Best vidya quotes

Starting with TW3
>And you are afraid... You feel fear.
>You lie. I don't feel a thing anymore.

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What creature persists in the face of such suffocating despair?
The others have begun to kneel.
Will it join them?
It will struggle them. And it will bleed. And it will fall.
And one day, when it finds itself beaten and broken, gasping for air, choking on its own blood and tears...
...that will be the day that it kneels.
And I will consume it.

>Evil is evil, lesser, greater, middling - makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definition blurred. If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all.

"You do not strike sir! You flail!"

That quote is retarded
>Evil is evil, lesser, greater, middling - makes no difference.
A guy who massacres 200 people is the same as a guy who kills 2!

Where does he mention people in that quote?

Are you implying people can't be evil?

Its more a quote about choices you dolt.
>A guy who walks 200 miles is the same as a guy who walks 2
Both are walkers and both chose to walk. Degrees of walking, whatever it might be, are arbitrary.

i cover wars you know

The second part is about choices.
The first one is clearly saying that it doesn't matter how evil it is, it just matters that it is in fact evil.

>psssh... nothin personnel..kid...
-coldsteel the hedgehog

Sounds like geralt is a nu-male

LMAO massacring niggers is the same as microaggressing against transwomen


No shit hes a nu-male, he even says "lmao its current year, of course stronk womyn fight and do battle" in one of the quests

Also yes.
There's no way to not sound pretentious when saying this but go and study some logic/philosophy so you don't look like such an idiot.

And thats why its retarded


>Misguided opinion
You aren't wrong in your evaluation of what was said. Dismissing it as "retarded" because you don't understand it is silly.

They can be, but once they choose evil over good, justifying it by setting some sort of measurments isn't gonna make them any less of a person who chose evil.

Whats there to understand?
The quote is literally saying that it doesn't matter how evil something is because its still evil - a serial rapist/killer/pedophile/arsonist is the same as a one time killer apparently, which makes no sense.

If its trying to make some overt point about choosing over different evils, that still doesn't make the first part make sense anyway.

The game does choices between different evils fairly well at times but that quote is just stupid. Why would the severity and gravity of a particular evil not have any kind of effect?

I guess you will never understand, my friend. I could say it 100 different ways and while we agree on what was said you don't understand the meaning. I'm not sure how to help you.

Regardless of the severity of any such thing, it either is or it is not.
It is evil to kill once or many times.
Choosing the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.

Is evil itself subjective? Of course. You just have to define it for yourself. Tagging degrees such as lesser, greater, doesn't change the following tag of evil.

>Tagging degrees such as lesser, greater, doesn't change the following tag of evil.
Well of course
A killer is still evil, same as a serial killer

Whats the point in just waving them under a single flag though is my point. I might not understand it but neither does the quote make it easy to understand.

If all these things are evil with varying levels, why SHOULD you wave it under one single flag of evil? It makes no sense.

Not in game when you're making choices, or when you're conversing with people.

Even geralt contradicts that I think, since hes clearly extremely eager and happy to kill Whoreson Jr because of his deeds but only scoffs at people who murdered more people but in a less disgusting way than Whoreson did

I think its just the game trying to be deeper than it actually is.

Does the quote make sense with Geralt's character and the world as a whole? Not really.
Is the quote logically/philosophically sound? I think so.

That's the problem with philosophy in cases like these. It might make perfect sense in the most basic and logical way but in a human way it doesn't work. Human problems tend to be much more nuanced but the basic and logical are important to consider all the same.

I think we essentially agree but we were arguing from different points.

Well then I'm not sure why the game is trying to go for some ebin philosophical commentary when its clear the main character speaking.

It may make sense philosophically, but why is Geralt saying it then.

No matter how I look at it, its stupid.

>this edgy fanfiction quality shit is considered "great writing" in video games
>people willingly ignored terrible gameplay and praised TW3 solely based on its literary qualities

This is why video games should focus on gameplay, if you want good literature go read a book

I like this one, really makes you think

Shut up Briana.

>You start thinking too much about morality...THAT's insane...
from one of the jackal's tapes in FC2. My personal favorite.

>"You do not strike sir! You flail!"
This is misstranslated quote from Polish historical trilogy books awarded with Nobel.
>4:40 exact moment


Anything from Max Payne is kino

t.souls fanboy

>I can't cry. Don't know how.

>fucking monsters!

>It's time to kick bubble gum and chew ass. And I'm all out of ass.

- Dick Kickem