He gets upset over a fucking video game

>he gets upset over a fucking video game

>he gets upset over console wars

>he's a weeb shitposter


>trying to work on something not video game related
>roommate yelling and screaming because game is too hard
>think he's too loud and turn around to close the door
>It's already shut

>she (male)

>he posts in shitpost threads without using sage

>he gets upset over posting non-anime



Tomoko > Umaru

>tfw you used to rage so hard as a teenager that you literally woke your mom up out of her sleep
>tfw she's literally in tears telling you how she almost fell at work because she was so tired and all your yelling kept waking her up

I nearly broke down in tears like a little faggot Sup Forums

please jump off a tall building at the soonest available opportunity to do so

>he won't buy you geimu


Nah, but I will stand up so you can suck my dick, nigger.


I bet you Instalock Hanzo you fuking shitter

>tfw 90% of my kid/young teen online shitposting about console wars is gone because it was during the PS1/N64 era and most of the sites I visited closed down since.

Managed to find an old google archive of one of the pages once but luckily none of my comments were on it.

Shitposting, shitposting never changes.

> he gets mad at console exclusives but owns a PC only

Based hamsterposters



Nah, I play whatever I'm asked to play and micspam earrape whenever people become mad autismos in voice chat

oh and baby crying noises too

Umaro is cute! Cute!


>have fun when doing thing
>can no longer do thing because reasons
>don't get upset

is the Umaru geimu good?

>he gets upset at hamsterposters

>ge gets mad about the guy who sabotages the team
>He gets mad over gg ez.
>He gets mad over the fact that no one will listen to his strategy.

Based hamsterposters

>tfw had like 10,000+ posts on an Xbox forum
>Was the biggest fanboy ever, constantly shit on Gamecube and PS2, even though when I played them at friends' houses i did enjoy them
>Thought i was such a badass because I was a moderator on the forum
>Was a really cringy edgelord and pretended to be older than I was, i was actually 12 years old.

i wish I could go back and slap myself.



Scan when.



I want to BREED that hamster

why does this anime have such a shitty ass fanbase

all of you faggots are annoying as fuck, id take a gaiafag over any of you losers anyday

Umaru enjoying a delicious dessert made from your anguished tears


What in the hell!?

confused person.jpg

I want to fuck that dragon (male).

Season 2 when?