We're barely more than two months into 2017 and we've already had enough good games to make a top ten list that'd be...

>we're barely more than two months into 2017 and we've already had enough good games to make a top ten list that'd be better than those of each of the previous five years
I almost feel like I love video games again.

Can we all agree this year is off to an incredible start?

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Sadly most of Sup Forumstards reject happy/fun times like they are a disease and try to find a reason to complain anyways.

This is actually terrible. We've used up all our good game karma from last year in the first THREE (3) MONTHS. Prepare for shit games for the next few months guy's, its gonna be a rough ride.

This desu

It's gonna be all fucking shit from early April onwards to make up for it being great so far.

Turok 2 is coming out this month, so there's that.

Hollow Knight is already indie game of the year for me.

kill yourself.

I hate having too many good games.
There isn't enough time to play them


>no Zangeki Warp on that list

>Turok 2 in March
>Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court in April
>Prey in May
>Divinity: Original Sin 2 sometime this year

Looking good to me.

Never heard of it. Was is it?
Sorry m8 but the memes and shitposting misled you, its a fun game.


>From are working with Sony Japan Studio again
>The Kamiya-helmed Bayonetta 3 is almost certainly exclusive to the Switch

I just can't wait for the salt mines to be reopened over these two tbqh

Cheers for the rec but I think I'll not be getting it, MAME has me covered for shmups for the rest of my life.

fw I barely care for any game released this year so far. Only RE7 but I haven't played because I want to wait for it to get cheaper

There's no reason to believe RDR2, Super Mario Oddesy, Splatoon 2, Yooka-Laylee, Sonic Mania, or Tekken 7 will be bad.

Was GTA IV, RDR, and GTA V's online all being dogshit really not enough?

I have almost no faith left in Rockstar's openworld endeavours.

I see this posted so often yet I've never seen a source.
RDR was shit so why have faith in a sequel?

I thought GTA was boring too but people absolutely love that series. RDR2 isn't going to be any exception either.

We still have Bannerlord

don't worry, we'll never stop looking forward to bannerlord



You do know those are for kids?

>Cook Serve Delicious 2 coming out around summer maybe

>Little Nightmares

We're gonna make it, bros.

Woah, someone else who didn't like RDR.

Persona 5, RDR 2, Splatoon 2, Mario Oddessy

What else is coming out this year?


Sorry babe, that game got gutted with each iteration of the game. Game is a total snore to play now. Game of the Month is laughable.

I'm not your babe, gal.

good taste

remove horizion from feb

Im actually kinda scared of this happening. I've been having so much fun with Yakuza and Zelda alone, and there's still other shit like NieR I want to buy. And all that's been given to us the first quarter of this year. If it's too good to be true it probably is, I just won't get my hopes up.

>No tales of Berseria mentions
Aw c'mon. It's the first notably good Tales game that isn't just good by Tales standards since Vesperia.

Prey, Pyre, Knights & Bikes, Tekken 7, Ace Combat 7, Yooka Laylee, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Absolver, Vampyr, Sea of Thieves, Gigantic, Cuphead, Styx: Shards of Darkness, etc.

>everybody talking about BotW
>I only care about Thimbleweed Park, Snake Pass and maybe Strafe this month
I really lost interest in most big budget games

A friend of mine convinced me to play vesperia after months of yelling"ITS DA MASTERPIECE"
never i felt so robbed of my time
I want that time back, and i want to use every second punching my friend
That game is a bad excuse for a videogame
symphonia was the last good one and you know it

Yooka-Laylee is a 3D platformer collectathon, so it's bad right out of the gate. Super Mario Odyssey is more 3D Mario, so that's bad. Tekken has always been bad, Red Dead Redemption was overrated, and Splatoon 2 is a console shooter.

Sonic Mania is the only game listed that has a shot of being good.

Post 'em, boys.

Sorry that you hated it, but personally I thought it was pretty good.

>Shovel Knight expansions
>Sonic Mania
>Perosna 5 Western release
>Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
>Frozen Synapse 2
>Divinity: Original Sin 2

Can't fucking wait

There has been at least 2 really solid games a month thus far.
How long can we continue like this?

I'm happy enough just being able to play gravity rush 2

I think the Summer will end it, its always the slowest season.


Looks good for the bargin bin in about a year

What the fuck is snipperclips

>Red Dead Redemption
i just want a red dead revolver 2...
everyone has its own tastes.
I think i might not be able to enjoy jrpgs anymore.
vesperia was also a GC game sold for ps3/360, with bad plot and boring characters.

A fun co-op puzzle game for the Switch

I do too, it was an underrated gem on the PS2. Unfortunately, all of Red Dead Redemption's fans weren't even born when Revolver came out.

You're a fag
Go be a bitch about some other hobby you don't enjoy

drop two games from Feb and it should be obvious which two.


For Honor is better than all of those February games.

Don't worry, Metal Gear Survive and Mass Effect Andromeda will suck up all the bad karma. Think of it as all of the years crappy vidya was absorbed into these games allowing the rest to become good.

Holy fuck, I didn't know that she had downs syndrome. They really are shoehorning as much as they can in to make 'progressive' characters!

Only see one decent game in that list (yakuza0), and that game is disqualified because it's fucking PieceofShit4 exclusive.

Remove Hollow Knight. It's not even good or actively discussed. There's just viral threads. Look at their post count and actual users.

This is true, 2017 has been a pretty great year so far. And there's good shit I'm looking forward too.

>I know these games are bad before I play them

I can't eyeroll any harder

Don't let this one fly under your radar lads. Flatout is back finally and it doesn't look too bad

abyss was pretty good, if you can get past a few chapters with literally one of the most whiny annoying characters in video game history, it's got amazing character development

i got my first 4 figures link today.. its prebby good

how did they manage to fuck up her face that bad though? holy shit.

>tfw Nintendo has decided to separate casual games from their mainline games
Truly, this is is the best news in a long time.

Same. Then I picked up xillia on a whim and was blown away. Still don't know what happened

>PS4 gets 1 (ONE) game in the first 3 years
>suddenly gets 5 (FIVE) great games in the space of 3 months

What did they mean by this?

Darkest Dungeon is getting a sequel!?

Japan is back.

lol too true

>1 game meme
Nah you just don't like video games is all.

Is Snipperclips really that good?

Yeah the one game meme is so tired. You've got to have an incredibly limited taste to think the PS4 has only one game to play.

>Siper rehas 4
>But not For Honor
If For Honor was an exclusive people would be sucking it's dick

>The only winning move is to never attack is a good game meme