

Is Mario Odyssey out yet? no?
then fucking wait.

What specific mental notes are making you want to buy it?
Let us talk you out of it.

In a few years, yeah


Wait until Splat2n or Mario. This is coming from someone who's roommate bought one. It's a cool little console but needs more games.

no you dumbass

Re-releases of Wii U games I wanted to play
Cemu will remain garbage for years
Investing in the console might work like it did for NoGames 4


this. Even if you want zelda just play it on WiiU for now and bide your time and wait for some sales.

Do you have disposable income? Do you really want to play Zelda? Are you looking forward to games coming out for it?

If you can answer yes to all three, then go ahead.

Not right now.

No, fuck no, these things are gonna crash in price in a while.

Ha, fuck no, shit's a piece of shoddy plastic, wait till the next model comes out

Have you been in a coma this morning? Things a busted piece of shit bit of hardware designed by fucking idiots. Don't spend $300 on that.

>There are people who have beaten Zelda and it hasn't even been out for a whole day yet. One game is not enough to justify spending $300
>Re-release of other games
Greatness awaitsTM is okay when Nintendo does it?

>let us talk you out of it with buzzwords and memes

>feeling offended by that post
I feel bad for you my man. Seriously reconsider your position.

As a huge Nintendo fan, I'm gonna wait til arms or Splat2n comes out.

i'm saying it's not a compelling argument.

Do the right thing and get an used Wii u whie they still cheap.

I would just pick up a 2nd hand WiiU. I assume there are trade-in deals going on where people are dumping their WiiUs for Switches.

Get a cheap one. Mod it. Download BotW and other core acclaimed games (or just all the games). Enjoy BotW now. Hype will die, may no longer feel the need to get the switch.

You're just getting drawn into the hype due to Sup Forums posting nothing but BotW and Horizon.

Once I'm done with BotW I'm going to check out Tokyo Mirage, and replay bayonetta before playing 2.

You have most likely overhyped yourself to the point where once you beat zelda you will find remorse in your purchase.

When people say PS4 has no games it's a meme, the switch literally has no games not even multiplats. Zelda is not going to last you until their next release.

Don't. It's a piece of shit

Kill me Pete.

ps4 has no games (if you don't include PC ports and multiplats)

We're talking about Nintendo here.

MO is the real reason to buy a switch

Don't buy a switch until Christmas. It will be collecting dust after you beat Zelda. Nintendo console always have a 4-6 month game drought on launch