Taro is such a fucking traitor. We made Nier on PS3 popular...

Taro is such a fucking traitor. We made Nier on PS3 popular, we made Platinum succesSful so why the fuck do PC shits get to play Automata? Fuck them, they never buy anything and pirate everything. They don't deserve shit. I hope this game fucking flops and kills both Taro and Platinum.

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares aslong as I get to play it? and I get a t shirt and a steelbook which is pretty cool

Just let them learn from their mistakes user, fans of it will buy it, others will pirate.
If pirates outweighs the buyers, they will probably learn.

>Caring about console war nonsense

As a proud owner of a PC, I have all the authority in the world to say: kek deal with it faglord.

History will repeat itself, and we will have the superior version of the game, same as Metal Gear Rising. Platinum loves PC and MGR was a huge success in the PC market.

I can feel the rage of OP downpouring from his tiny brain.

This. Sonyggers are just upset they're losing exclusives.

>this amount of falseflagging
Its still going to get a shit ton of replies, but no (You) from me

Nier wasn't exclusive, retard.
And the faggot OP was laughed out of N:A thread with his falseflagging shitpost, posted exactly same pasta and all the thirsty mustards jump on it like it was Undertale 2.

Nier was always multiplat you falseflagging cuck, fuck off

>Platinum loves PC
Yeah, that's why you got no demo and main release 3 weeks later.
But I guess beggars can't be choosers, lol.

>unironically using the term falseflag
Don't reproduce

So sucessful if not because of this porting to PC, they would have made a mobile game

Nice meme you got there. You're just mad that game companies are realising that consoles are holding back gaming as a whole and are moving over to PC.

Calm down, son.
It's only video games.
Do you think you are fooling anyone?

lol is this nigga seriously expecting to get special treatment for playing a video game ahaha lmaoing at your life my guy

>still pretending

Glad i won't have to live with 900p/30fps like consolecucks.

the cutscenes are still 900p 30fps on PC, so yes you will

>Being mad that more people get to play Nier.

I will never fucking get this shit.

it's a falseflag thread aimed at some harmless shitposting, you twat

Yea because that's how game development works right retard? It's not like Square Enix you know, the fucking publisher funds markets, decides platforms and release dates right? No it's the fucking artists and programmers contractors who do, Im sure the execs at SE just sit around twiddling their thumbs all day.

>harmless shitposting
>being a walking billboard corporate whore is "harmless" as long as you do it ironically

>believing that blatant of an op

Come on man, think.

Just one thing:
>Every console/platform games are made via PC
One fact to rule them all.
Deal with it.

He's just baiting. Pretending to care about console wars is the new "cuck".

you forgot your pic related OP

Is this thread a PCKEK flaseflagging as a sonygger or what

jesus fucking christ
>we made nier on ps3 popular
you didnt do shit , you dont do shit youre a living failure

unironnically fucking hang yourself

>We made Nier on PS3 populair

Citation needed.

It's just beyond sad at this point. Again what's the point when it's all fake.



I played it on 360 and as I understand Dad Nier is Sup Forums's favourite of the two. Guess you didn't do shit for the PS3, except get the sequel for PS4 but somehow you're still complaining?


>they never buy anything and pirate everything.
its already top seller on steam in every region and globally

I bought both Gestalt and Replicant for my PS3, I think I deserve this.

I will gladly throw money to taro for bringing to pc gracious waifus.

>Nier on PS3 popular

Fuck you OP you cunt, I don't care what fucking platform its on. If more people get to enjoy Taro games that means we'll get more Taro games.

If PC people want to play Nier I say more power to them, just don't pirate it.

P.S. the OST is godly

No one cares. POST PREORDERS

>tfw no Black Box edition for PC

Oh well...I'll buy 2B and 9S figures later. Still gave Taro my money

The OST is really quite something, and I've only heard a small part of it so far. Probably gonna end up importing it and both of the artbook/strategy guide things come next month.

2B/9S relationships are the main reason i love this game so much.

>If you take the B and lay it down sideways it looks like a butt

Yeah, I'm off to Kinokuniya next month to grab the guide

>2B/9S relationships are the main reason i love this game so much.

I'm actually fucking shocked Yoko Taro managed to make a nice and cute relationship in his game

low quality bait

>I'm actually fucking shocked Yoko Taro managed to make a nice and cute relationship in his game
It's because they aren't humans so his nihilism doesn't expand on them. They are allowed to get a relatively good ending.

First game I've debated pre-ordering in a long while.

They're incredibly cute together, aren't they? Pixiv seems to agree.

>mfw PCuck
>mfw said it was going to get reviewed mediocre like every other ps4 exclusive which gets shilled
>mfw I was wrong
>mfw it's coming to pc

Wasn't NieR also on Xbox?

>literally no one in this thread recognizes the OP


Enjoy, lads

Nier was also on Xbox you stupid nigger

I agree. Pcucks should not be allowed to play video games. Go photoshop something fags

And you get 900p with frame drop while I get 1440p@144fps

>instead of being happy that more people can play a game I like i'm gonna shit myself and scream because it's on a different platform than me

jesus fuck autism is a horrible disease

>Taro Yoko gets to choose the platforms Square Enix publishes it's games for

Yeah I'm so fucking sure the guy is devastated that more people get to play a game he worked on. Guy's twitter even has him showing that he went out and got a Switch and Zelda and that's what he's going to be up to. Maybe he just likes quality video games and isn't a console warring shithead. Meanwhile Square Enix continues to tie this game up with everything imaginable.

Reminder not to preorder. Digital games don't go out of stock.

Valve accessories do go out of stock though, you fucking retard.

Can't we all be just happy that at least Xbox won't have it ?

you can get it with a steam key on the Square store

can't wait, been craving a game like this since Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma.

Pre-order DLC or not, this is the game I've been the most hyped for in years. There was absolutely no way I wasn't gonna hammer that purchase button hard enough to break my mouse the minute it popped up in the store.

>game where you play as a blindfolded waifu fighting against construction site machinery

Yeah ok Sup Forums I'll stick to Night in the Woods thanks

2/10, please try harder.

Thanks for beta-testing, sonyfriends

With this price it's a guaranteed pirate for me, I don't even care, fuck Square Enix.

In what shitty (pricewise) country you live in? I mean, I shekeled out my £40 but that's harsh, accounting for shitty price convert.

I live in Brazil, prices here usually go from 99 to 129, recently there's been an illogical rise in price for many games on Steam going to 159 or even 199, we don't know why this happened since the price of the dollar has come down considerably in the last couple of months.

>Looks really good
>see it on Steam
>Dont have Piss 3 so I cant play Nier to understand the world

Is that in Australian currency?

>valve charactor accessory
>taro bro thinks we take our logos seriously


Surely people know a falseflag b8 thread when they see one by now

i love this guy

There are a bunch of youtube videos for people like you, here's a brief one that came out yesterday.

>We made Nier on PS3 popular,

Fuck off, I bought Nier on release day for my 360.
The 360 version was the one that pushed the superior papa Nier instead of the Onee chan shit.

>18 minutes

So, you're a console gamer? How hard was it to tell your parents that you're gay?

It's really annoying.
This place is insufferable right now with the console war memeing

>Taro is such a fucking traitor. We made Nier on PS3 popular, we made Platinum succesSful so why the fuck do PC shits get to play Automata? Fuck them, they never buy anything and pirate everything. They don't deserve shit. I hope this game fucking flops and kills both Taro and Platinum.


>mfw sonyponies

If you seriously dont have enough patience to watch an 18 minute video then these games are clearly not for you.

Just started this.

Am I too drunk or is the game way harder than it was back in the beta?

>No listing on CDKeys.

I'm getting nervous.

>autism: the post

>they never buy anything

Most of the games I've never bought are games that aren't being made for the computer and have long ago ceased being made.

I'm pretty sure Nintendo would laugh in my face if I asked them for a copy of Advance Wars or Famicon Wars on the computer.

>the PC versions get's to sell better
>more games get ported to steam

please do

It's definitely harder, you die in 1 or 2 hits on hard mode now.

I'll tweet pics of me torrenting the game to Yoko Taro, hopefully he'll never release another game on PC.

Instant Gaming nigga

Nier:A already sold 200k physical copies in Japan on first week. There's still digital sales and EU/NA release. I expect the PC version to sell quite well too, but I doubt it'll outsell the console version.

No Dota2 couriers with preorder, no TF2 hats - why would I want this nip garbage again?

Why is this game the Steam top seller then?

This. PC players have a sworn duty to do exactly this.

Lots of people pre-ordering it right now.

Why do you people keep making these threads?

Why is like 80% of Sup Forums people blatantly falseflagging then ironically replying?

What satisfaction do you get from doing this every day?

>Euro is worth more than Dollar
>for some reason game prices conversion is 1 = 1

I'm getting fucked at the beginnig of the demo on hard, senpai.