wait and see.
>For Honor´s popular too?
not sure if it's even alive at this point, talk died out pretty fast
It can't be worse than DAI, right?.
I don't know. I think P2P is better. Warcraft 3 had p2p multiplayer, Starcraft2 had dedicated servers. Starcraft2 approach was clearly deemed an abomination by the community.
Still has more active players than Titanfall 2.
>advertise with celebrities and yankie soccer stars
>we want the working class normie audience
>normies dont buy games
>game dies coz normies dont give a fuck week after release and move on to suck out life out of zelda & horizon
pandering was a mistake
u mean like just watch the full walkthrough in twitch tv before spending any actual hard worked money on this shit
>"but even them are starting to get pissed"
I wish I could smack you in the head for such stupidity.
Who thought it couldn't get worse?
We're dealing with Bioware under EA management, always assume the worst.
>Company run by a total idiots releases shit game
>It will sell anyway.
you ACTUALLY think these are the normies?
no , theres people like us on this board who actually give a fuck, then theres youtube/facebook/9gag normalfags who kind of know whats going on and then theres actual normalfags who use the internet 25 minutes a day to watch a cat on youtube , jerk off and then when they turn their playstation 4 on and see a game set in space they go "that sounds like fun , wheres my credit card?" or "hey i saw that game on a tv ad , lets buy it "
The most powerful tool EA has is their marketing division.
The only way itll not sell is if the word of mouth manages to be louder then the shills.
Also I'm hoping the 'free early trial' they EA is doing for their paid subscription thing leads to leaks like it did with ME3.
It's not PVP, so it really doesn't matter. It's PVE co-op multiplayer if it's like ME3, so honestly who gives half a damn if it exists let alone is P2P vs Dedicated?
Jesus god, that neck.
Is there adifference between Bethesda's prerelease and release footage though?
People don't like good characters.
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Good animations
normafags treat games like popcorn, hell look at steam/psn achievements less than 50% actually finish their games. Its stupid to expect long support for a multiplayer game.
If it's only 4v4 or some shit (which it probably is) p2p is arguably better since most people have good internet, anyway. It should really only be a problem for people with dial up.
ME3 had a beta test
She's cute in a retarded sister kind of way.
>p2p after for honor fiasco
>just co-op
fug dis
If they don't ruin it, ME3's was fun as shit.
>Host player left the match. Choosing new host...
>Failed to choose new host. Match dropped
>Kiss your credits, time, XP. and expendables goodbye, goy
>connected to host in Antarctica
>wonder why all teammates keep glitching between different points on map
Check your server privilege you white male
xbox360 happened
when you pay to use the internet you already paid for
Fuck Bioware man. They ruined mass effect with that shit ending and now this? Fuck you.