Get Switch

>Get Switch
>Everything is setup
>First thing I want to do is test the controllers, since it's my one major concern
>Stand about 7 feet back
>Totally cover the entire left joycon with my hand
>Perfect connectivity
>Hold it behind my back
>Perfect connectivity

So is this a widespread issue or just luck of the draw? Because I can't seem to replicate the issue at all. I did update the console with the joycons attached before I tested, still don't know if that actually matters

Other urls found in this thread:

>Suddenly: blue screen


Seems like an intermittent issue, some people have had a lot of issues with it, some are reporting none.
There are also reports of people being unable to connect to wi-fi while docked.

>its an anecdotal shilling thread

Bravo, he does it for free

No, the day one patch actually fixes the issue, however you must have the joycons plugged in and then doing the frimware update so it updates the joycon frimware too. I have no idea why people fail to understand that.

I tested before any updates, even went behind the couch and everything worked fine. Never any problem in the grip either. I guess problems start if you get really far away from the Switch.


This. I've had no problems either. Maybe the Nintendium finally metasized?

Did you actually look into that? It turns out that faggot dropped his console.

Ensure that the Nintendo Switch console is placed to minimize interference with the Joy-Con. It is best if the Nintendo Switch console is placed out in the open and that it is not:

Behind a TV
Near an aquarium
Placed in or under a metal object
Pressed against a large amount of wires and cords
Within three to four feet of another wireless device, such as a wireless speaker or a wireless access point.
Check for possible sources of interference and turn them off. Interference can be caused by devices, such as:
Cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc.
Wireless headsets
Wireless printers
Wireless speakers
Cordless phones
USB 3.0-compatible devices such as hard drives, thumb drives, LAN adapters, etc.

They actually patched it yesterday. Apparently there was an incorrect setting in the left controller that made it use way less power than it was supposed to use, causing issues with connectivity.

Plug in your fucking joycons and update the console. They will be updated too. Kill yourself if you aren't being ironic.

You should've stfu after saying they patched it yesterday. You look like a try hard dumb faggot with everything else you added.

How do the joycons feel in the grip? Is it worth getting a pro controller?

>"journalists" who got early, unpatched Switches that have done everything from dropping their units to trying to eat the games have continued having issues
>everyone else who follows the instructions in updating their console and treats it like the several hundred dollar investment it is have been having no problems

GEE, doesn't seem to be any correlation there...

An explanation that is trying hard? What ? Unless you're trolling ,you should stuff your head in a toilet and not pull it out.

It's not completely horrible but the pro controller is leagues ahead in comfort.

feels pretty good imo

im having minor issues, they come and go, it's a bit of a drag but everything else is great.
ill pick up a pro controller this week and keep the joycons attached for tue most part.

oh boy here we go. You gave an incorrect explanation of the solution. You clearly don't know what the hell you're talking about. Just best to shut up now autistic fuck boy.

Many of the people reporting the issue were trying 2 play the thing from 15 feet +

>check every nearby retailer
>a Target like 3 miles from me says "limited stock" instead of out of stock
>still not sure if I wanna take the risk of buying a console at launch
>it'll probably be gone by the time I actually decide

Now somebody post a webm otherwise this is just free shilling, not that im buying a switch anyway but this is retarded.

Same, I have no issues behind the back either

This. I started out with the Joycons, and it's perfectly fine, especially in the grip. But the Pro is just better all round.

did you click on it? because it always says limited availability until you click on it then it says unavailable near you if they are actually gone.

>treats it like the several hundred dollar investment
How's a switch an investment?

I can't click on them, but this is all it says

10 feet or more seems to be the issue

mines only about 7ft

Should be fine at that distance based on the reports.

I did not connect mine to WiFi and update

The people who are saying there is no issue probably downloaded the day one update

YouTube took too long to upload, didnt keep the orientation and wouldnt finish processing.

But here you go.

Turn the volume way down.

Ok, fuck youtube. Did it just reencode it to 60p?