>"I killed Jeannie May. Do I still get my discount?"
>"Ki- killed her? Why would you do something like that?"
>"She missed my wake-up call."
"I killed Jeannie May. Do I still get my discount?"
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Opinions on mods like Marcus/Ulysses/Sunny Smiles/Melissa Lewis companion mods? Are they any good, or shit fanfic tier?
Never heard of them, but they're shit
Who else was surprised when they met Lanius for the first time and he turned out to be a rather eloquent and soft spoken man?
>can make Boone blow off any random denizen of Nipton's head
>Then you can just tell him lol idk i just guessed
If its not the massive unforgivable amount of bugs, the companions might be the single worst part of Fallout 4. You don't even get a unique quest for each of them.
>pick lock
Fallout 4 managed to make Bioware look competent.
>find the evidence
>tell boone you just did it for the lulz anyway
>Buy a shitload of toy rockets from this guy
>Decide to dump everything one by one in Boone's room
>Radiation counter start going up
Didn't expected that.
The storage they are kept in is radioactive too.
Does anyone have a fucking clue how exactly does the radiation resistance in NV work?
I thought it's simple- the rad/sec is decreased by the resistance percentage you have, with at least 1 rad/sec.
But here's the thing- I did Vault 34 with the advanced radiation suit and takis some rad-x occasionally. I had 50% resistance without the rad-x and 80% with it.
While the counter was still shoeing 1 rad/second, I was definetly taking less. I didn't make any calculations or anything but it definetly took me longer to get to 60 rads than one minute. That would mean it can actually go below 1.
The visual counter is rounded and the radiation is not, so yes, it definitely possible to gain less than 1 per seconds.
The game probably rounds up so it's easier to show on the ui.
I just finished my last playthrough but I still have the itch to keep playing. Should I wait before playing again so I don't overfeed?
>if you have 8 CHA you can give these to Mini-Boomers for Boomer rep
For real? Who are you supposed to talk to?
Depends on how you like to play. A lot of quests offer different enough approaches to completing them that it can shake things up a fair amount. If you played a character with a lot of good karma, try being a dick in every encounter.
You start Volare! and then just talk to them with one in your inventory
The kids.
Really nice detail, I never could have thought you could do that.
Last time I played I was a male Courier working for House with mainly good karma (although I ended up having neutral by the end) and melee/unarmed. I'm now planning to do a Legion run with a fem Courier with bad karma and expertise in Guns and persuasion. Will the experience be new enough to keep the game fresh for me?
>explain to him expanding might not be such a good idea economically
>"you know you make a really good argument profligate, I'll go home and secure my position"
Dinky and the giant Thermometer are both real tourist attractions over the border in California
The guy whose name literally translates to Butcher also turns out to be the most reasonable member of the Legion. How?
He was also doing really well against Legion by himself before his tribe just gave up.
They're alright.
Legion gets very little unique content compared to all other factions.
That said, I really like gun legion runs solely because of the quest to assassinate Kimball. Sniping him down in the middle of his speech is really satisfying.
He's been a Legionary since he was 12
This makes me believe that even if Caesar had passed away the Legion would be in good hands under Lanius. He is brutal, but strategic.
Anyone else turn off skill check tags with a mod? Really makes the game a lot more enjoyable for me.
I wish, but he's too bloodthirsty. He directs wars against the Boomers and the Enclave which result in brutal defeats for the Legion. He also lacks the charisma and foresight to keep the Legion together for too long.
I was planning to install a mod that adds more Legion content. Also, I'll finally be able to complete the mission for the Van Graffs (working for the Legion thanks to the mod) because I'll be able to kill Cass with an evil character.
Not the Dino toys
The thing is Legion brutality was supposed to be merely means to an end under Caesar. Under Lanius, it's just brutality for the sake of brutality.
What Marcus says is right, as soon as Caesar dies the Legion will die with him. Might take years, maybe decades, but it will die.
There's no real answer to Lanius's past. For all we know it could have been several people who wore his mask.
He cares about the Legion because he cares about his reputation, his legend. He is undefeated and wishes to remain so.
He has no long term goal, no understanding of what Caesar wanted to do and no ability to see it through even if he did, and he despises the Frumentarii, the biggest advantage the Legion has against proper nations like NCR or the Midwestern BoS
I'm tempted to install this, but since my game isn't in English I'm afraid all the dialogue will suddenly be.
Which makes me wonder why Caesar didn't have any children to pass on his knowledge to like any other Roman emperor.
You got me to chuckle, dammit.
>That red bar is actually Cliff Briscoe wanting revenge
Sunny Smiles is pretty good and makes sense lore-wise
The original Ceasar left his Empire to Augustus, who wasn't a child of his and was more brutal than him while still a very skilled tactician. Maybe he's such an History fanboy that he tried to do the same with Lanius.
No idea, maybe the who.e Legion success happened to quickly for him. Or just bad writing.
>Which makes me wonder why Caesar didn't have any children to pass on his knowledge to like any ot
He doesn't understand that the purpose of Legion is to conquer and shape new society for the sake of said new society. For him, it's about war and victory. He's not stupid, but he's not a politician, and I don't think he'd react well if Caesar told him "You know, all that bullshit about Mars and war and shit, I'm just using you guys".
>Sniping him down in the middle of his speech is really satisfying.
Can't you put a bomb in the helmet of that guy he's congratulating? Seems like a nice hitman-y way to do that.
No, he genuinely cares about Legion, but he doesn't understand its purpose. I respect him, though. He's a remarkable presence in the world, just like the Courier.
My female Courier's plan is to be the mother of her children so her bloodline inherits the Legion and eventually conquers America.
He doesn't seem like the type who would want to go to the trouble of raising a child
>Can't you put a bomb in the helmet of that guy he's congratulating? Seems like a nice hitman-y way to do that.
You can also rush him from the crowd like that dumbass in a Trump rally. Only you'll be able to pull it off.
>You can also rush him from the crowd like that dumbass in a Trump rally.
what happened
Is there a video
Then he isn't fit to be a king. A huge part of that job is making sure you get some fucking descendants so your empire doesn't die with you.
Yeah, but that's kind of obvious. I think you can also shoot down his vertibird if you have a big stronk gun?
y'all forget Ceaser has a brain tumor. legion is not gonna last for long.
does he refuses to be your companion? I can't remember it is been a while
I think it happened a couple of times, actually.
You can cure said brain tumor, silly.
yeah IF you work for him, but if you ignore legion quests then hes a deadman.
The tumor only kills him on the NCR ending. Both House and Yes-Man have him dying at the fort when they get swarmed by the robots beneath.
It's funny because Caesar is a dictator, not a king, and the real Caesar had no legitimate children of his own
You can use the pre-war anti-air turret to shoot it down. Thats far more fun.
I wonder how much influence did Sawyer have on this particular quest. He has almost 400 hours in Blood Money on Steam.
House specifically tells you not to kill Caesar so I find it unlikely the Securitron army attacks him
There's also the fact you never actually see the door the army is released from. It's sure as hell not the same one you went in to turn them on
I think he had a kid with Cleopatra.
According to Sawyer, most of Arizona Killer was done by a guy called Charles Staples
I guess that guy liked Hitman too.
The entire camp blows up and is set on fire during the battle for the Hoover Dam; he's definetly dead. House just wants Caesar alive because he can read him better than Lanius or whoever he thinks will be put in charge. It's pragmatism more than anything.
outta my way legion fucking shits
Can I have a list of recommended gameplay mods?
Why would anyone want Ulysses to be their companion?
>legion fucking shits
nice insult mr. 1 charisma
>House just wants Caesar alive because he can read him better than Lanius or whoever he thinks will be put in charge
Kinda reminds me on how Hitler assassination plan was dropped because he was such a poor strategist that anyone who would take over (most likely a general) would do a much better job.
The other reason was that by that point Germany was close to defeat and killing him could make him into a martyr. This on the other hand in similiar to how House wants to keep Kimball alive so he gets blamed for the failure in Mojave and doesn't become a martyr.
So Caesar and Kimball are literally Hitler.
There were several plots among high ranking Germans to get rid of Hitler because of how he was going to get them all killed or raped by the Russians.
>I actually got interrupted by him while eating a corpse
Doesn't Boone mention Caesar having dozens of successors down the line? Who would lead the Legion if both Caesar and Lanius died?
>Doing anything
>almost mistook you for a raider
>he doesn't know
Very nice.
Also he's the only NPC that is spawned in the world that is programmed to inflict fear in you.
Charisma? You meant 4 free points to spend on other skills right?
I thought he wanted both Caesar and Kimball alive because he didn't want them to both become martyrs, so that both factions had more reason to direct their attention towards House rather than each other.
I really want to know what kind of activities raiders do where he comes from.
Martyrdom only applies to Kimball.
Caesar is the fucking God for the Legion, can't do much about it.
>he's the only NPC that is spawned in the world that is programmed to inflict fear in you.
What did you just say son
>Malcolm Holmes is intimidating to the point where drugged up fiends know not to tangle with him
Don't do it user! Think of your hardware!
>Fail explosive speech check
it isnt even that big though....
I feel like I should do another New Vegas playthrough, but then I would have to spend the whole day just looking through mods to maybe download.
Except there's a difference between Caesar dying of a health issues, where the only people they can blame is themselves for failing to fix his Auto-Doc, and Caesar being killed by an agent of House or one of his robots.
In one scenario, the Legion goes back home and falls apart as they try to fill the gap, in the other they go back home and swear all sorts of oaths to go back to the Mojave and kill the man responsible for their god's death.
Fair enough.
I'm making a run as Bill from Left 4 Dead, using the 45. auto pistol, the assault carbine and dynamites, and pro RNC until something something and go Yes Man.
Who should I pick as a companion?
I found this out yesterday while creeping on Alexandria Daddario's Twitter.
Goodnight sweet prince
>stand out on the road in front of Boone
>open the console and spawn Legate Lanius right on top of him
>they both vanish from view
>hear gunshots
>seconds later, Boone's head comes flying out of Dinky's mouth
nice name
He tries to kill you.