Why are people ok with microtransactions in games that cost upwards of 60 dollars?
Why are people ok with microtransactions in games that cost upwards of 60 dollars?
just pirate it then, jesus fucking dumbass millenials
I cant wait for the "hype" threads for the new LotR game.
People get used to anything unfortunately.
>DLC starts to become a thing
>"It's the worst"
>people get used to it
>"lel, fucking don't buy it if you don't like it pleb"
>microtransactions starts to become a thing
>"It's the worst"
>people get used to it
>"lel, fucking don't buy it if you don't like it pleb"
It's the same thing that is allowing the governments around the world to kill off our civil rights right now.
I'm pretty sure what's in the silver edition will be in the gold edition. That's common sense
>'joke' dlc
>single-player game
>in-game purchases
Gaben's hands must be cold, he's rubbing them together very intensely.
DLC isn't bad when done right though, it's just the industry twisted it into something terrible.
"In app purchases"
I was gonna prefix it with nickle and diming DLC, but I couldn't bother.
Shriveling Isles. Yes please. Horse Armor. Go fuck your self.
Depends what they are, I'm generally fine with them.
Paid online is the only shekel grabbing technique I don't tolerate at all.
>download malware and join the botnet just to play some trash game
>can't even spell millennial properly
>is probably a millennial and doesn't realize it like 90% of millennials who use it as an insult
Back to reeddit, kiddo.
Yes, they just keep pushing, seeing how far they can go.
First small DLCs,then cut content Day1 DLCs, then season passes, then microtransactions slapped on top of it.
They just keep inching the knife deeper, bit by bit.
Only buycucks get angry at this shit. Pirate everything master race doesn't care, it's just more content for free. So thanks for that, buycucks. :^)
Poor people are getting mad that games are too expensive for them. I too hate dlc. But games should be more expensive, if they were to actually raise the standard price to meet the demands of inflation a game would cost 100 burger bucks
>It's the same thing that is allowing the governments around the world to kill off our civil rights right now.
To kill our what? The hell are you talking about?
>80 canadian plus 15% sales tax
just fuck my shit up fampai. being a gamer is tough up north
Well isn't that really true for everything?
I can't think of a single cancer in this industry that didn't begin as just a good idea but then got twisted into something insane.
Except maybe pre-order of digital games.
Filthy fuck here enabling DLC practices.
Did you too buy the Wood Elves one exclusively so you had elves to kill on the campaign map?
No, since they'd be on the map regardless of purchase.
I did it so I could be angry treeman stomping around Norsca and fucking up viking shits.
I would have been more surprised from meeting a warhammer fan who isn't a good goy desu.
hes a pol fag complaning that he can't deny service to blacks
>it's more content for free
Can you really call it more if the content was cut from the original and sold at an additional price, regardless of whether or not you pay for it?
That would be like saying Hitman episode 1 was a full game and all the other episodes were 'more content', thanks buyfags!
To be fair I don't actuallyplay Warhammer on tabletop anymore. I moved on to warmahordes.
>look it up
I didn't think anything could actually out-gay warhammer. but they've done it