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I do. Got rid of mine before it did that. Not as many folks on here now do though. I had to explain the Wii controller strap fiasco to a thread about a month back.

I had a scare with the RRoD a few times on my console, but it usually worked again after leaving it unplugged for a bit.

I remember going for that Dead Rising achievement and the system shut off from overheating

Had that problem a few times. Microsoft fixed it every time for free. Whatever they did the last time took, because my 360 still works to this day. Fan is loud though.

No I don't waste my money

>Christmas day
>get halo 3
>Xbox red rings

I had to send mine back twice, I got an elite later when I went off to college since it was my brothers 360 and it seems they fixed all the problems on it because I never had any issues with it.

actually never had this happen to me. Still have my 360 i bought in 2008 and still works great


>Missing launch
>Also having this happen to you

You ad to be on a level of suffering unknown to man.

>Mfw i had 2 xbox 360s red ring on me
>Took 4 weeks to get the first one back after sending it out
>Got a free month of live from it
>Happens again a couple months later
>Do the towel trick
>Works just fine afterward
>Doesn't RROD again

I had 3 Xbox 360ies die on my with RROD. The last time was a few months after warranty and I bought a new one cheap without HDD etc. I am still mad.

>still have my original 360
>no RRoD
Not sure if I'm lucky or I just take really good care of my shit.

>years ago
>360 gets 3 red rings
>do the towel trick to temporarily fix it
>take it to gamestop to trade it in
>they turn it on and it works
>they hand me $100 in store credit
>mfw some kid bought my 360 preowned and it red rings on them

>54.2% failure rate

>don't use my 360 for 3 months
>Halo: Reach comes out
>decide to pick it up on a whim
>dust off the ol' xbox, pop it in

>loved Fable from the early days
>maximum hype for Fable 2
>Day comes
>Spent all day and stayed up all night playing.

I was absolutely devastated.

I remember the power going out and it red ring my 360

I took really good care after the first RROD but it did not help since it had something to do with bad soldering of the GPU/CPU. The PS3 Fat had similar problems. Never buy a console on launch.

Does anyone actually have a working launch 360? Also do people remember this? It happened to me!

Do They still hold the record for faulty hardware releases. If it weren't for Halo3 I don't think there'd be an Xbox today.

tfw this happened to me 2 times and i never bought another console

my launch 360 died after 3 years. but my fat ps3 still works.

protip: clean the dust from the insides and change the thermal paste every 5 years your PS3 will last forever

I remember my console temporary red ringing. Nothing was wrong with it though, the power cord was just loose.

Remember us as well?

i still don't understand why i got the ylod,i always took good care of it,like turning it off after closing my games,never left the CD in etc

If the 360 didn't have the RROD issue and paid online it would have been the GOAT console.

Our fat 40gb ps3 failed after 3 years of owning it even thought it wasn't all that dusty inside.

OG 360's will never not RROD at some point in their life, even after clamp-to-bolt mods and new thermal paste, the only 100% fix is the 12v fan after your non-towel baking method of choice, because PWM fans are not fucking up for the heat. Even with a noise disclaimer, I've flipped about 20 """dead""" 360's in my lifetime for a good profit

OG meaning Xenon/Zephyr, everything else needed better thermal paste, but were otherwise cooler and had better heatsinks, and pretty safe from GPU/CPU RROD's

>Microsoft lost 1.15 billion dollars fixing xboxs
>Fedex made 240 million dollars just sending xboxs to microsoft and sending them back
>Just because they were cheap enough to make their own graphics card

My first ps3 got one too. Funnily enough, my second ps3, which was also the fat model, still works to this day

>Does anyone actually have a working launch 360?
Still have mine and it works. Only issue I have with it is that the disk tray wont open sometimes but that can be fixed by taking off the rubber band and cleaning it.

Yeah, I do.

Microsoft fixed it for free. I dunno if I was lucky or what, but it didn't happen for me until the day after MS acknowledged and addressed the problem.

I remember getting a free replacement + a free month of xbox live and never having a single problem again.

Kek I remember the entire breaking wrist strap shambles. It was hilarious seeing all the smashed TVs.

>cousin gets all four bars
>thinks it's fucked
>gives console to me for spare parts
>leave it on a shelf for four months
>sell it to a friend for $20
>works flawlessly, still works today

My 360 has that issue, but only when there isn't a disc already inside it.

Who remembers this?

Reminded me of this.

i would be more impressed if someone had a working launch PS2. Those things died after 2-3 years of use.

Did people actually do this without realising what would happen? I thought everyone knew that the GameCube discs were much smaller



>ruining a copy of Way of the Samurai

My launch ps2 eventually fucked up but it lasted a solid 5/6 years. Even then, the issue is just the laser being a bit sketchy it's not completely fucked

yep. I had one of those white fridges.

I was able to fix mine (3 red rings meant it melted a part inside of the case that held up an assembly), I just shoved a thick piece of paper in it

Because they rushed to get a half broken console on sale to get a headstart over Sony. Launch Xbox 360 customers were literally beta testers

Just sold mine yesterday actually.
Still works like a champ


Anyone else do the towel trick? I have no idea how overheating the console to the point of a fire hazard "fixed it" but revived my console a couple times. Was that a meme or is there science behind it?

It would reheat the thermal paste.

I do.

Microsoft fixed it once. Then they told me to go fuck off.

I tried taking it apart and fixing it on my own which actually worked but it ultimately died.

Glad it happened. Taking that fucker apart is what got me into building a PC. I just didn't have a job at the time. Literally happened at the peak of Recession.

My first 360 got it. I was able to fix it with a fucking hot air gun until the GPU was completely fucked 6 months later. Then I bought a 360 again (a Jasper), which still works.

Like all the "tricks" it was very short term.

Your best bet was taking it apart, applying new thermal paste and hoping for the best.

Then when it really started fucking up do the penny thing where you apply a penny to keep the pressure on the heat sink to make sure it was all flush.

Literally every trick worked to a degree but it was like keeping a dead body as fresh as it could be.

Towel trick was the worst. You could damage capacitors with that and just general chips. Way better ways to get rid of RROD for a month or so.

My first one did, and then Microsoft sent me a Jasper and it was fine all the way until i sold it last year. Its probably still fine now.

Same story. Two repairs, got an elite for college.

Sad ending though, I had surgery a year ago so my mom was taking care of me. She knocked it off the shelf and it hasn't been right since.

Bought a bone last week, haven't had any issues with compatibility.

2 of mine broke, they were both shitty arcade version. finally got the standard one and I think it still works to this day as I haven't turned it on for a few years.

>did it once, restart righted it
>next time not so lucky

The thermal paste they used was cheap and dried out after about 3 years
Lost 3 years of game saves when mine YLOD

>Buying an xbone

I bought a cheap used 360 S version a year or so back and it works great.

Glad I didn't sell all my old games. The damn thing still runs hot as fuck but that top exaust fan and intakes from the sides just makes run like it probably should have from the beginning.

Microsoft are literal retards on the console design aspects of the 360.

Then they make the Xbone and it plays it so safe it's almost comical. Fucking VCR space with a AMD integrated chip. Sony knew what was up.

Check out Ben Heck's breakdown of the PS4 Slim. It's fucking elegant. Like one tiny board.

>all the tricks people came up with to fix it
>also having to literally re-apply thermal paste in a fucking console
>didn't completely ruin the company
I can't fathom how much money microsoft has. That big of a turd would sink almost anyone else.

>remember that time Toyota cars would just slam on the gas and you couldn't break
>they're still in business
Or maybe people just have pretty short memories.

the towel one was my favourite

>comparing Toyota to the debacle that was the 360

Come on now. Let's not get silly.

I owned a 1992 Camry that didn't fail me until 3 years ago.

That's fucking quality. I swear by Toyota cars. Maybe the fucked up in those years that they were sued endlessly but I'm now driving a 2005 Camry and it's doing it's thing in that it's driving and not fucking up. Solid work. Not really fair to bring Toyota into a Microsoft Xbox 360 discussion because they finally had a few problems some years back.

the RROD was caused by Microsoft cheaping out and using shitty solder to attach the cpu/gpu to the mainboard. after several heat up/cool down cycles, the solder would crack and the CPU/GPU would start to separate from the mainboard. the E74 was a similar issue with the same root problem (in this case, the Scaler chip).

Tfw Toyota's problem was literally a floormat getting stuck under the gas pedal

I made a living off fixing these pieces of shit for about 5 years so probably never

>I swear by Toyota cars

you've never owned a Toyota truck, then.

You and people sending out kits on what to do where quite literally doing God's Work. More on the former but whatever.


I never said that. Their cars are amazing. Them trying to compete with Ford and Chevy are quaint and silly.

Still waiting for HD collection re-release

there's no "kit" on how to actually fix it correctly
the solder connecting the gpu to the board breaks and you have to melt that shit down to get it to reconnect
using some shitty blow dryer is not going to do it

I went through so many of those, user, it's not even funny.

It's not launch but it is a fat one

Well I thought you meant shit online.

I "fixed" mine with a kit of new thermal paste and some easy tools and instructions to get the case off. That and early youtube instructions. Cheap enough at the time. I think it was like 15 dollars.

How could I forget the blessing that were three (3) rrods in a little less than two years

Cost them 3 billion USD to fix iirc.

Seriously MS lost so much money on the xbox brand it's a wonder why they're still going with it.

What a fucking joke of a console.

>mfw the ONE time I had a console fail
>it was the H3 Edition

I was PLATINUM mad. I swore off consoles that day.

they thought they would be epic and take a loss lead approach so they could 1984 people with their next console
that went over real well

>mfw the 360 remains the only console that has ever failed me
>own a first gen Xbox that had terrible problems with the early disc drives but still works
>own a a first gen PS2 that was notorious for DRE

It's either I'm lucky or Microsoft rushed the console. Gee. I don't know. This is difficult one to figure out.

>7 Day Survivor achievement

Now that separated the men from the boys

Yep one of the main reasons why the 360 was ahead of the PS3 was because the 360 launched a year earlier than Sony.

Rushing complicated tech and production is never a good idea.

not to make this /o/ but I remember reading an article that was about a car making it to a million miles and iirc it was a 95 toyota
shit even my 95 buick lasted until 2 months ago

I made thousands of dollars doing reflows for people with RROD consoles. Started out with a heatgun and blu-tack to cover the capacitors. Ended up with a reflow machine which I still use to this day and I still use the heatgun for some phone repairs.
Good times.
/Pls like fave and subscribe.

you shittin? I still have my OG launch model PS1. you know, the one notorious for the disc drive wearing itself out? still works fine. played some Spyro the other day.

I don't think it was because it was rushed. it was because despite being one of the biggest tech giants at the time, Microsoft were a bunch of cheap fucks when it came time to cut costs, and it showed.

Because MS has more money than god and could literally burn big piles of it and not worry.

>500 dollar netflix machine
>in a world of 50 dollar Roku

Not quite in the same ballpark though.

I remember stories of the the damn things failing on the line, 360s that is. They wanted it out there early. They got that.

They don't make vehicle like they used to. I miss my old car. It's like your horse gets killed in front of you. Not happy times.

dude fuck roku get something better

>tfw still have my 08 hdmi 360
>no rrod 9 years later
>still play it most days

feels good man. i've had 2 ps3's fail on me in that same time.

Fire stick is actually pretty damn bad too

>t. can't into installing custom firmware to watch tv shows for free

Yeah I remember 360 being a better console than the PS3.

i still have my fat original 360 from 2007. this one must have been crafted by wizards because it hasn't RRODed yet. the only thing that happened was the disc drive stopped reading games but that was easy as fuck to repair on my own.

>buy 360 at launch
>everything great for a few months
>Gears comes out, excited for it
>play for about an hour, red ring
>microsoft fixes it for free and sends back
>works well
>GTAIV comes out, oops red ring again
>Microsoft sends me new unit with the jasper shit or something
>lasted until this gen

Like others, I'm amazed that Microsoft could blow so much money to cover these things that they didn't go under

they only spent like 1 billion on repairs. that's pocket money to them. they bought minecraft alone for like 2.5 billion.

>Bought DBZ Burst Limit after saving up money
>Play for an hour and my 360 red rings
>Had to wait 8 weeks to play it again/get a replacement from Microsoft and was always terrified the game would make my new 360 Red ring
Also, FUCK how the fucking 360 would put a nice fucking ring on your discs