Night in the woods thread.
Bea is the best and Mae should use her cosmic powers that she doesn't know she has to save her
Night in the woods thread.
Bea is the best and Mae should use her cosmic powers that she doesn't know she has to save her
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fuck off to tumblr you dumb dumb. you're not welcome here.
Night in the woods has to be the best video game i have ever played in my entire life no video game can compare to the awesomeness of NITW it was so good it had amazing gameplay, music, atmosphere, characters everything a good game needed to have it was so good i can't put it into words oh god help me
It's ok
>game has anti-capitalist message
>sold for $20
really makes you think
Stop these daily threads you mlp fucking faggots. You're the exact same fags that made undertale players unbearable
I wanna buy the soundtrack already goddammot
Yeah seriously how the fuck did they not release it with the game
nobody cares faggot
come back when you've made a game with actual gameplay
cat is qt
>tfw Sup Forums is maximum butthurt over a video game
I've seen threads about this game all the time but not a single image that can be described as gameplay. Is it a game? Or is it just a visual novel?
>dev is a commie cuck
>sells game on steam and gog
kill yourself you commie enabler.
I just want to make her smile ; ;
You just run around town talking to people. Have an occasional minigame but mostly just walking to the townspeople.
Sp it's mostly just talking and understanding characters.
Visual Novel, got it.
Is it an actual good story?
Probably, otherwise Sup Forums wouldn't care about it.
>over a video game
try again too
>otherwise Sup Forums wouldn't care about it.
Untrue, they could always just want to fuck the animals.
It's okay. Nothing spectacular. Slice of life and some of the characters are pretty relatable. I dig it because a couple of the characters are damn near spitting images of some of my friends.
That's a really interesting visual style. Has the artist worked in any other piece you may share here?
It's got a game within a game that's kind of like a bargain bin Hyper Light Drifter.
>ywn relax in giant Bea's mouth as she smokes some dank clouds
Is he autistic?
He's friendly and eager to talk to people.
It's kind of the opposite of autistic.
Looks like a fun game to tide me over until Nier comes out
Just finished this like 5 minutes ago.
Is there any replay value? I feel robbed of 20 burger vouchers.
Yes there is. There are different endings based on who you hung out with the most
Night in the Woods is a thinking man's Another World
Uhhh, that's your own question to answer? Do you WANT to replay it? You know there's 1 of 2 things you can do each day so you can see the other stuff you could do. You should know there's that much, but if you want to go back through is your decision to make.
>using cute/childish cartoon sprites juxtaposed with serious, mature, occasionally dark subject matter
The West is starting to learn from anime, aren't they?
don't get your hopes up
This isn't something new on any end. It's the hipstershit effect. Not just dark themes, but ""deep"" ones too
Is that it?
The only one I could bear hanging out with was Bea.
How much do the endings differ?
I think who you talk to in the end end scene changes but it's not like anything about the whole cultist plot changes.
is there any way to get in that room below the stairs, with the boxes blocking the way?
Keep watching TV with Dad and exhausting his conversation.
>Inspect boxes
>Talk to dad cat
>Watch TV
>Repeat like 3 times
What if the "animal people" in NITW is actually just regular people but Mae is "just seeing jumbles of shapes" through out the whole game?
Im not buying your game cause all your shilling
Doubt that's what is going on but it could make sense.
I mean, why would a cat or dog person have dogs or cats a pet?
Maybe. I'm pretty sure they're just animals because it makes the characters cute and bypasses all the race bullshit they would get one way or another.
Nah, one of the devoleps said that they're actually anthropomorphic animals rather than humans depicted as animals
But it's /ourgame/
>Bea just desperate for cock that entire party
>Mae keeps fucking it up
Goddammit cat
How the fuck did this game get over $50,000 in 24 hours, and $200,000 overall on Kickstarter?
How do people shill their game so effectively to the point where they literally end up with more than I make in a year, in 24 hours?
How can such a basic, non-innovative, 9 hour long walking simulator get more money and be more successful than other indie games?
I just don't get it.
What's the secret? What's the trick? What should I do if I want to make a game like this and ensure it makes more money than most people make in a year, just from the Kickstarter alone?
fuck off and die, furfags
Have an interesting premise. It's the point of kickstarter.
>Queen of the Rats
>Fight with Bea
>Fight with Mom
>Feeling shitty, go to feed the rats
>They have already left the nest
>Ahaha I saved this in my HDD to fight the furries, that will show them aahahaha I'm totally not mentally ill
>No lewdposting in the thread
>No waifu faggotry
>"FUCK OFF FURFAGS" user says while posting a furfag comic they've saved on their harddrive
Is there something you want to tell us?
2013 Sup Forums
>shits on Gone Home for being an unchallenging, easy walking simulator with little gameplay where the primary focus is the (shit) plot, with tumblr/SJW themes and obligatory gay characters/relationships
2017 Sup Forums
>loves this game for being an unchallenging, easy walking simulator with little gameplay where the primary focus is the (shit) plot, with tumblr/SJW themes and obligatory gay characters/relationships
What went wrong?
Everyone here hates this piece of shit. It's just the few autists trying to create another Undertale.
Every thread has the guy posting THE MATRIX IS A GOOD MOVIE, because there's nothing else to talk about. What about you? Do you think The Matrix is a good movie?
Lmao, look at this guy with furry porn on his computer, is there something you're ashamed to admit
I don't remember the matrix at all.
Gregg is the cutest though.
Where's all this SJW stuff everyone keeps talking about?
I mean I'm just about to the halloween party and I haven't come across anything. There is a gay couple but that's it. They are just there. It's not like it's rubbing it in your face or anything.
what the fuck is this crap. can't these people get a containment board or something? I thought this is what trash was made for
Fuck off already, you are being more cancerous than the Undertale faggots.
There is a anti-gaming moral story in the game. So is kind telling gamers to enjoy life and not video games, yeah is a fuck you to anyone that played it.
So, what do you actually do in this game? Is it an RPG, platformer, or what?
fucking really?
can you break it down for me?
Gone Home was a story about how hard it was to be gay and her parents micro aggressed her into running away being praised by everyone as some amazingly deep look into society and yadda yadda. This is just a modest comfy story about a group of friends growing up in a small town and then cultists at the end but everyone hates the cultists plot.
I'm glad artwork is pumping out a bit faster, there's some really cute shit popping up.
Its Gone Home levels of gameplay.
2013 Sup Forums
>shits on Gone Home for being an unchallenging, easy walking simulator with little gameplay where the primary focus is the (shit) plot, with tumblr/SJW themes and obligatory gay characters/relationships
2017 Sup Forums
>loves this game for being a thought provoking, deep adventure with a texture of gameplay where the primary focus is the (engaging) plot, with anti-tumblr/SJW themes and flawed characters/relationships
The gamers here just grew up user. Instead of growing with us you chose to be a man-child who wanted to be a kid forever.
mostly you hang out with in game friendsand do random shit. unfortunately the writing in this game is horrible and most of the characters are pretty unlikeable, so its not fun like in persona
You mostly wander around town talking to the townspeople. There's a couple minigames scattered around in there but it's really just a slice of life story.
>thought provoking
>ugh tacos eff the world and eff the cops. lets go do some crimes
really makes me jog my noggin
Welp. Got to the mall part with Bea and I'm really bored.
I'll probably just refund it.
Buy it again when it's way cheaper.
I like some slow pace in my narratives, but are you fucking serious?
Nothing has happened at all.
Not to mention they see a decapitated arm on the ground and treat it ike it's just some funny looking slug.
There's no disgust or shock. Just "oh look a decapitated arm lying about in the middle of the street. Imma poke it with a stick"
I'd expect that reaction from a character used to violence, but not 20 something college dropouts and students.
You're falling for meta-trolling when you should be smarter than this.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
How is this game 8 GB?
It's a pretty gross exaggeration of Mae talking about her psychosis problem. She talks about seeing people as nothing but shapes in her violent outburst years ago when she got hit with a truck load of stress and compared it to videogames. She never blamed videogames, she pretty reasonably accepts that she's just messed up in the head.
>I'd expect that reaction from a character used to violence, but not 20 something college dropouts and students.
There's aren't sheltered city kids you cuck. You find dead things and limbs in small towns all the time.
Well maybe it's just an America thing
>You find limbs in small towns all the time.
No, no you don't. You're more likely to see dead people in a big city, honestly.
The moral wasn't anti-gaming, it's anti-waifufags. Mae almost killed someone because her dating sim stopped working and she felt like she lost real people.
2 different games
NITW has more gameplay and is actually enjoyable to move around with and explore; also has minigames and choices. There's also a better story.
You also have to remember that the main reason that people hated Gone Home was not it simply existing but journalists praising it and giving it 10/10 because they knew the devs and/or because the story had a lesbian in it.
Anyway, it'd be nice to be able to talk about games here for once without people feeling the need to constantly shitpost. NITW is obviously not for everyone, it's not a gameplay heavy game nor is it challenging per see but it can still be fun and enjoyable for some.
Shame how SJW the devs are for this game.
Looks cute, but, can't support that type of person.
They're commies anyway, so, I doubt they'll mind me pirating it.
well, night in the woods has cute animal people in it
is this what sheltered city kids really believe
>They're commies anyway, so, I doubt they'll mind me pirating it.
Off topic, but a lot of devs don't actually mind piracy. And besides, you might as well just watch a playthrough of this 'game', you'd still get the full 'experience'.
t. trash mammal