Should i play the games? If you think i should, which one should i start with? I've never played a dark souls game and i don't really know what to expect so i thought it would be cool to hear some of you guys opinions.
Dark Souls
Bar none the worst games I've ever played. Even giving DS1 a 3.5/10 rating is pushing it, whereas DS2 doesn't even deserve a rating.
What about DS3? Have you tried it?
Play Dark Souls 1 then 3
Start with Demon's Souls. From Software is a bit of a mess without Japan Studio to keep them from fucking around.
Why skipping DS2? Is it bad?
DaS3 is a fan service game for 1.
So bad it's not canon now.
don't listen to this guy
Depends if you like a "challenging game" I put that in quotes because it's really not that hard its just a matter of learning enemy attack patterns and not running around like an idiot hacking and slashing.
If you're looking for story and character development, etc i would probably suggest different games because dark souls games are known for leaving everything up in the air and leaving it up to you to figure out stuff from vague dialogue and items etc
and then there's the issue of getting lost or confused on where you need to progress in the games at times (which made me backtrack and stuff a lot)
game has a pretty solid combat system, but you will encounter some issues of being struck when you thought you dodged and stuff like that from time to time
overall I really enjoyed the games and the boss fights are very interesting.
But why is it so bad?
but if you love exploring and figuring things out, or you just like challenging combat I would say give the games a try.
You could start with demons souls, but I honestly felt like dark souls was very similar.
and like others said I wouldn't recommend Ds2 - I finished and everything but overall it felt lacking and not very well made/planned out.
Play them in order.
Don't listen to people who say 2 is bad. It's good, just not as good as 1. Most of its problems are related to world design, boss design, and PVP. The actual gameplay is a huge improvement.
But don't play vanilla 2. Play the Scholar of the First Sin version.
>If you're looking for story and character development, etc i would probably suggest different games because dark souls games are known for leaving everything up in the air and leaving it up to you to figure out stuff from vague dialogue and items etc
Environmental story telling is objectively the best way for a video game to communicate plot.
I got dark souls 1 but I haven't the time to play it :(
You could be playing it right now. Instead you're faffing around on Sup Forums.
Ds2 pvp is better than first game, and equal to or better than third.
>Soul Memory
>barely any normal invasions because everyone is fucking around in the Belfry levels
The design is very, very rough. Both you and the enemies have wonky movement. Level design is shit and unfinished. There are placeholder textures. (From even accidently left a Heineken beer label in by accident) The lighting engine got replaced at the last minute and everything looks like shit. Enemy placement isn't very clever. Most bosses are pretty lackluster.
It's just all around mediocre for a Souls game.
I agree, but the problem is most people (by most it's probably the younger generations) just don't grasp things unless it is just given to them by cut scenes and/or abundance of dialogue.
But given that, the demon/dark souls games are well known for their story being slightly secretive or up for interpretation
Thanks for letting me know why everyone thinks that game was shit :D
That still doesn't mean it's negative though. Video games are supposed to be interactive first and foremost. Any story you actually have to actively look for and figure out should be a plus in game design.
sorry I wasn't trying to say it was a negative - it would only be a problem if the person playing wanted a more engaging story, that's all.
It's really not. The boss fights are nowhere near as good as 3, but there's more freedom and build variety in Dark Souls 2. Sotfs also has a lot more content than current DS3.
you should start with Bloodborne, it forces you to git gud fast instead of hiding behind a shield
what games do you like, user?
>good bosses
"lets make any tanky sword+board build not viable by giving every boss an insanely long anime attack string"
its not bad at all, its probably the weakest souls game, but they are all a tier above pretty much all other games anyway
hating on dark souls 2 is a meme, its a great game
Stealing OP's thread
Should I buy the DS3 season pass or just wait to buy The Ringed City?
Thanks for the advice, i guess?
My opinion?
Don't ask opinions from Sup Forums.
I would've given you the thread if you asked for it my dude.