I just started Dragon's Dogma

I just started Dragon's Dogma

Jesus christ are the japanese fucking retarded? This game has the most cliché plot I've ever seen in a game, horrible graphics, gameplay is literally Dark Souls, god awful voice acting, and is full of pretentious bullshit.

I had fun in the first five minutes, but after that I just couldn't bear all these retarded things. It is somewhat fun, but the other aspects overwhelm the fun part.

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls
did you really play either of these games?


b-but it has the greatest villain in the past decade!

Here you go.


many people disagree

have fun with your non-discussion thread i guess

Dark Souls combat is light years ahead of that crap you literal retard.

Such a weak bait post.

At least watch some gameplay of the games you're trying to shitpost on.

For some reason the world and visuals didn't really appeal to me. I like a more colorful palette like DAI which had good visuals but everything else was shit. The game looks like it has fun and varied combat but it could've been a better game.

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls
Good to know you've never played it. Also nice bait.


>gameplay is literally Dark Souls
I see you've never played dark souls

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls
So you haven't played Dark Souls or DD or neither.

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls

If only, it might have been good.

Dogma was never good, its just lame consolefags shilling their exclusive because they cant find any other reason why a console is good.

>cliche plot

no it doesn't

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls

But it's not exclusive??

What does it even mean when someone calls something pretentious? Dragon's Dogma doesn't seem pretentious to me.

t. been here for less than a year.
Every DD thread before 2016 was a sony shill thread. The game is CARP!!!

>I just started Dragon's Dogma
>This game has the most cliche plot I've ever seen in a game

Play the story start to finish before opening your fucking mouth.

Aye the board offers sober discussion, but it deals in bait and shitposting besides

It's still a cliche plot though except traditional dragonslaying story has Japanese "kill god" twist on it.

Hiroyuki Nishimura could stand to commission some new boards..

Dragons Dogma was always on PS3 and 360, dumb dumb.

/cw/ - Console Wars would be a good start.

You're now implying Dark Souls has good gameplay. Next you'll probably say that it has good PvP too.

Oh Christ, is there now a 'Dark Souls has bad gameplay' counterjerk?

Is your desire for contrarian faggot status so large that you're willing to sink to these levels?

You could say that this game is the Dark Souls of Fantasy RPGs.

Both games have great gameplay. Fight me.

there has never been xbots on Sup Forums though. No one here is retarded enough to buy an xbox

But user, you don't kill god, you become it

Nothing at this point. The word has been rendered meaningless by retards who misused it. Same thing happened to literally

>gameplay is literally Dark Souls
Comparing based Dragon's Dogma to Casual Souls should be a crime

You are fucking retarded. The combat is far superior to Souls garbage. The story and plot are amazing, but most of it is loaded at the end of the game. The voice acting is decent.

You're just a shit-eating mongoloid who wouldn't know a good game even if it hit him straight in the fucking face.

But then you kill yourself, thus killing god.

Apparently there are retards that don't know what exclusive means though. Even so, it's not shilling it's shitposting. You pcucks are the retards that take it to heart, just like you do with rdr. Idorts master race, but if you ain't got the money than pc is the way to go and always will be.


Congrats, you fell for the meme. Only people liking it are Korean MMO fans, ogre climbing simulator enthusiasts and pedos. Why Sup Forums likes it so much? Because the board has plenty of the aforementioned groups.


Or we could just permanently range-ban anyone attempting to incite this childish console war garbage. What are these people, fucking 12?

>I had fun in the first five minutes, but after that I just couldn't bear all these retarded things.

It's one of those games you gotta get to a certain point of to appreciate it. Like getting to say level 20. There's a lot of rewarding shit in that game. Story is clearly not meant to be taken seriously in this game which is why it's so fun.