What video game has the best elves?

What video game has the best elves?


Are you from that /tg/ thread?


Depends on what kind of elves

World of Wolfram.


In that case, thanks.

I never would have found the show if I didn't see your thread.

Has the guy behind the show mentioned anything about more episodes later on or is he done with it for good?

Fantastic, now make this thread about video games. Here, I start:

TES games for Dunmer
Anything with Warhammer fantasy (Age of Reckoning, Mark of Chaos, Total War soon)
Warcraft 3 (heard WoW turned night elves into shit)
Dragon's Crown
Warlords Battlecry series

>Age of Reckoning

I miss that game.

I tried Age of Reckoning recently
Played it for like 100 hours, then realized how much I hate the way swinging a weapon doesn't feel like swinging a weapon at all, and that everyone is a damage sponge and healers are cancer
How do I deal with this? It turned me off the game. Are all MMOs like this?

>good for anything but getting genocided
fuck off kniefear

Thanks for the bump, we appreciate your support for this elf thread.

>post yfw Dark Elves were right all along

This meme is getting out of hand. I'm starting to think some of you are actually serious.
Also how good is Mark of Chaos? And what about Warlords Battlecry 3 (I know nothing about the series)?

You gun get purified, heretic.

>Mark of Chaos?
It's... good. That's it. Unfortunately the Total War games exists and there is no reason to play it, only if you want to play a faction that hasn't been in the TW game. A bit boring campaign, too linear, rpg-mechanics too shallow. But the strategy works, not all but some nice collection of units. Had honestly more fun playing Skaven in that game, the High Elves were a bit boring in it. Dark Elves are kinda fun with their monsters and more sneaky approaches.

>Warlords Battlecry 3
rts/rpg mix. I think it was 17 fantasy factions you could play, from very standard ones to some quite interesting ones. Balance doesn't exist, never played multiplayer, but apparently it's ridiculous what overpowered shit of hero/army combos you can do. Good rpg-mechanics, you can make some really fun to play and interesting heroes. High Elves and Dark Elves are one of my favorite factions in this game for different reasons, but stay away from Wood Elves.

Heretic is basically fantasy Doom, this makes its protagonist a fantasy Doomguy. And he's an elf.

In fairness, Total War Elves were only recently downgraded into not being absolute cunts that one upped Chaos in the genocide scale, and even allied with them.
It was only reasonable to SUMMON THE ELECTOR COUNTS and exterminate them at the first opportunity.

And Mark of chaos is alright for a campaign play through or two, but that's about it.


Just kill yourself already, we have a chance to have an actual video game thread.

>non Nordic elf mythology

Rune Factory

No, elves are for breeding

Fuck off, you won't contribute anything of worth to this thread. Your kind is the worst that could ever happen to elves. You probably hate them anyway, this isn't the thread for you.

Not leaving until you admit elves are for breeding

>weeb shit

Breeding strong aryan warriors and mages.

No, elves are for purging

Fuck off you are just like the DUDE GENOCIDE memesters, only at the other end of the spectrum
If you posted tastefully lewd good art you might have been forgiven, but you posted garbage generic looking shit

Hmm... Age of Wonders 2?

Or just Age of Wonders, I just don't like how factions were strictly race-aligned there.

Elves are for ______

Off-topic garbage it seems. Thanks for wanting to destroy this thread.

Lady of Pain and Incarnate are top tier.

Good porn not like this elf rape meme fetish trash

"cherishing as our brothers and sisters among sapient folk"

Is this one of those good orc mangas?

Star Ocean. Even though they are not technically elves (Nedian)

I'm also quite fond of Elerians.

Gothic II: NoTR

Post more elf lewds, I need to do my daily ritual.

I don't remember any elves being in it, are you serious

So not elves?

>I don't remember any elves being in it
That's exactly why it has the best type of elves.

ones where they are captured by orcs

I could never decide if I wanted to marry her or the purple girl. So I just stopped playing.

rape of course

Those are space elves.

Alright mods, kill this thread. Thanks to Sup Forums-fags this has nothing to do with video games anymore.

Anime elves are truly the worst and so are the people that post them.

Upvoted, ebin meme.

cute elf = anime
ugly elf = video game

Is that how it works?

Don't forget the /tg/ memester forcing their garbage in every thread that mention elves ever. Props to for trying to keep it vidya and suggesting some good games

for capturing

best elf

Might and Magic 3-5 because they're not just whiteys with pointy ears.


I'm pretty sure that's a goblin.

Queen´s blade or real hentaI? I need this.
Yes, as demonstrated by Bioware.

>elfmom says it's my turn to play

anyone say goblin?

I can't wrap my head around why this fictional race causes such shitstorms. We could have a chill thread about video games, but no. One half of this board must go
>REEEEE le knife ear! Let me post that one video about that dwarf ranting AGAIN
And the other half remember that it needs to masturbate the third time this day und dumps the same doujin pages AGAIN

Seriously fuck you. Have a Deedlit.

>Gold-upgrade Elf archers on a wall with marksman 3
>Actually hitting and killing tier 4 units at the gate

>Queen´s blade or real hentaI? I need this.
Bikini Warriors. 11 episodes. ~5 minutes each. Parodies old JRPG tropes with pseudo-hentai elements. OVA is borderline yuri hentai.

What kind of complete pleb do you take me for that you think I'm not already in double digits by noon?

Same reason why this site is going to shit, it's gotten too popular to be good and ironic shitposting infests every board (every board that I browse anyway).
From pure unironical /tg/ autism to cuck race wars on /gif/ and so on... You only have to pick your poison

>Muh safe space
Go back to your echo chamber without trigger warnings faggot.

Nice, thanks mate.
Stop being so thin-skinned, part of the appeal of elves are corruption, if you ever fucking read Tolkien´s work. Grow up.

Maybe because Elves are a garbage race especially in video games

>Stop being so thin-skinned, part of the appeal of elves are corruption, if you ever fucking read Tolkien´s work. Grow up.
Jesus christ the mental gymnastics you went through to justify the fact you are shitting up a thread


user, this has been going on for years. Every elf-related thread either gets drowned in Pelinal-posters or doujin pages if it gets past ten posts, or both. We had a video game discussion going on for some time, something very rare and precious on this board, this has nothing to do with Tolkien right now.

Well, nice to have you in this thread, you sure are here to contribute a lot of useful things for us.

Knife ears go home

>Ask for source of the image containing an elf
Unclench your sphincter.
If you want to talk about game, make a thread about a game. This is more akin to a general thread about elves, which are all cancer.

Best elves are elves that fight for what is right.

Witcher 1 elves were a fun bunch.

Around elves
Watch yourselves

Fuck Bioware for not making any elves companions in DA fuckable. No, the nasty cockgoblin is not an elves, is an abomination.

>Stop being so thin-skinned, part of the appeal of elves are corruption, if you ever fucking read Tolkien´s work.
That has nothing to do with posting porn/elf murder porn on a Vietnamese watchmaking website.

The ones where you can do genocide in them. Any recommendations where you get to slaughter them that is not TW?

Harlequins are the best 40k elves.
>they're even allowed to perform on human words because Harlequins

That image shouldn't have been posted in the first place you stupid fuck
At least you could have the decency to ask source and then fuck off but no you have to just keep shitting it up
>If you want to talk about game, make a thread about a game. This is more akin to a general thread about elves, which are all cancer.
But at this point who cares anymore, might as well kill the thread for good
Also good job making some shit about tolkien up first then switching to this argument when someone points out that hs nothing to do with anything ITT

>This is more akin to a general thread about elves
No, it's not. It's supposed to be a thread about video games that have elves in them, which you guys tried to turn into a general shitposting thread about fantasy, which is off-topic, and becomes a meta-thread right now.

I enjoy Japanese elves, space or otherwise.

>Making up shit about Tolkien
How about you fucking tell us first that you haven´t read one of the most entry-level fantasy works around?
>Posting not video game image
>OP give us no example
>Is a shitty rec thread
There is a reason this recommendation threads are banned on Sup Forums. They are low quality and encourage laziness of having someone fish for you.

I didn't say the ones in your picture are Harlequins, I said that I like Harlequins. They're a cool faction, trying to preserve memories of their race, including the memory of their greatest folly, trying to teach other races through beautiful performances, and, sometimes, killing the crap out of what they perceive as a threat to Eldar.


I think you mistook a Supreme Race Craftworld Eldar Dire Avenger Exarch to be a mere harlequin.
Although some harlequins do fight for what is right. Sometimes.

>the doujin where the demon servant NTRs his masters elf wife
uff. dont do this to me again.

Nah, he's right. Harlequins are the best. They have a god on their side that cares, is still active and these murderous clowns appear to be one of the most reasonable races in wh40k.

The nips make the best elves.

>>Posting not video game image
>>OP give us no example
>>Is a shitty rec thread
You know what, you are right about this one. As I saw OPs thread I actually waited for it to just die, but as it turned out to keep going decided to post some video games to make the best out of this.

You mean the worst.

Nah, he's wrong. Craftworld Eldar are the best.

Dunmer are for sex
Altmer are for getting purged

>They have a god on their side that cares
>that cares


Maybe next time start the thread with a video game image, retard
Oh what am I saying, if you actually wanted a good discussion you would've started the thread with an interesting topic of discussion instead of "What video game has..."

>doujin pages aren't deleted
I know you are very busy, mods, but there is only so much self-moderation we can do.

>Against nip drawings
>Post nip drawings
What did he mean by this?

What can I do, I'm not the OP. At least I try to improve the board, even though naysayers like you don't like this threads topic and still stay for whatever reason.

There is a serious lack of elves lewds in VNs. Good ones that aren´t a fast fuck and discarded.

Yes, he cares. He saves Eldar souls and his servants work for the benefit of all Eldar.

This is the first time I see an Eldar with an actual shield. Strange.