Okay so I'm dropping this game

It was a solid 7/10 throughout.
now that the new season opened, and how utterly shitty solo play is in this game. I think it's time to drop it for good. I mean, how can the placement matches be so wrong and broken?
why would I play in elo hell forever, it's crap.

I just don't want to play with bronze and silverfags while getting 3+ gold medals every match. fuck it

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>i'm rage quiting so hard I need to make a thread on Sup Forums

>Zen in comp
>"How am I losing guys what the fuck."

>playing Overwatch at all

Get back to class kid.

losing a match is the least your fault. that's this games problem.
if you have ONE, just one idiot who likes to be a ninja dude and wont switch no matter what, you're done for.

>I ranked silver and can't admit I deserve it
>its the people I'm matched with, every game I lose is their fault!

ELO Hell is what bads say to assuage the guilt of being ranked in bad tiers.

What's wrong with Zen?

You're a fucking idiot and you're playing the game wrong.

Winning doesn't matter AT ALL if you want to rank up. SR isn't your only stat, you also have an MMR and that only get influenced by performance. Do a shit ton of damage every game and your MMR will go up and you'll gain a lot more SR when you win and lose basically nothing if you lose.

I suggest rolling Phara and just non-stop firing rockets into their team. You'll do a ton of damage and partake in basically every elimination.

this game got boring after a week

no idea how people can play "tf2, tumblr 6v6 edition with no fun classes"

>It's another "ELO doesn't work for co-op games, and the devs STILL don't understand this in 2017" Thread

You support matchmaking, and they'll keep using it.

Go buy 20 more copies of Overwatch and buy 100 more lootcrates. See how much things improve.

I'll beat your ass bitch. DPS healer a best. Especially with Bastion face tanking everything right now.

But user, YOU ARE the idiot on the team if you're playing Zen. The meta is the meta for a reason. You can whine all you want, if you want to win (which is the whole point of comp) then you play Ana and have someone also go Lucio. Zen can't heal for shit, and neither can Lucio but at least he gives everyone health reserves on his ult and can speed boost.

You don't make it to high ranks if you have the attitude. I started off in Plat in S3 and pushed to Masters because I didn't give up and learned from losses. Now in S4 i k ow I won't reach GM until I get my aim much more spot-on. You need to adopt the same way of thinking

You're a whiny shitter and you're also playing Zen. The meta exists for a reason. If you wish to be good and actually useful to temp composition in comp mode you have to play a select few pool of heroes. Get gud or get wrekt.

Fuck this heart of the cards, power of friendship shit.

If you get matched constantly with bads, especially as something like a support, you can't do shit.

But Ana, Tracer, genji, zen, etc. are all pretty fun. I don't understand. What's not fun about the characters?

So you're saying you're getting matched with bads and that is the reason you're losing?

Top kek man, yeah sure it happens but if you're losing over. And over. And over again, there is a little bit more to it than that. Matchmaking can only fuck you so many times.

Maybe it has something to do with playing Zen.

MMR depends on the player. Had a friend who's grandmaster play on my acc for 2 placement matches and he went from shit tier team and opponents to instant 3500+ MMR on both teams. Given the 2 matches he played he went literally 10-1 KDR and solo carried as genji.

TL'DR, it really depends on your performance for MMR.

You got placed where you are because you SUCK.

I won 5 matches, lost four and got a draw on the fifth and placed just under platinum like I always have. Zen was among my picks.

You can't blame everything on bad teammates. There are people who make it to GM using only supports, mainly Ana, if you start blaming your team for failure, you start failing

I don't think that screenshot is his. You can carry with pretty much anyone in a rank like silver unless you're absolute shit.

when you constantly get gold medals thrown at you and you're still a shit rank, yes, the game ranked you wrong

it's fucking worthless to play this game solo,that's just it
kek. what a load of bullcrap. thanks Jeff.
but what can I do when I have a sombra and a widowmaker on my team, it doesn't really matter if I play zen or ana or whoever. It's a lost cause from the start dude.

>mfw my 2 friends that I play with are tryharders like you
>mfw we played together and only won 3
>mfw they got silver,bronze and I got gold
>mfw I don't care for comp and prefer playing mystery heroes

Of course not, but no matter what, some teams just don't work well together and some do. That's pretty much it.

An autistic insistence on the meta doesn't matter in the ranks OP is talking about, you crazy guy. As long as you have 2 healers, no one on your team is good enough to take advantage of the speedboost/ult for pushes anyway.

If your team is playing questionable heroes, you need to choose one to enable them. Like if some dude insists of being Hanzo, play Zarya to get maximum value from his ult and keep and eye on him to save him from being jumped.

got ur reply fag

gold medals don't mean shite by themselves bruv

do you seriously thing that a kid who won't even listen to you will play hanzo well and work with you?
you're a retard dude, you don't know what elo hell actually is.

My main game is currently Rainbowsix Siege. Best shooter on the market.

All my friends play OW. I do not find it fun. Its just dull outside of coordinating with teammates/calling things out.

Friends wanted me to do my placements so we could play ranked. Did them, got plat. They all got silver and had to grind to gold. Played a couple games that season but overall 2boring.

Was given 800 ladder points or whatever. Friends/Gold players got 400.

Come play rainbowsix siege OP.

>Hit mid Masters
>Quit OW
>Decay back to 3k
>Placed back in plat in S4
Here we go again

Nothing, zen is fucking based. Especially with the genji/bastion resurgence right now.

This so much.

crying over comps is a telltale sign of a shitter, I have never seen a diamond or better cry over picks

>t. shitter who cant get gold medals

elo rankings will always be shit

that's cause you are rarely matched with bronze players.

>10 placement matches
>always end up with 3 golds
>get ranked
yeah guess I'll go back to rs6 siege

they really don't faggot.
What a 1 second on the objective gold medal is when the guy with the bronze medal in the other team is for 1 minute on the objective?
Only thing that matters in this game is being on fire

>implying medals mean anything
>implying elo hell exists
don't make me chuckle

so what does matter then in this shit game?
otherwise, you're fucked playing a broken concept

just don't be shit
play as a team and use chat

quit crying m8 i play this game casually and by myself, just finished 3 placement matches and won 2
i won't say you'll get past plat without a team but who cares, you can have fun if you're not a shitter

zen and ana are literally the best healers for solo players

i dicked around with zen at 2700 after peaking 3300 and got back to 3000 without even trying

I only won 3 games and got placed 2.5k

>muh medals
if you're getting gold medals and still losing, it just means your the best loser on the squad. It's a team game, try coordinating better with your team, comm with them, or suck it up and carry harder. If you have a good attitude and consciously try to improve your own skills and game sense instead of blaming others you will rank up.

He's right tho. If your team is garbage and you're the least bad out of your team... you are still technically garbage.
Making plays is what really sets you apart. Take Ana. There's no medal for offensive/def assists, etc. But if you're making sick plays happen, you'll have a shitload of each.

I see only silvers being proud of their medals, especially the damage ones. Medals don't mean shit. Even more: they are to be expected out of some roles. Who fucking cares if you got gold damage if you didn't kill, can't ult properly, die like a fly and only allow them to push forward. Oh boy, you play as a roadhog and have gold medal in kills, what a fucking achievement. And the other guy has silver medal, which is 1 less kill, so I guess he's now shit. Give me a break.

gold console shitter here. lvl 200 passed today and stuck in low plat hell forever. i deserve it im so fucking shit at this. God i wish there was at least 1 class i was at least somewhat good with.

This game is getting under my fucking skin man. 4 fucking seasons of struggling to get into platinum and tumbling back down all over again if i have 1 bad evening. fuck it FUCK IT AHHHHHHHHHH FUCKING KILL MY ASS ALREADY GOD AT LEAST LET ME BE GOOD AT SOMETHING

Grow up.

>T-the placements are wrong! I'm not a silver!
>I have gold medals! That means i'm good!
Getting gold medals ina pool of retards still means you're in a pool of retards
Nobody is silver on accident

You know if you're playing like shit. Medals shouldn't even be something you worry about.

how important is dying in rank placement?

Shut your mouth before I discord it faggot.

you can always play mercy :^)

rly tho if you're that invested in the game you should probably be playing on pc. mouse and kb might be a better fit for you

don't post this skin. I am very angry that I opened like 30 boxes and didn't get it. I play so much dva too blizzrd its not fair.

i actually worry in qp to get my xp faster
being soloheal really pays off

Play Roadhog. He's top tier because he delivers you a free kill.

but even if all it's true what you guys say, even if a silver is a silver for a reason.

it's a broken game, just admit it

The game is shit, but placements literally do not matter. My friend went 2-8 and he place around 3.4k. It's all based around previous season/s.

Also they somehow made a meta even worse than the previous tank meta, the game is fucked.

>best solo healer

why should i grow up? cant i atleast be frustrated at this fucking game. 50/50 win loss ratio all fucking 3 seasons in a row and i cannot improve for the life of me. If I cannot improve im calling it quits. no point of ever returning to this cancer ass fucking game

>Got very close to diamond last season.
>currently 4-1 in placements
>every game had Bastion and still dealt with it and won

Anyone remember Maebbie? Is he still playing?


So.. the whiny retards stay in low tiers, and the people with skill who take personal responsibility move up?
Sounds broken to me.

sounds like you're a solo player, group up with friends instead

You win more if you aren't afraid to sacrifice yourself, just overall.

Stop being one of those cowardly faggots that acts like dying means losing your soul when you need to get shit done. Two or three seconds of stalling a point can make all the difference when waiting for your team.

I placed 2450 playing the way I do.

It is a risky gambit. The only places I could think you would be able to get away with that would be the 2 CP maps.

>mfw I place around 2600-2800 every season
>no matter what my win/loss is during placement, whether its 40% or 80%

Guess what dumbass, the game knows what it's doing and if you're in the shitter it means you belong there.

You should grow up because you clearly communicate like a retard and you wont win if you can't relax, regardless. Your mindset about improvement is also really retarded. Like a ten year-old that just learned he isn't actually perfect like his parents said.

I bet nobody listens to what you say in-game, am I right?

You're an idiot. Gold medals mean fuck all. Example: GM Soliders do ~45k-50k dmg on average, Bronzefags only 10k. Now if you're doing 12k you'll likely get a Gold medal but it doesn't improve your MMR because it's still shit tier.

Right now is a great time to climb because of people who never touched bastion are playing bastion thinking it's going to be an insta win.


Do NOT play to win. Just try to get the best stats you can (which will also help your team).

>Custom matches are added
>Can finally win reliably since it circumvents automatic matchmaking

It probably makes me a little bitch, but goddamn it feels right that if you can be better than >50% of the playerbase, you get to win more >50% of the time.

Post yfw you didn't buy into the ActiBlizzard meme

im not perfect. not by a long shot even. but im trying way to hard this last year of playing overwatch and i just cant get better. i always blank when i get in a tough spot and nobody ever wants to comunicate. not that i ever use my mic since i cant speak to other people for shit.

but it doesnt matter anyway. im quitting this shit and go onto some singleplayer games for a while. heard the witcher 3 is pretty good, still have that on the shelf

get one of those keyboards and mouse for consoles and reach master overnight lmao literally legal cheating

You don't need a mic, just type like you have the correct number of chromosomes when the voice wheel doesn't suffice.

i luv rite like tard
u wrong i suck wahh


btw why so passive agressive you fucking mongoloid? cant handle someone calling your game shit?

I don't like idiots that should lurk more, I couldn't care less about Overwatch. Playing on console just solidifies the notion of idiocy.

>le pc supreme

fuck of cunt ive been lurking here for almost a decade

Was top40 last season. Dropped ladder because of boring tank meta and soloq madness. Enjoying QP and widow hs mode.