I'd like to thank Sons of Kojima for this huge success! We couldn't have done it without you, Sup Forums...

I'd like to thank Sons of Kojima for this huge success! We couldn't have done it without you, Sup Forums. Phil is finally over. Cheers! For SoK and all the bros here

Other urls found in this thread:


Not sure who is worse SoK fags or DSP.

Go suck Phil's dick, Sup Forumsirgin ;)

>you will never give this much of a shit about some random LPer
Thank fuck.

Go pledge to his patreon so you can get more material to make your shitty videos cuck.

>being this salty at a retard
Guys I fully support you and congrats for the win but god damn,go find something else to do fill life.

Who are these people? Are they like you tube guys or something?

>Sons of Kojima
That's the cringiest name I can think of. MGS is the most autistic fanbase ever with their cult of personality.

We're a group called SoK. DSP's biggest nightmare. Fear us.

group of autistic fucks with too much time on their hands decided to take down bigger retard known as DSP.
It turned out good at the end.

So, Sup Forums, who's more autistic, sons of kojima or cwc's stalkers?

how much money a month do the cucks of kojima make a month from playing videogames?

CWC hasn't produced anything of note in years. At least Phil has a continuous stream of blunders to document.

They are still Tweeting every minute about Phil. This is pathetic. The guy even watched Phil's "boring 2 hours stream".

Personally I am going to heavily increase my donation to Phil's patreon just to stick it to these SoK faggots

I suggest everyone here do the same. Throw phil some coins. Don't let these SoK fucks take down /ourguy/

Fuck off Phil.

Good idea. I'll donate to Phil if it makes SoK fags screech with autism. Fuck these guys. This is what you get for shilling and spamming DSP threads. Get cucked losers

Stop samefagging Phil

I don't think they have realized yet that SoK can't exist without DSP.

>giving money to phil is somehow going to spite these turbo speds
Nah, man. You're just going to give them some more reason to latch onto him and whine nonstop. They need an outlet and he fills it.

>t. Phil "Bad Back" Burnell

Get cucked, loser.

>e celeb shit

All of you need to kill yourselves, you're the cancer of our board.

I am an anonymous trillionaire and I declare a donation of a 999,99 American dollars to this fine Italian gentleman.

DSP is a fucking idiot and still is, never learned from his mistakes and will always be a complete asshole it seems, but its not okay to go after him until he loses his livelyhood

the making fun of DSP is an old meme and was funny for a while but its so stale now, why not just move on, this guy would have lost his viewerbase just by being himself

>e celeb

Phil isn't an e-celeb. He's a lolcow.

It really doesn't matter who's "worse".

Get in here guys ;)

>this guy would have lost his viewerbase just by being himself
Nah, he'll always have an audience because he's so easy to hate, and he knows it. He even made a video promoting a drinking game where you basically drink every time he whines. He even calls himself the king of hate for crying out loud. People get off on people getting angry and frustrated at simple shit. It's basic schadenfreude.

SoK? what the fuck? at start i thought it was a joke but now it got weird ... Can someone explain what is all this bullshit? why do people like DSP? whats the deal with SoK?


>people take time out of their lives to shit on some eceleb cuck
>act superior when they're wasting their time "trolling"
>YouTube channels dedicated to making fun of him
>instead of just ignoring him altogether


>instead of just ignoring him altogether
Everything else I agree with, but who would choose to ignore a big beautiful trainwreck?

I love a good DSP thread every once in a while, but these faggots are on the verge of obsession with the guy.

you should see the videos lately of the dudes who watch a stream of his and record themselves pausing and talking about whatever dsp says. its kinda sad

His business is actually fucked

The SoK people are easily just as cancerous as Phil is.

It's like a bunch of high school kids that feel like they're doing some kind of epic Sup Forums stunt because they saw a bunch of people laughing at an idiot and decided to take it a couple hundred steps further and go straight into autism land.

Shit is a literal joke, have you ever even watched a SoK video? A bunch of adults who act like genuine kids with some laughable shallow conversations.

Every one of them just wishes they were Tevin


>Check their Twitter
>Meme Arrows and other epic Sup Forums maymays
>One fag is literally called King of Sup Forums
I need to take a break from the internet. Seriously. If it'll make a loser like these fags, I'm done.

It is genuinely sad to see how old some of the people involved in this shitshow are. If it was just a bunch of teenagers I'd understand, but some of these are grown men -- how can one become this obsessed with a dumb e-celebrity is beyond me.

>king of Sup Forums
Ultra Autism. Fuck this.

Holy shit, their "commentary" over phil's videos is the most cringey shit I've ever seen


I love how they call it "Let's Endure" when the actual thing that's hard to endure is their commentary.

i really cant stand Endure voices and that shitty fan art they use and the introductions to them like they are big shots.

>king of Sup Forums
Holy fuckin shit

What in the fuck is this shit? How can these people seriously claim to be in the position to make fun of someone like DSP?

i dont see how they can keep doing this. theres only so much to say and watch with phil that you run out of shit to even talk about.

This is some Chris Chan level of quality. Are these their personas?

This, Tevin is based. Great white noise material. if you're going to waste your time by doing something this retarded at least be entertaining.

Isnt america supposed to be one of the best countries in the world? holy shit.

Sons of Kojima.

The jokes they make are shit and they actively watch hours of Phil content despite hating him

I remember a spic who used that handle during gg then the co optional guys showed he was a stalker or something. Same guy?

I entered a thread i knew would be awful and full of cringe. It's more than i thought and i've practically collapsed into myself and now hate everything.

Why did i do this.

>We are the Sons of Kojima.

>The Sons of Kojima group is not associated with the KWO (which has long been defunct and segmented into the SoK) nor the CSF. Any drama that is brought about by these two organizations in no way reflects the Sons of Kojima group.

>We also do not engage in drama with these two organizations as petty squabbles amongst the anti DSP community only serves to harm the movement. We do not under any circumstances support the harassment of these two groups nor DSP & his supporters.

>We do not condone any threats made to DSP and his supporters that include: Doxxing, Swatting, DDoSing, or any other real life manifestation of ill will.

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with these people? I can understand a bunch of young men dedicating themselves for a community focused on entertainment, but these fags do nothing but stalk a single other retard. It's legitimately depressing.

No, those are their shadows.

Jesus fucking Christ redditors, stop spamming this faggot, go to reddit to talk about this shit like it's supposed to be.
Mods need to ban you fucking shills are constantly promoting e-celebs.
They have absolutely nothing to do with the gaming process.
Stop being cancer.

I like that they are calling it a movement like it's a freaking Revolution

kinda wack they would have that because they bully the fuck out of other anti-dsp groups. didn't one of them get a channel shut down because they thought they were monetizing the vids?
which is weird because the same person has a patreon. fred or something


Stop using this word, "bullying" presupposes strength, and screaming at each other on Twitter is definitely isn't it.

Fucking hell man, I fear the Internet may have made these children into irredeemable faggots, God save us all.

>SoCucks think Sup Forums is their personal army
>Spam countless threads about DSP to expose him
>Sup Forums instead shits on them and expose their autism

it's like the people who constantly obsessed over CWC, a lot of them turned out to be autists in their own right

imagine naming yourself and forming an internet gang so you can make fun of a internet streamer who's pretty dumb

This. I wasn't ready. This is just ridiculous.

Every time a DSP thread gets pruned, an angel's wings burn

I really want mods to keep this thread to show how autistic SoK members are

So what's this faggot's story? Is he Sup Forums's equivalent of ManletTears or something?



Vlog will soon be uploaded. Make sure to watch our vlog f.a.m ;)

No one involved in this is a celebrity

>sons of kojima?
>youtube channel?
>check youtube
>videos upon videos
>literally hours and hours long
>all a bunch of autist complaining how much they dont like DSP yet keep watching him

This is a strain of autism i have never aeen before. Niggas get a fucking life, holy shit.

SoK didn't kill Phil.
Phil killed Phil.

This doesn't look like video games.

>DSP Uploads video explaining his situation
>2 hours long
>100 hours spent retelling his life story
Every fucking time

Sup Forums had that guy obsessed with a tripfag, Sup Forums has SoK


>Check his Twitter
>61K Tweets
>All about Phil
What the fuck?

>Sons of Kojima are in this thread right now.

You guys are doing gods work, I feel honored to share a board with you fine men and one dyke woman. Just to think, you guys took what we were all doing for fun and turned it into a real movement! I wish I had what it takes to do what you guys do.

Just kidding, you kids need to get a grip.

>that scraggly pube "beard"

Jesus. Be clean shaven if you can't grow facial hair properly.

His voice is faggy too.

Is this a group dedicated to trolling DSP or something?

>Awful beard
>Awful hair
>Awful voice
>Calls himself "King of Sup Forums
Couldn't get any worse desu

You weren't kidding. What in the fuck is wrong with this people.

Sons of Kojima?

They put together a few funny compilations in the beginning, but most of their videos were really reaching.

>Haha he fucked up on this obstacle once
>He took a wrong turn and had to backtrack what an idiot
>He lost this one fight

Also, considering some of the comments that they highlighted as Phil's supposed bad points, it's pretty obvious that they have SJWs in their midst.

DSP is just a selfish idiot.
SOK are just sad to the the point where I genuinely feel pity for them. Pathetic.

Yeah, you have to be really fucking pathetic to have yout life revolve around making fun of a random below average youtuber.

Yup, actually, it's more about talking about Phil's antics than "trying to take them down". That's just bullshit that his fanbase spells at every turn. They just have some fun with DSP stupid shit.

I know it makes me sound like a butthurt DSP fan, but building a community around ridiculing a persons every single move is weird, to say the least. I get the compilation-stuff, but they even have a fucking podcast where all they do is talk gossip about their favorite "lulzcows" on a weekly basis. Really weird dynamic


>They just have fun with DSP stupid shit
No. Wasting HOURS of your day DAILY making fun of a guy playing video games is not fun, at all. Re-evaluate your life. This is autism and what's creepy is you don't realize it.

anyone fap to pandalee?

She's hotter than that bitch on SoK.

Playing with your dog is fun, watching a movie is fun, listening to some cool music is fun. Watching hours upon hours upon fuckinh hours of a random youtubers content just to make fun of him and doing it daily it's not fun. Its fucking obsessive and autistic.

her lips make me diamonds