If you were to put six Overwatch heroes as defense in Wave 666...

If you were to put six Overwatch heroes as defense in Wave 666, which ones would make the best defense against the undead hordes? Whether it be gameplay or lorewise.


>No Reinhardt for sheilds.

Who needs shields when you have armor packs, passive healing, and a shield generator?

None of that saves the turret from the unholy amounts of spam.

You shouldn't be defending the turret goldie

Fair, but you'd need to maximize damage for the tanks and giants or they're just going to Walk past you to the hole.

Junkrat, reaper, mercy, Tracer if they don't get armor, D.va, Orisa
This is assuming they also get MvM upgrades.

Symm has one of the highest DPS in the game when her beam is full.
Junkrat also gets his ult insanely fast and has a good AoE
Pharah has one of strongest non-headshot M1s too.

Meanwhile Reaper destroys everything because he never runs out of health or ammo since he can't get stunned

>Symm has one of the highest DPS in the game when her beam is full
She's also running headfirst into a bunch of bots who, unlike most players she does this with, can't miss against her 275 health pool. Pyro is taken in MvM for reflect, not for burning shit. Photon barrier is good but can't withstand a giant crit soldier