120 shrines

>120 shrines
>900 korok puzzles
>76 sidequests
>no achievement/trophy system

Whats the point then? Seems like a missed opportunity...

>900 korok puzzles

Jesus christ.

The install base isn't big enough to justify achievement memes. Literally only you and your cousin's dog would know you beat gimmick shrine #96.

You get a secret ending if you do them all

Achievements and trophies are pure cancer.

Do you really need a piece of text to tell you what to do in a game?

You can do those quests and puzzles all the same, who the fuck needs achievements

Are there any normal dungeons? Or only small ones?

>900 korok puzzles
>haven't found one yet


I definitely need more motivation to beat 120 half life 2 seesaw/stacking puzzles m8

>no achievement/trophy system
Is there at least an easy way of tracking them all to see how many you've done?

>no achievement/trophy system
>Whats the point then?
you want your pat on the back really badly, huh?

nope, only tiny ones, 5 rooms or less with barely enemies, similar designs, and no dungeon items. They're closer to big shrines than even the smallest Zelda dungeon.

>Skyrim meets far cry meets Zelda
I give it a week before people realize that hunting and staying warm isn't fun after you do it 4 tkmes

No, but achievements feel rewarding

That's false though?

Bragging rights I guess. But doing everything just for your own satisfaction seems even more autistic. If they implemented a achievement system they might have got me to buy one

Then write "congratulations" on a piece of paper every time you finish a quest and give it to yourself, it's the same fucking thing

Nobody besides you cares about your achievements.
Even with achievements, it's just for your own satisfaction.

The Korok is the most lazy, lamest thing ever. Fucking twig characters with leaf faces. Awful

Are the in game rewards good?

I think they're cute. They remind me of those things from Princess Mononoke.

who are you going to brag to? are they still planning to use miiverse or some shit for the next 5 years instead of a full blown social network or what?

Lots of people do actually. It just adds more replay value to the game. Its actually a huge thing for a lot of gamers

>doing things in a game has no point except if I get a virtual gold star for it

I use achievements to keep track of what I've done and what there is left to do in a game.

You are joking, r-right?

I spent 22 years of my life not knowing of caring about trophies, and 1 year of trying to go for them, and I have played and enjoyed games more in the last year then I have in my entire life (excluding runescape era maybe), and have been gaming my entire life. I would 100% Xenoblade if it gave me something to show for it. Look at my ps4 account and you will see I love Miku, platformers, and rpgs, but nothing to tell you what I like to play on Switch. So I guess just a cool list of games your freinds play on their account would be enough, but a full trophy system does a better job showing what games they played for 5 min, and witch for 50 hours.

I think it's more autistic to do thing in a game only because of a piece of text, it's not even a good reward. You're supposed to do things in a game to have fun.

Considering kodama translates to forest spirits and koroks are... forest spirits, I'd say that's a pretty apt comparison.


Oh sorry, I'm more of a movier.

I have never looked at any of my friends' achievements or trophies.

>doing something for your own satisfaction is autistic

I like getting rare trophies and feeling special for being in a small percentage of people that did a certain thing in a game. I don't see what's bad about them. They shouldn't effect your enjoyment at all. Just turn them off and don't look at them.

this board is 18+, nigger

Just fucking play the game, who cares if you got all the achievements.

>900 korok puzzles
Oh god I didn't know there were that many
Who even needs two pages of weapons or shields?

>korok puzzles
Let's not get crazy here.

>piece of text overlayed the game is not enough motivation to do everything
>but a piece of text IN the game makes it all fun!

But half genie hero is half genie game without its amazing list of achevementd that incude attempting to play the game in a way I would have never attempted or though to do. So the trophys motivated me to keep playing the game and enjoying it instead of moving on to the next flavor of the week.

>I'm more of a movier.
"GAYMER" is such a fucking stupid noun. We should stop using it. Everybody plays video games. You're not special for doing it.

Ya but trophies arn't a bad thing at all. Who is going to actually complete all those koroks or shrines? Pretty much no one because there's no incentive other then getting an extra 5 second ending scene.

He is right. They allow you to rotate the whole boss which is cool, which is the game's gimmick rather than having a dungeon item.

But its all small rooms small amount of rooms


>i need fake validation to measure my enjoyment
Are you fucking 5??

Most of them are creative though.
My favorite so far (out of the 10 I've done) is on the twin peaks mountains you'll enter and be left with a 5x5 grid of holes with 5 different balls to specifically go in.

I won't reveal the solution, but it really got the noggin a joggin for a second, and is much simpler than you might think entering into the room.

Achievement systems has always been a fucking blight in games, fuck that shit.

Want to spread your e-peen around town? Fucking show kids your save files or take a photo of your screen ya mook.

>Achievement systems has always been a fucking blight in games
How though? How does it affect the game in any way? If you like them, you like them. If you don't, ignore them.

>read the thing right at the entrance
>they spell it right the fuck out.

I'm not doing it because they told me in game, I'm doing it because I want to see everything the game has to offer ya dingus.

It's just a cursory log that can also show off your interests and progress over time within games, whereas that wouldn't be communicated at all. You can even look at other people's to see if they have similar taste in games, if they got further etc.


>Wow collecting 827 koroks was boring as shit, I'm going to get the other 73 now xD

>I'm doing it because I want to see everything the game has to offer ya dingus
And achievements/trophies are a good way to track that progress.

The thing is that none of your friends give a shit about what games you play and if you got all the achievements in them.

It's the only puzzle that requires you to leave the shrine itself to solve it, so most people will sit around thinking hard about what in the room gives an apt solution, and as the poem states, they'll be destined for failure.

>completing open world game
Boring and waste of time.

The melee weapon capacity is really handy though

>no hookshot
>no diving
>no fishing
>this game calls for all three more than ever

Grabbing fish with your hands doesn't count. I haven't played it yet, waiting on UPS, but I am disappointed by these facts.

No it's not, in some shrines you need a torch or fire arrows.

Fucking annoying having to go through 3 loading screens just to get a torch.

Or you can do something actually interesting like in a Link Between Worlds. You get a weapon upgrade for every ten maimais you collect.

need achievement trophy for playing a game
what when wrong with /v

Yeah, and the argument could be made that trophies have cancerous goals, and don't reflect how much you played the game, but I'd say that's up to the quality of the developers. I put 180 hours into ff15 and my plat shows it. I got 5 plats so far and Order1886 is the only one I feel gross about.

Nah you only get the true ending if you collect all the memories.

Other than that the shrines and koroks don't matter

>no diving
Then how do you get those underwater chests?

>not keeping a torch 24/7 and just having campfire wood / flint when needed
Also, you realize that if you draw your arrow but don't fire it, and dip it into fire, it becomes a fire arrow right?

I'm with you user, I like to look back at my trophies and achievements after beating a game to see how much of the game I actually completed.

You use the magnet to pull them out, or that ice block. Saw it in stream. It's the only way.

>Seems like a missed opportunity...
The only achievements I've ever thought constructive were ones that encouraged self-imposed challenge runs, outside of that they're largely meaningless.
>b-but 100% is hard!
No, completing everything a game has to offer (namely when the scope is this large) is tedious, not challenging. If you consider tedium in any way, shape or form challenging you should strongly consider a career in cashiering.


I know there are a couple of ways but I don't want to waste arrows and the torch is a wasted inventory slot.

please look forward to the fishing DLC :^)

The best achievements are the ones that look like self-imposed autistic challenge runs. I agree with you.

I know some people who just play on the xbone for gamerscore. I think gamerscore is the only effective achievement system since you earn actual points for doing even small things. Any other achievement system isn't as addicting.

Personally I lost interest when I heard that there were games where you just need to get normally trough the game to get all achievements and that there are games with retarded time waster goals that don't have much to do with the actual content of the game.

This lack of consistent design quality makes achievements pointless as fuck.

the only problem here is it you don't get anything for collecting any of-all those things

>he doesn't know

Noticing and solving the really cryptic Korok puzzles has been immensely satisfying for me. Those shooting gallery ammosink ones can go to hell though.

I got the same response from people when I grinded faction rep and got mounts before Wrath of the Lich King introduced achievements.

How about you go suck a dick you normie fag that can't do anything unless someone tells you to.

If you want to be a so much attention whore then screencap your inventory or things at 100% and post it at kikebook is the same fucking thing.

I personally don't need to anyone knows what I'm playing and definitely don't need an achievement system to tell me to 100% a game, I do that because I can.

>Gamerscore's really matter guys!

>Now lemme just go beat King Kong.

>Go to my friends profile.
>Oh all he plays is Netflix and Fifa.

looks like Arkham Knight just got a contender for "to many puzzles"

It's called fun. Autistic numales don't understand the concept.

and worst payoff