Holy shit BEST game i have EVER played period.
Lets discuss this masterpiece bros.
Holy shit BEST game i have EVER played period
Other urls found in this thread:
it's "mid-western emo" the game
Fuck off
Real talk:Is it actually a good game, or is it some furshit trash?
Furshit Broken Age
sage and report all NITW shill threads
I'll play it eventually but right now my biggest gripe is
>fifteen pounds
i see this on Sup Forums a lot what is it about?
is it worth the pirate?
>being a marxist
It feels like your literally playing some furfags secondary art project which he works on inbetween drawing dog porn for his other furry friends because he feels he has to maintain some small shred of decency and create something that isnt just porn to feel that he is still of worth to the world.
TLDR your literally playing a fucking webcomic
This game has Communism in it?
If the cute animals were replaced with ugly hipster humans, would it still be GOAT?
Wow, that sounds like like complete shit.
it might be worse actually
One of the girls says she's part of a socialist group, everyone keeps saying "eff the cops" and "fash the bash" kind of stuff. They are right.
>They are right.
As in you agree with that, or the narrative agrees with the sentiment?
>political violence is right
Why lefitst are worse than Hitler?
>killing people who want to kill you is wrong
Killing Nazis is as American as apple pie.
>advocating violence against people you don't like
literally Hitler
Political violence is right, which is why we need to rev up the Helicopters and deal with the Communist resurgence.
Just like killing Communists!
>killing the people who ended WW2 for you so you could proceed to take all the credit and become the very thing you swore to destroy
Man how come Americans don't even know their own history
>gets mugged
Who also killed more people than the Nazi regime. If you love Communism so much, go move to North Korea. You'll love it there.
There is a free helicopter ride for you waiting.
Ironic shilling is still shilling.
Shilling is dead, we're shit talking Communists right now.
Sounds like you used Capitalism to buy an Anti-Capitalism game
Do I need to report this game for being filthy Socialist propaganda?
Even as someone who genuinely loved the game, it's flawed as fuck. Lots of half baked ideas and unresolved shit.
>people who died in the revolution from both sides
>people who died due to the war
>people who died due to the plethora of crisis left from the previous governments
>people who tried to take the power away from the people to become Germany 2
I mean if we're gonna do something like that America is probably way up higher, but historic revisionism isn't the communist way, son.
>North Korea
>True communist
Have you ever read outside of school a book about history, economy, sociology, or heck communism and capitalism?
A quote from a steam review
>In it you play as Mae, a black cat with a thirst for violence who drops out of college and returns home in order to become a full-time NEET. Once there, she catches up with her old friends and learns that, just like her, they have no ambitions or goals in life and have instead decided to slowly rot behind a cash register at SuperMart. Thankfully their ironic attitudes prevent them from ever acknowledging the reality of their situations.
Is this actually in the game? If so, is it intentional satire?
I loved it until the final night where it rushed to a conclusion and didn't answer any questions. This happens to so many stories, whether it's in video games or other mediums. It's not fair
Was I the only one let down that none of the cult members were people we actually knew from in town? Having them be a bunch of silhouettes didn't have any emotional impact.
>shitty sjw game
>People who died during the purges
>People executed after the bolshies took power
I'd say you knew what i meant, but you have to be genuinely retarded to think Communism is a good thing. Also, you're actually resorting to "not real Communism"?
No, its actual commentary about the lives of people in rural towns. One of the characters even talks about how house paying jobs from way back then have become staying at home with parents jobs now, and how that is affecting the town as a whole, because everyone trying to do anything will have to leave.
>you're actually resorting to "not real Communism"?
Answer with yes or no please, have you read any single book about communism?
It helps no one to be reductive
yes, the Communist manifesto twice, and Das kapital.
I blame Jonathon Blow. Before Braid indie games were almost always ten bucks or less. Then he tries the same shit again and makes a walking simulator with line puzzles game and sells it for 40 (forty) USD
Germ best boy
the witness has more content than most AAA releases, the price point is more than justified
I like that the trolls moved on to spamming political debate because it really shows the people who are here to complain about out of context lines they saw and never actually played the game
It's really pretty good. Character driven and very little to no SJW crap. Anyone saying its full of SJW shit is talking out of their ass.
The ending was actually rushed to hell though. You can kinda seethe moment they ran out of money and just needed to end it. Still though it was a good ride (genuinely spooky at times). Definitely worth it when it goes on sale.
>another thread
We get it, this game has been shilled here. You don't need to act like an over the top shill to point this out.
Hey man, when I hear Communism mentioned, I have to preemptively act.
yeah we gotta make room for the 50 zelda threads
worth the pirate?
at least Zelda's an actual game.
Dark City > Matrix
I'm kinda glad it left it up to speculation. The town was much more than the characters we saw, it would be strange to tie them to Mae's friends. Plus because I hated that plot in general, it meant I got to ignore it for the most part in the end and just enjoy the epilogue.
Pretty sure Molly was a cultist though. All her stupidly ominous lines never taking like a person and her absence from the epilogue.
I thought indie devs were over the 'make a not-video game and call it a video game' fad.
>Dark City > Matrix
said no one ever
People keep eating it up, so thy'll never stop.
Well we get to see the silhouette of one of them without a cloak, but I'm bad at placing who it actually is
Story centric adventure games are old as shit man. Existed long before telltale and will exist long after.
I just did.
Why are is there a communists espousing support for antifa thugs in every NITW thread?
You are absolute shit at pretending to not be the same shill making every thread.
This isn't an adventure game. It's a fucking webcomic.
Looks really fucking good desu, I'll pirate it.
This is not an adventure game, you barely interact with anything.
>Holy shit BEST game i have EVER played period.
play more games you retarded casual
-t. one of the devs trying a new tactics
>hey guy's please buy my.. err this epic game I have nothing to do with
>dae hate fascism?
>punch nazis lel
Is this a legit shill who keeps making these threads, or an autistic shitposter trying to make us think it's a shill? Either way it's pure faggotry.
Its like Persona without social links. I don't know why it couldn't be a VN. Its advertised as an adventure platformer when there isn't a lot of exploration of the town or any platforming. If it wants to tell a story then just make it a VN. I don't see why its so hard for indies to do this given VNs don't need a lot of money with crowdfunding and are easier to develop.
Also the ending ruins the whole game and is completely rushed and leaves way too much in the air.
It's a beautiful game. Good writing. It's just a game to feel and get to know characters more than anything
>shilling this hard
The game's comfy and that's about it. It's not the best of anything.
Meant to say its like Persona without dungeon crawling and combat. Shit its too early for this shitty bait thread.
If it's morally justified to punch Nazis in the face, is it also morally justified to punch Communists in the face? I think so.
>new tactics
How's your first week on Sup Forums?
The dialogue is so fucking painful to read I don't know how anyone can defend the game
The dev's try way too fucking hard to make conversations feel real by making every character talk like a Valley girl, and even though they KNOW how to make their text move all wavey and shit, they only use it maybe twice. Its nearly impossible to tell what a character's tone of voice is either since its all in fucking CAPS LOCK.
can we post drawings?
The elevator crushing him and then proceeding to rip his arm off was pretty brutal.
Jee, what do you think?
>Game that even fans admit have some obvious flaws
> Threads spark a shitstorm of hate every time from people
Nah, op is TOTALLY here to discuss the game and definitely not here to blatantly just rustle jimmies with the hot new bait. After all, when all the anger sparks from a handful of out context lines, you know you're definitely dealing with a reasonable side of Sup Forums and not the most easily triggered autists on this board.
It looked cute and I like the overall aesthetic, but it also looked boring. How's it compare to other point and click type games?
For someone complaining about people getting easily triggered, you sure seem triggered.
ok i'll torrent it now, but just so you know you're a huge shill.
it's new for him. he tried to be subtle before.
I think he's the only one here to discuss the game.
Someone should tell him where he is.
I'm thinking of getting this. Does this game have any sort of gameplay or should I just save my 20 usd?
Don't even bother torrenting it, its not a good game at all
it is, and i love it for being so.
i grew up in a small bush town in australia, and there are so many elements of this game that i feel a connection to.
it's funny you mention midwest emo, because i discovered that genre of music when i was 15ish, and adored it (it's still a guilty pleasure of mine.)
the game is great. i really love narrative in games, and this does it in a really wonderful way. it's a little bit of a platformer, there's a dungeon crawler element, there are branching story-paths. the fact they're anthropomorphic animals doesn't really factor into anything except the aesthetic. anyone that screams furshit are the same people who are going to call it sjw trash because two characters are gay.
the game really isn't political, there's a spoopy plot and really good characterisation. the night before it was released, i went on the creators twitter account and was mortified at how much he was jerking off over socialism. i chose to ignore it and prayed his bullshit didnt seep into the game, and it hasn't.
if you grew up in a small town and don't get up in arms when you see a gay person, or when someone say's the word "socialism" you're not going to hate this game.
the mechanics and writing are wonderful, the story and characterisation are eerie and intriguing and there's plenty to do and absolute replayability.
dude, just torrent it.
im doing so as we speak.
I wish the game didnt force politics into it, like whats the point? It is just a turn off for me.
Not to mention they are fucking animals, they cant hate each other based on skin colors jesus.
Also the cringy way the main character acts towards the police.
>breaks the law all the time
>police man insted of arresting you takes you home
>police man tells you to be careful and be safe
>what the fuck, fuk the police! You are just opressing me.
Oh well such a shame, overall love the art style.
Why the fuck would you buy this le quirky crap?
GOG version
Have to appeal to the kids somehow.
Then it must be the only game you've ever played, it's complete trash.
The fucking dungeon crawling minigame was infinitely more interesting than the entire game itself.
>communists ended WWII
>implying they weren't just Germany's punching bag for several years so that the US/Britain could properly organize and actually win the war for them
>being oblivious to the fact that the US essentially funded the entire Soviet operation post-1941, without which they'd have been swiftly eliminated, as confirmed by fucking Stalin himself
God bless user
Even if this was a good game I could never support it due to the devs being Antifa supporters.
I don't care if it's a faggoty position to hold, but I can't support people who are in league with groups of thugs who physically assault women for wearing a red hat or clothing that bears their nation's flag. That shit is fucked.
Yeah I guess.
Also not liking how the main character looks like a male when she is female. But thats a minor nickpick from my side
To be clear, pass is "PCGames-Download.NET" without the quote marks. Not something like you having to go to that site and look for the password there.
It's a pretty cool site though, has GOG releases on Mega for most recent indie games and many of them even updated to the newest version. I got Va-11 Hall-A there fo r examples.
If the creator is such a proud Socialist, he won't be mad about people downloading it.