>open options
>set tv resolution to 480p
>enjoy no frame dips
>charge faster
>never have to worry about over heating
If you bought a switch for the graphics, you're retarded.
It's over powered
look at it's wonderful fully functional 480p
hd fags BTFO!
how will sonyggers recover?!?
>if you bought a switch, you're retarded
Does it actually throttle the native resolution based upon display resolution?
I bought a vga cable for my dreamcast. It displays at a beautiful crisp 480p.
Seriously 640x480 should be enough for anyone. I said it in the late 90s and I'll say it again now
The problem is Nintendo made something 18 years later with design standards of the 90s.
>Bomberman R
Ey yo nigga, hol up, we gotta play some time. HMU later
>people who don't know the difference between rendering resolution and output resolution
It doesn't render natively at 480p if you set it to 480p. It still renders the game at 900p (or whatever the game would have rendered at) and then it downsamples.
You get effectively super sampling. The resulting image is much clearer than a native 480p image would have been
great thread
I'll just play my PS4 instead
so there's no performance gain there
[citation needed]
seriously though, is this actually true?
you know upscaling takes a toll on hardware as well, right?
nice pasta picture
My nigger
Not really. Show me one example of a 720p rendered game running worse upscaled to 1080p.
If that's the case it would actually use more resources because of the downsampling. Don't be silly user.
Neato, it's like I'm unironically playing with outdated hardware!
Nintendo will never get a Nep game, let alone a game with a teen rating...
So I'll never buy Nintendo...
The Wii U did exactly the same thing. It's for compatibility reasons. Rendering the game at 480p would cause all kinds of UI issues just for starters
>actually use more resources because of the downsampling
It upscales to 1080p too. Whether your upscale to 1080p or downscale to 480p, it's the same mathematical process. You're interpolating an image. Most TVs are built to do this automatically since it's such a simple process
The OP is saying that switching to 480p saves resources. Downscaling in post-processing wouldn't save much.
>It upscales to 1080p too. Whether your upscale to 1080p or downscale to 480p, it's the same mathematical process.
Upscaling increases the memory bandwidth and the frequency of the physical interface which would probably slightly increase consumption. I doubt it's very significant though.
still gonna need an actual link or something other than "my uncle works at nintendo"
>The OP is saying that switching to 480p saves resources.
OP is full of shit and I'm trying to explain why
Says the guy not posting a citation. No one cares how you think the 480p signal is rendered. Show me facts.
>be you
>have TV from 1985
>angey you cant experience true 1080p master racist
>say that playing games in HD is retarded to justify being a poorfag
Breath of the Wild runs at 720p, the Switch when set to 480p will output a 720p rendered game at 480p. No performance increase or decrease since its not related at all to the game itself running.
>Got my Switch today
>Zelda is sold out everywhere
So... anything I can do with this thing?
Well. Nioh. Not 720p but 900p in action mode with 60fps and when upscaled to 4k in cinematic mode it is jutting at 30fps. It has a 1080p locked 30fps mode but really who uses that let alone the 4k one?.
If I had HDMI capture I'd prove it
I don't
I don't know what to tell you, I think you're an idiot thinking consoles change rendering resolution depending on your output when simply up or downscaling is so simple and preserves compatibility
Those all change the rendering res, even the upscaled 4k is rendered higher than 1080p.
Is it true the joycons/pro controller can't be used to turn the system on?
That sounds like a major bummer, for docked mode anyway
can you do 480p in handheld mode too?
i tried it and couldn't get it to turn it on, but I saw a guy on youtube do it and I don't know why I can't.
The console overheats? I heard it only peaked at 38C and that's under load.
only tv mode
it is a concern for all mobile devices with 3d rendering
No because there is literally no reason to.
is the Zelda hud still legible at 480P?
I used to repair PlayStation 3's for a while and there were some PlayStations that ran very loud when outputted onto a 1080p display, but ran drastically quieter when they were outputted onto 480p. Scaling definitely takes a toll on hardware. Not the person who you're replying to btw.
So......does the console go beyond 40C then? Other tablets like the surface pro 4 goes well beyond 70C.
Meanwhile, on PC...
>constantly praise PS4 for graphical superiority
>bought Shovel Knight