T-thanks for the controller user-Kun!
T-thanks for the controller user-Kun!
Cute, id rather play with the spider.
I'd rather die
Thats a cute pupper you have there user.
I found this edgy little shit a moment ago in my yard, Sup Forums. Is it dangerous? Should I do something about it?
fuck dude thats the last skultula I need
From a different angle.
Kick its ass
It's just some random orb weaver, not a threat at all, will eat many flies and mosquitoes.
Seems like a st andrews cross spider. Non harmful
>spider with creepy white mask
Eliminate that thing from existence, post pics of it's corpse.
The fuzzier they are, the more inclined I am to regard them as cute than creepy.
If you kill 100 of them you'll get probably a gold rupee.
Barely worth any exp, and stops giving exp all together after you've hit level 9. Not worth your time.
>Australian stamps
Why is it's ass an attorneys badge?
Because they bring justice to the wilderness, user.
cute CUTE
>Look who decided to come out of his cave!