I'm thinking about resubscribing. How bad I'm I fucking up?

I'm thinking about resubscribing. How bad I'm I fucking up?

Are any new MMOs coming out this year that aren't trash? Maybe more hardcore?

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Legion's actually not that bad man. Well PvP is pretty barebones here but other than that

I played legion in the beginning. Got a few chars to 110 but left after my guild disbanded and none of the good guilds were really looking for someone without 3 years worth of logs to look at.

Play for a month to feed the addiction, then stop playing and remember why you quit in the first place.

Stop playng MMOs.

This. Had the itch today, the I remembered why I've left
>AP grind
>RNG Items
>RNG legendaries
>Shit Diablo3 dailies

I too have the "itch" OP

The thing is that the itch never goes away.
I wonder if this is how chain smokers and alcoholics feel when they try to quit their addiction?

Wanted to know the same thing. I don't know if I want to return to WoW or not.

Can't the itch be cured by playing a better MMO?

Wait for sword of legends or play ESO instead. WoW is a dead game.

Such as?

>re-subbed maybe 2 weeks ago due to friends promising to "gear me up fast"
>decide to roll healer because anything DPS means other players will always have better gear and damage than you. Plus I'm coming back in fairly late.
>get to around ilvl 900 in around a week from doing mythics
>do pvp, still get two shotted and CC'd to death
>no matter how much healing I do, players will always somehow out DPS my most powerful spells.
>was doing dailies just yesterday and got 2 shotted by both a demon hunter and DK on separate occasions.
>realise that the grind to get better gear, artifact power and honor talents isnt really worth my time if neckbeards just kill me so fast.

On that note, DK and DH are FOTM if you want to re-join.

It's shit OP. Played since legions start and there's nothing interesting left. Hey ruined pvp so it's boring and pointless. I've is now just a Korean grindfest and the rng on gear is absurd
Raids are boring too since they removed all movement and abilities so the bosses barely do anything


Demon Hunters are absurdly anti-healer.
Their burst is INSANE and they easily have enough passive sustain to out heal a healers DPS.
If you do somehow survive the burst, which is hard since it is lots of damage for a very long time, they have an attack that deals shitloads of damage if you have low mana, and does a HEALTH PERCENTAGE OF DAMAGE.
Oh, and they also have a mana drain.

I've found numerous heroic raiding guilds that have taken me without any logs. Are you looking for mythic raiding?


Those fuckers deleted the game from my account and are forcing me to buy it again to play.

You could always buy yourself a hammer and bash ya'self over your head - about the same type of experience.

Are you implying somehow WoW is better than XIV?

Just got into this

Although it's "fun" it's not brilliant, I do pref it over wow but by a fraction.

Explain what brilliant means for WoW please.

I squeezed a couple months out before I got sick of it. If that's worth the expac cost and sub fee to you (and you may well like it more than me), go for it.

Most classes in Legion are the worst and most simplistic they've ever been, the only exceptions are some classes like warlocks which are awful and simplistic now but still above spamming shadow bolt like in bc.

Better to have PvP where people live and die fast as opposed to hitting each other with toy hammers where nobody can kill each other so you just give up.

anything before 2009

Why do you fucks insist on raiding every wow thread?

This would only be correct if the game didn't have a button that makes your enemy unable to play for 6 seconds.
Dying in the opening stun/CC train is boring as fuck.


>Don't play this garbage MMO, play this garbage weeb MMO instead!

Are you implying somehow its not?

I was hoping to get into a mythic guild since my guild had just started into mythic before it disbanded.

WoW is just so tryhard these days. Like I'm not trying to get into a world first guild or anything. Just one of the better server guilds. They want a full resume and months of logs it seems. I had a holy pally main with both bis legendaries, a resto druid with 1 legendary, and 110s DK, warr, and lock.

Cast times have no place in the game now. They would be fine if casters were actually powerful enough to warrant them but since everything is "balanced" physical damage classes end up being objectively better because their melee bursts do just as much damage.

Whats the state of Feral Druid in PvP these days?

>sword of legends
PvP is terribly balanced. All you do is spam silence and destroy most healers. Other's like monks you just wait for them to blow a CD and then kill them.

World PvP is beyond fucked for healers. Healers can't do anything,

>Blizzard game is out for 2+ months
>nearly all discussion of it on Sup Forums dies out

really makes you ponder

Sup Forums only cares about flavor of the moth games, the fact that people are still talking about legion almost a year later really tells you something.

No one talks about legion in a positive light.


Legion is a atrocious.
This coming from someone that managed to pull enjoyment out of cata and WoD.

I seriously can't understand how anyone can like Legion, unless you're suffering from some insane amounts of WoD ptsd.

the golden days of MMO's are pretty much dead at this point

>still above spamming shadow bolt like in bc
Warlocks were only that bad if you bought into the destro meme. BC Affliction was more interesting than anything lock has to offer in Legion. Went back to my BC-era lock in 7.0 pre-expansion patch and couldn't believe how much the class has been gutted. Just another reason not to play.

>BC Affliction was more interesting than anything lock has to offer in Legion.
SL/SL/DL is really fucking next level.

>How bad I'm I fucking up?
Why do you need Sup Forums's approval?

More likely you are a terrible pvp player

The fact that you could even have interesting hybrid builds like that makes that era superior.

Sup Forums generally has a better opinion than most other sites due to blizzard shit eaters.

>interesting hybrid builds


>Sup Forums generally has a better opinion than most other sites

Such as?

7.1.5 and 7.2 ptr news completely cured me of any WoW itch. Amazing how for me the real wow-killer was blizzard itself. After a few month of Legion I can't even imagine coming back just for the shitty time-gating, AP grind in mythics, abyssmal useless pvp and most of all my dead as fuck guild that is the worst reminder of all the friends that left the game during this year. I'm just fucking done, I'm finally free from that shitfest I should've left long time ago.

WoD caused any of my remaining ingame friends to leave permanently. We didn't even talk about WoW again in the lead up to Legion.

Don't. Your ability to play optimally is gated behind rng based grinds that can take potentially up to over 6 months. You're forced to run the same dungeon (maw of souls) over and over to be relevant. In 7.2, legendary items aren't being fixed, and blizz is adding a grind that's designed to be impossible. Legion has fuck tons to do, but it's all tedium beyond the norm of an MMO.

The Secret World is getting a relaunch with revamped systems later this month. Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is coming out in Q4 or Q1 2018, it's a game made by the developers of Everquest, but modernized, it's designed to be hardcore, but without the bullshit that EQ had.

T. former top 300 raider

Don't do it. I re subbed last month, paid for a month, faction transfer, leveled and hated it. Every class is 2 button rotation meta obsessed autism. I felt so damn bad about myself I deleted all my characters and closed my account to avoid future temptations. The old memories should be pristine and not tainted by the shit that nublizz is doing to WoW.

I always see why people quit but I never see people post about why they still play the game.

>Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen
How hardcore is this suppose to be? Is this the game where you can't see enemy health or level and there's no world map?

There is no other mmorpg that has pretty good pve, but also decent enough pvp. And if i'm jumping ships i expect at the very least to have action combat eso sucks in that matter, i've tried to like it

put enough time into the game and people find it hard to quit.

Doubt it. It's supposed to be hardcore, not stupid.

All I know is that it's made by the EQ devs and they want to make it a throwback to the better days of MMOs. I'm riding the hype train with a raiding buddy of mine, we're gonna see if we can scrounge up members to compete for world firsts.

link to their site:

894 equipped Afflic Warlock here, and these are some of my observations:
>AP grind is real
>Legendary RNG is real (though I'm up to 4 and have my top "legs")
>not just Legion but you need a guild for good progression for heroic because killing Gul'Dan basically requires already having killed him because pugs won't take you otherwise
>paid for over a year of time when it was 30k each but it's almost 90k per month now (just something to keep in mind)
>once you've got all the cool transmogs and you've done your weekly current raid there's little to do
>I actually just reinstalled Skyrim to fill the void and it won't work and am reinstalling it now (from poorly modding it months ago)
>pvp is a shitfest because DH's have retarded burst and you'll rarely play arena without running into one

I kinda want to hop on the hype train. There has to be cons though. Are the servers in Russia or something?

>Next expansion is grinding more Tomes
>More caster gear to fight over
No, fuck Yoshi.

So am I forced to buy a WoW token or farm a shitload of gold in order to afford basic shit like raid mats etc?

nah dude, NA devs, i doubt they'd host in russia.

>NA devs
You're making this sound too good man.

I would recommend Alchemy/herb to make money. When Legion was new, flasks were outrageously priced and that's how I made so much gold.
Raid mats aren't a problem if you play casually (especially if you make your own food and flasks).
Oh, also, if you do all the alchemy quests in Legion you're able to get 2 hours per flask, so you'll be able to sell a lot of them.
Oh, and tailoring on an alt could be nice to make hexweave bags (which is like 2k every 5 days)

>still playing modern mmos
its like you want to get killed over and over again

>but user, i have this mmo "itch"
do something else
play other games

I mean, unless they fuck up colossally, it will be a fucking good game. They've got an angel backing their funding, and all the pre-release footage and photos look really fucking good.

Literally the only way it flops is if it doesn't have any endgame, but they've made fuck tons of posts about raiding and dungeons, so that's basically fine.

move the fuck on

everything is time-gated. it doesn't matter if you play 1 hour or 10 hours a day, you will progress at the same pace as everyone else.

that means it will take months to gear up and have fun

Just wait until Sunday and play on the new HG TBC server

I'm reading their faq most of it looks great but what's the difference between a realm and shard?

The non instanced dungeons seems awesome.

Honestly couldn't say. I would assume it's the server cluster and the individual game servers. IE how final fantasy 14 does theirs. I really don't know though.

for those of you who vouch for XIV, what about the gameplay do you find fun?

particularly those of you who have played wow extensively...

Oh apparently "shards" are like WoW's phasing garbage. Well that really fucking sucks. The game has instanced zones too apparently.

Have to see exactly how it works but that shit is some huge cons for me.

I just did some digging. It's this game's way of doing instances, as there is no instanced content. If there weren't phases, you'd have multiple guilds and groups fighting over the same dungeon/raid boss.