Might as well start the whole thing
>where am I
Post-game, completing shrines
>fun discoveries
Too many to count. It's the little moments that make the game for me
Besides dungeons, I would like the combat system of TP to return with the advanced moves like shield bash and such
>am I enjoying myself
Heck yes
its boring, especially since there's no music in the overworld
literally mgsv all over except finished
>empty world
>no incentive to explore
>shit enemy variety
>worst bosses in the series
>story is trash
>VA is trash
>framerate is trash
>no dungeons
>weapon durability
its shit
There is
>inb4 ambient noise doesn't count, combat music doesn't count either
>MGSV but finished
>link, the king, and the other warriors were dead all along
Such a shitty ending
>literally mgsv all over except finished
So a literally perfect game then?
I got the OP soldier's bow from climbing up the temple of time, does that have durability too?
Haven't killed Ganon but got the 4 divine beasts down
110 shrines
Doing side quests that I picked up
I can't find any more shrines or side quests
Also, the guy in Tarrey Town sells the full Rubber, Climbing and Barb sets.
I'm just gonna believe this is bait but if it's actually spoilers fuck you.
>empty world
The world is designed for a horse, are you on one? On foot the plains are too vast, but on a horse it feels just right
>no incentive to explore
The game does give you many though, unless they don't count for some arbitrary reason
>shit enemy vareity
It could be more, but it is hardly felt in the game
>worst bosses
Literally wrong. The Ganon forms and minibosses are fun to fight.
>story is trash
Meh, it's okay. Not amazing Oscar worthy but competent
>VA is trash
>playing in English
>framerate is trash
Agreed. Wii U here.
>no dungeons
Literally wrong, unless they don't count again?
>weapon durability
It is handled pretty well, especially in mid to post-game. It encourages experimentation of different weapons, and weapons don't break as much the further you go
i found a neat field of greatswords in the ground near kakariko, but i forgot to mark it. its near some ruins, watch out for guardians, like 3 nearby
Yep, all bows have. I wouldn't worry about that though, most enemies wield bows, and you get a repairable one somewhere later in the game
you can parry you know, just hit A as soon as they strike your shield.
I am just trying to max stamina first. Since hearts are useless and everything needs stamina. I've gotten about 18 spirit orbs so far.
I absolutely loathe the inventory system. Navigating through them is not seamless by any means.
They need to make the witch time a lot faster it's way too slow. Game without this would be significantly harder.
Seriously graphics goddamn. Xenoblade X looks like a PS4 game on Wii u. Zelda environments looks like a Wii game on the Switch. Stop compressing textures.
Really gameplay is all this game has, but I'll admit I think the music and sounds makes the game feel more alive than the graphics.
>where are you so far?
I've taken a break, but I beat the bird and the elephant.
>any fun discoveries?
i've been pretty disappointed by this, there's a lot of chests with really boring shit in them. just sword +5 and electric bow and whatever. They are chests for chest's sake. The most fun things that's happened was mounted moblins nearly killing me on a mountain and almost dying to wild dogs, but it was largely because one moblin had weird stats and armored through my sword.
>what do you want to see improved in the inevitable sequel?
i'd like it if there were items that gave you abilties, and i'd really like if they added dungeons. nothing but short physics puzzles is a pretty fucking boring way to make a zelda
>are you enjoying yourself?
not really. the aesthetics are nice, but nothing seems meaningful. I've largely been fighting bad guys and doing half life 2 physics puzzles in the same way i did hours ago when i started. I'm doing a lot of repetetive shit.
i'm glad i pirated it so i could get a more informed opinion before i shittalked it, but I don't think this is a well designed game.
Playing on a wiiU with the giant controller thing feels awful
I like the bash though, and how it stuns. Not to mention stuff like the stealthy blow or some shit, or the back attack
I would also like an option to remove bullet time. It's cool, but makes it easy to cheese the game
You haven't found shrines or Koroks while exploring? Weird
Any tips? I'm literally about to start
So I broke all of my weapons trying to fuck up one of those turret enemies.
Now I cant even cut down a tree anymore. What now?
I'm running around but I cant find any tools or sticks.
don't play it linearly, dick around, and get creative.
Get off the plateau ASAP, it's the most boring part of the game.
Get to the castle if you can, the hylian shield is great
Use bombs to disarm strong enemies
Avoid engaging guardians
Get a horse, keep it with you
Don't rush in on large groups of enemies
Otherwise, you should be fine
oh no, i've found plenty. koroks don't really do anything for me, they don't really have puzzles worth going out of the way for, you just find them. Getting a free thing that I never really gave a shit about in the first place isn't any more entertaining, it's just like "oh, that happened".
With shrines i just wish they were more varied. If they cut them down by like half I'd probably enjoy them but right now I wish I was solving puzzles with items rather than playing around with the gravity gun forever
The wood cutting axe at the start comes back after a while, you could use bombs on enemy camps or sneak up and steal their weapons too.
Find an enemy camp, sneak in. Find twigs on the ground and hit enemies in the head. Use your bombs to disarm.
Does the nunchuk or GameCube controller work
The giant wiiU pad is horrible
Fuck yourself. I thought the poll would be asking where we are, it's a fucking rating thing
Wait, you didn't upgrade your hearts and stamina at all?
Shrines do get more varied as you go on, did you encounter the electric ones yet, or the water flow one? Not everything is stasis puzzles
The old dude is the king and father of Zelda. He's a spirit all along as well as the bird guy, shark girl and muscle goro who fought alongside the king and Link 100 years ago in a battle with ganon.
They all died except Link who revives in the tower with amnesia
Pumping your stamina early game can help quite a bit with exploration. You can always get more hearts via elixir
How would I possibly be able to put down every single location into the poll
alright if enemy camps and resources respawn then its all good.
I've never liked Zelda in the past, played almost all of them for a few hours. This game is fucking awesome though, I love it. It feels like playing a Studio Ghibli movie.
They respawn every few days during a blood moon, you can't miss it since it has a cutscene. I don't know if that's when objects in the world respawn but I would assume so.
If it makes you feel any better, you actually find this shit out pretty early
>slowly climbing a set of mountains in order to reach a shrine
>rain out of nowhere
>can't climb or I'll slip to my death
>wait for a couple of minutes
>it turns night time
>freeze to death in the halfway point
thanks Nintendo.
>Where are you so far
Just started a little bit ago. About an hour in and it's "Climb tower to fill in map" followed by fetch quests
>Are you enjoying yourself
Pro controller works.
Wow you sure got off the plateau early. You didn't dick around?
Which fetch quest are you in right now? What item and to where?
Picking it up soon, but never had a problem with this controller. What's with all the Trump Tinyhands?
Pick up a pro controller, they're cheap and much better
If there's a part of a mountain with an overhang you can light a campfire under it during a rainstorm.
Pro controller works, you need the pad for a handful of shrine because they rely on gyro controls though.
So far I've only encountered one but there seem to be like 5-6.
Exactly what I did, it was comfy as fuck
>what do you want to see improved in the inevitable sequel?
>implying Zelda isn't a dead franchise now
It's just the part where the old guy tells you to find three underground trails in exchange for his hang glider. I'm sure it's not as bad as I'm assuming it is, but fucking hell, this is so AssCreed-esque.
Where do I get flint?
How did you get to the tower then, are you lying?
You literally cannot get off the plateau to the tower if you have gotten the hanglider yet
And the shrines serve as a tutorial, after that you're free to go
I got together with a friend who had it on preorder and we toyed around for 5 hours or so.
>where are you so far?
We didn't get very far, we fucked around a lot. We got off the Plateau and did a few shrines, crossed lake Hylia, and fought some huge ass lizalfos (that wrecked our shit).
>Any fun discoveries?
Fun? Sure, discoveries? Not so many right now, we found several of those spirits and some hidden shrines, but they seemed like things that begged to be found. No actual really cool hidden stuff as of yet.
>what do you want to see improved?
The framerate, for one. Also some of the gimmick's are a bit clunky (magnet i'm looking at you)
>are you enjoying yourself?
It was one of the most fun experiences i've ever had. But maybe that's because i don't often get together with other pals to explore a game from 0, that's the beauty about zelda.
You're literally told this very early on (about 1h in)
The king is dead and nothing but a spirit lingering to the land, and assumably the "heroes" that faced ganon 100 years ago are dead too.
where can I find some warm clothes nigga
I've been thru the little dungeon where you get your first item but I'm spending time in the nearby forest trying to cook good food.
It's the very first tower. The old guy tells you to climb it again to look around.
In a small house behind the temple of time.
How far into the game till I can ride something
is it that old shack with the wood cutting axe? i swear I went there and didn't find anything
Warm clothes are all in gerudo desert
OR you can equip a frost weapon
vice versa works, snow area just equip a fire weapon
How the fuck do I start camp fires
You don't need to climb it though? Just go look for the shrines on foot, you fucking casual.
How do I use the scope to find shrines! Or something
Really early on like the tutorial
There should be a chest in there with a warm shirt
Strike flint with any non blunt weapon next to a pile of wood. Break black sparkling rocks for the flint and cut down trees for the wood.
Break ore on mountains. You can get all kinds of stones.
That chest only appears if you didn't get the doublet from the old man via cooking the food he forgot about before he disappears on you
How do i save game
If you complete "The Isolated Plateau" quest, a chest will be in the cabin with a warm shirt.
If you haven't completed it yet, then you need to get raw meat (kill a boar in the forest), a fish (just pick them up while swimming in a pond) and some peppers (near the entrance to the snowy areas). Then you need to bring them to the Old Man while he is cooking shit or cook them into Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry (I forget which) and then talk to him.
Start, R till you get to settings, save
or you climb the mount as fast as you can and he gives it to you at the top
On Switch, press the plus button then right trigger to access the save/settings menu.
On Cemu (if the game even works beyond the main menu) then ... fucking buy it you dirty pirate.
On WiiU doesn't matter since no one owns a WiiU.
Ah I didn't know that.
To be clear you're talking about Mount Hylia with the standing stone on top?
Can you solve any of the shrine with the starting powers? Fiirst one I went to on the way to Kakariko and I have no fucking clue
>the text doesnt adapt to portable mode
>its so small I have to move from my comfy spot whenever i need to read
The game is fun so far, at the very beggining.
You can solve all the Shrines on the way to Twin Peaks stable with starting powers.
There are some Shrines in the game which are based on combat and are pretty much impossible to beat until you have better weapons/more hearts.
There are some Shrines which are hidden and can't be found until later.
So where/what is the Animal Master boss from the dump?
Are there any games that let me play as a cat?
Ah it's fine, I totally forgot I could glide.
If you see any out of place rocks, like it's in a weird location or there's no other rocks near it, pick it up. Very good chance there's a Korok underneath it
Can anyone confirm/deny that tracking a weapon via sensor counts when an enemy is holding it?
Explain further
How do I make arrows
So what's the deal with the Sheikah? Now they have mechs?
Bombs blow up trees, by the way.
epic post upboated
Why doesn't the wiiU gamepad have anything on the little screen? Not even a map
$cEnv , cTemperature , cHorse , cFieldBattle , cSilence , cSpotBgmMgr , cMazeForest , cBigMaze , cAnimalMaster , cBloodyMoon , cCastle , cGolem , cGiant , cSandworm , cAssassinSenior , cDragon , cGuardian , cGuardianFixed , cDungeonBattle , cDungeonNormal , cDungeonReward , cTutorialDungeonBattle , cRemainsNormalWind , cRemainsNormalElec , cRemainsNormalFire , cRemainsNormalWater , cGanonGrudgeBattle , cCurseGanonWind , cCurseGanonElec , cCurseGanonFire , cCurseGanonWater , cGanon , cGanonBeast , cEvent , cInvalid
R3. Click the right joystick down.
I just counted my side quests, 61/76
Where the FUCK are the last 15 quests if I only have 9 fucking shrines left?
Do these shrines get better? Holy shit these are all babby tier
Fucking Stone Talus jesus
How long have you been playing?
Since the first leak, so like 4.5-5 days ago.
I hate these threads and the people that create them.
>no criticism allowed only positive comments ok have fun xD
Where the ever loving FUCK do you think you niggers are?
What's the purple thing in the bottom right?
How far in are you? Great Plains is basically a tutorial. They get better later, but nothing super challenging.
>where am i
Gerudo desert
>fun discoveries
You can'walk for 10 feet without finding something fun and interesting.
The most fun I've had was on a remote island off the coast near Hateno. It's a challenge where you play like a Robinson Crusoe adventure, where all your equipment gets taken away and you have to survive by scraping them from the environment and off the enemies. It's really intense and with only 4 hearts, I could die from some enemies taking one swing. The nature was also terrifying as one bolt of lightning could also instantly kill you can it did twice. You really have to find shelter and try to survive.
>improved in the inevitable sequel?
Make weapons more durable. They break too easy as is. But honestly, I hope Nintendo does a MM on BotW, building on BotW instead of completely making a new Zelda game and engine from the ground up.
>are you enjoying yourself?
It's amazing so far.
Or you can read his diary and find out that there's a particular food you can cook for him in exchange for it. I did it your way instead having no idea he'd be up there, I just wanted to see if I could make it to the peak with only a couple warm foods. Lighting a torch right at the end saved my life.
I just beat hinox before going to sleep. Tonight i'll probably start doing shrines I kept getting 1HKO with 3 hearts. I'm mainly exploring maps and activating towers. I love cooking
>no criticism allowed only positive comments ok have fun xD
>OP literally asks your opinions on it, and whether you're even enjoying it