Why is this game generating so much butthurt and shitposting?
Why is this game generating so much butthurt and shitposting?
Because after playing it for 30 hours its definitely not the GOAT FLAWLESS MASTERPIECE
Console Wars ritualistic shitposting. I don't think anybody hear has even played an hour of the game
Because it's FUCKING garbage and only Bloodborne,I repeat,BLOODBORNE can have frame rate dips and be a masterpiece.
Sup Forums currently loves console wars.
It also wants to turn every major release into the new tortanic. System doesn't matter there.
because cocky,arrogant Nintendo fans are acting like its perfect. When in actuality it has several flaws. All people are doing is showing them and Nintendo fans write it off as shitposting.
Because it's a new 3D Zelda, it's kind of inevitable.
Cocky little freaks!
Its funny, because the autistic way you write makes it seem like this is some sort of crusade against the eeeevil nintendo fans
Is this your first time on Sup Forums during a zelda release?
Because it's the GOAT.
Well let's see.
It's the best game of the year, decade and possibly all time.
It's exclusive to Nintendo platforms.
You take it from here.
Like every game?
people can't accept the fact Nintendo threw in another masterpiece that will be talked for decades like OoT was
98 isn't 100 silly.
It's just the best we've had in a long long long time.
oldfag here. I stopped playing console games back in the gamecube/PS2 days, but it's fun to come back here once in a while during a big release and see that literally nothing has changed. Haters gonna hate, Nintendo gonna dominate. It's how things always were and always will be.
What people can't have they will fight to spoil for others.
I've been jaded and bitter for years.
BotW is the first game in ages to actually make me feel that magic and sense of wonder again.
I can't even describe why, but it's just so much fun to play.
But literally no one talks about Zelda ever. It is at best discussing literal fapbait, and more often people's furious metaphorical fapping concentrated on the fact that they have a game others don't (except for every single owner of a halfway decept PC, who also can get it for free, kek). The game itself is not discussed.
Because it's $91.99 in Canada what a shitty country.
You're joking, right?
I can't even think of a series that is discussed more often other than maybe 3D Mario
Oh yeah, all that discussion about Zelda's ass/eyebrows, some random waifu bitch or Link crossdressing, very quaint. How about keeping that shit in ONE thread?
>It's exclusive to Nintendo platforms.
And PC ;^)
"Link makes me gay", "I want to induldge my fetish this garishly colored character", and "U jelly, imaginary enemies?" is not discussing the game.
You must have come to Sup Forums this week if you think that's all of the zelda discussion
>butthurt and shitposting?
Fanboy, these fucker are goddamn disgusting.
Because it's too good.