>Your OC will never be The Final Boss of a DLC Campaign

>Your OC will never be The Final Boss of a DLC Campaign

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stop reading tvtropes you tool

Not memeing, but Reize is cute. I would have sexual intercourse with him.

The guy ERPs as him all the time, go ask.,

Wait, what? Is Reize the final boss of Spectre?

That would be too autistic, even for me.

there's absolutely (0) things wrong with reading tvtropes

He saids, admitting that he would have full-homo intercourse with a drawing on Sup Forums.

Creating OCs is autistic. Showing this much dedication to your OC is downright transcendence.

You're kidding right?

I would hypothetically have sex with him if both us were 2D. I wouldn't RP some dumb sexual scenario with someone who doesn't even look like him.

Someone post that picture of Reize with a boomerang up his butt

>have full-homo intercourse with a drawing
Nothing wrong with making love to perfect 2D boys, user

"I swear I'm not autistic" he said, flailing about, failing to understand the social situation he found himself in that others might refer to as that elusive thing called "a joke".

Reize's creator is a woman hating turboautist.

He doesn't deserve a bigger role in this game.


Boy, the premise here is Reize. It's not that serious.

So wrote a liar.


A weird way of thinking. The guy wrote a very complete and in-depth character but instead of building a story involving him he keeps paying other content creators to cram him into their work.
That obsessive behavior can't be good.

I'm true and honest.


Too bad he seems to have trimmed down his account biography. He doesn't come off as much as a cunt now.

>thinks girls are icky
Reize is for gay master race.

Yep. The entire reason Specter Knight is still Specter Knight after the prologue campaign is that he offered himself as the eighth knight in order to use the revitalizing power of the locket to purge the little twit of the Enchantress's magic.

How did we go from this...

Oh that is dumb if true.

How much money do you think the guy paid for all that art and music?

Maybe Zubaz will be the final boss of King Knight.


What's this dude beef with women? Even gays don't hate them this much.

>woman hating
Nothing wrong with this though

so where's the porn.


Source? I'm going to be mad if this is true.

>King Knights entire campaign is just one giant WWE homage

I watched a full playthrough on Twitch earlier today. I can dig up the channel if you're that curious, the video will stay up for a couple weeks, or you can just take my word for it until someone posts screenshots as proof.

I believe you. I just hope this is less dumb than it sounds.

I mean, if his creator is anything like Sup Forums says, he's probably FURIOUS that his OC is the last boss