Reminder that no matter desperately you try and bomb the user review with 0.0 it will never change the fact that BoTW scored a 98.
Reminder that no matter desperately you try and bomb the user review with 0...
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Too bad it's not an exclusive
Exclusive to Nintendo consoles dummy
Playing it right now and loving it, but highly unlikely it will be Game of the Year. GOTY games typically are games that come out later in the year.
I'm having so much fun. I'm so happy, the last game that I had a ton of hype for was MGSV and that hurt so fucking bad. Breath of the Wild isn't perfect but MGSV left me feeling bitter going "what is this shit" every few minutes while every few minutes in Zelda I'm left going "woah."
I'm only a few hours in because I pirated the Wii U version and I'm getting ready to go get my switch version, but even if the bosses aren't as good as people are saying just questing around Hyrule climbing shit is going to be a fun experience.
>relevant after n64
yeah no
Has any game released in the first half of the last ten years actually won game of the year from any of the ""major organization""? I'm not trying to start anything, but I'm really confident that all of them were pre-holiday release period titles.
>PS4 only had one game for awhile according to Sup Forums
>PS4 was constantly shunned and hated on this board
>lel I'm not gunna bye a console just for one game xd
>switch comes out
>everyone gets that just for Zelda
It's ok when Nintendo does it
>persona 5 is jot counting as an exclusive because its also on ps3 accordng to Sup Forums
>But Zelda suddenly count as switch ex even if it is also on Wiiu
*Also on PC
>He doesn't know
>still no working emulator
born to be cucks
70 million people own a PS3, and only 13 million own a Wii U
Wii U sales should pick up once it gets an exclusive Zelda and a Metroid. I dont know why BotW came out on Switch too
The following is based on TGA and formerly Spike's GOTY awards
Witcher 3
Dragon Age inquisition
Red Dead Redemption
So to answer your question, yes, literally half of the GOTY awards of the last 10 years have gone to games in the first half, and half have gone to games released in the second half.
It will work within weeks and I'll get it for free
Reminder that Bayo 2 to this day has really bad sound glitches, stuttering, and texture issues.
Popularity does not make a game compatible with Cemu :^v)
nobody gets it for zelda, you can play zelda on wiiu and in a couple of week on PC as well.
>Barren and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>To fill the world they spread a lot of collectables, breaking weapons, small clusters of enemies.
>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.
>Padding, like fiding Koroks seeds, to make the inventory manageble, gathering resources and cook to deal with enemies that take half of your HP and to make Link walks faster, taking 380 pictures to complete the compendium for no reason.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiresome.
>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.
Enemies and combat:
>Lots of reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.
>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.
>Only four small villages.
>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>Minimal physic based rune abilities that got switched for traditional items.
>Master sword needs to charge, like a smartphone.
>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu after interact with the pot instead.
>Framerate deeps to the point of micro stutter.
>Generally runs at 25 FPS.
>Too much assets pop up.
>Too much fog, baraly having any depth of field.
>Low level of detail..
>nobody got the switch for Zelda
Your are wrong because all the switch has right now IS Zelda and a bunch of indie games
Yea you can play it on Wii U also but the fact remains. Switch only has one game as of now
First of all, that's bayonetta 1.
Second of all, there' still stuttering and some sound issues there.
Bayo 2 is much worse.
I wouldn't be so smug Nintenbabby, the neckbeards at Cemu are getting gud.
This apparently doesn't count on this board since anything also on a PS3 makes it a non exclusive so nice try.
people get switch on a promise of it having more games later, just like people did with ps4
Oh please, stop crying like a baby.
I plan on playing Bayo 2 and Zelda on CEMU when they fix it, but you PC only fags are such impatient little twats.
Well, I guess we'll see how it works out. I think the pressure from Patreon backers is a little bit bigger on this one. :^)
b-b-bros..... Why does Sony.... Always... w-w-win......
That's retarded in my opinion. I count it as exclusive if only one company gets the game, Playstation or not.
You guys realize that one of the lead Cemu devs outright said that more popularity does not mean quicker development.
too bad it's actually a shit game
When nintoddlers say "Game of the year", do they mean "the only good game that will come out for their shitty toy this year"?
>Nintendofag thread boasting about his new game
>P...PCfags are the worst!
You're delusional if you think that a dev team relying on Patreon money wouldn't pay attention to game popularity.
>inb4 h-haha all those suck
>All the 0s, 1s and 5s are 1 rating I reviews
>Copypasta, names like IHeartsony and very little actual criticism
>People actually took console warring on Sup Forums seriously enough to autistically lower a games score
>somewhere in this thread is someone who takes this shit seriously
Whoever you are you should just kys right now
it's a 98 rated game for a shitty children's console
it's why some multiplatform titles have lower marks in the reviews on pc even though the port was perfect, it's just not up to the expected standard
>YetAnotherMarioKart, tf2 with lolis & multiplats
>good games
>That's retarded
You're on Sup Forums
>B-but the game is actually shit and everything is legitimate criticsm
he is right PC only fags are the most cancerous faggots here.
>only exclusives with release dates
>Switch 1,2 (Has a less than 6.0 metacritic)
>bomberman (Has a less than 7.0 metacritic)
And yet this OP is a shitposting Nintentoddler.
All this criticismm is....expanding.mmmy MIINDDDDDAHHHHH
>people like this are allowed to rate
userscore was a mistake.
>lists valid complaints
>Not a single one of them mentions a Sonygger
Are you literally retarded?
>all those ports
lmao get fucked kid
You wanna talk about shitty releases?