Load up Zelda

>Load up Zelda
>Immediately get this screen

Great tech Nintendo

haha kek


>load up Sup Forums
>immediately get screen full of BOTW shit posting threads

Great website Moot.


Did Microsoft design the switch?

Works on my machine ;)

Why did you drop it? Good luck on that RMA.

no refundiru fer ru


Good job wasting 300$, faggot.


It's Linux OS.

hello newfriend

A fallen legend

Well no one would have bought it if they stuck with the Nintendo Bait&Switch

>guy has 2 switches
literally why?

Yah like wtf why would anyone buy two sets of joycons? If you are that desperate for another controller, buy a pro controller.

That's what you get for getting it day one. Dumbass.

It's actually the freebsd kernel

All of that cheap looking plastic. Does the thing even feel like a solid piece of equipment?

thats what you get for buying a console at launch

SONY WINS YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>buying a console at launch with 1 game


It does. I just got done playing it for like 6 hours.


Please fuck off and die you sub-human Yuropoor-scum.

Zelda, 1, 2 Switch and Bomberman. Switch has a stacked lineup

one might say your Switch surrendered