>Now that the dust has been thrown violently into the air
Can we all agree that Breath Of The Wild is the best 3D Zelda and the Switch will be much better than the Wii U?
>Now that the dust has been thrown violently into the air
Can we all agree that Breath Of The Wild is the best 3D Zelda and the Switch will be much better than the Wii U?
>Switch will be much better than the Wii U?
setting the goal post pretty damn low there
If you actually played video games rather than shit post you would realize the Wii u was good.
N64>Wii U>SNES>GameCube>NES>Wii
BotW is the only 3D zelda I actually enjoyed.
Nah snes just has more games than N64 and the WIi U. I agree that those systems were the top 3 just not in that order.
SNes>N64>Wii U
>the Switch will be much better than the Wii U
That doesn't really matter. If they don't start selling big AAA single player titles and the great multiplayer titles played today, then the Switch is doomed to fail again.
Games don't sell consoles. Advertising sells consoles. Casuals are looking for anything to fill the void in their life for a minute. Whatever is shiny and new they want it.
They didn't want the Wii u because it was confusing and Unknown. They have crammed the Switch down everyone's throat
Best 3d Zelda since oot
>Games don't sell consoles. Advertising sells consoles.
Keep telling yourself that. Sony fucked Nintendo in the fifth/sixth generation for a good reason.
And that reason was advertising.
>Keep telling yourself that. Sony fucked Nintendo in the fifth/sixth generation for a good reason.
Yeah, with advertising and no games. The ps4 is 3 and a half years into its life and has 8 good games at this point. That's not a lot user
Fuck the pixels are u playing tetris or smnthin?
No idea, Gamestop didn't get my fucking Switch delivered on time. It says delivery will be March 6th. Fuck I hate them so much.
>muh graphics
Yes, all Square games on PSX, all the JRPGS, all the great fightans, sim racers, survival horros, everything is just advertising not quality.
>Playing more than 2 games a year.
Jesus Sup Forums, please tell me you don't do this. There's like 1.5 good games released per year,. If you play more than 2 every year you are playing absolute trash games. 8 good games after 3.5 years is PLENTY.
>Wii U over anything
You're legitimately retarded.
SNES > 64 > GameCube > NES > Wii > actual dog shit > Wii U
Ok the with u had about 15 good games so why do people act like it has none?
>about 15 good games
Name them
The Wii had gamecube graphics in 2011 while forcing you to waggle. Its awful
Switch N64 and NES and you've got it.
I'm not asking.