Gremlin D.Va is best D.Va right senpai?
Gremlin D.Va is best D.Va right senpai?
Real DVa best DVa.
How do you feel about the fact they basically made Gremlin D.Va borderline-canon, Sup Forums?
What'd they do?
the game itself isn't cannon fucktard.
dafuq who is this fluid druid?
I almost never get surprised by cosplay sluts but this one is really cute and don't seem to be on 300kg of make up.
They did? If so, that's fucking hilarious
does anyone have that gif of gremlin dancing behind a Mercy driven to alcoholism?
There are varying speeds she's dancing at but I just need the one.
No idea.
Perhaps not a lot of makeup, but you may want to acquaint yourself with the role of plasic surgery in Korean culture.
>They did?
Not really, they did put in a few mentions of mt dew and doritos in regards to her though.
Her voice actress fucking loves Gremlin tho.
Based Koreans
Only 11 more days
What happens in 11 days?
>the role of plasic surgery in Korean culture.
Nothing wrong with using our technology to improve humanity.
>ywn be bullied by D.Va
Feels bad man
Going back to the land of dreams.
>not punished
best lorewise
>''Server maintenance will be over in 40 minutes, you have 30, get on it.''
Its just a chibi dva...
>tfw no qt gf to fuck while she cosplays as your waifu
Oh fuck, didn't remember that webm was of the butterface.
>When she turned around
Yeah, as I said, complete butterface.
Would still smash.
that shnoz
Please stop posting my cute mindbroken cumtoilet
>type up something about reeee 3DPD
>check out the picture before sending
>actually super adorable
Huh, I thought Sup Forums has completely ruined me
good ass but the saddest tits ive ever seen in my entire life
Go to Korea and get your own anime waifu.
Korean faces are more plastic than flesh, so it's technically 2D.
D'Va legitimately angers me.
The mech is fucking garbage too. I don't know how anyone likes that disgusting turd.
Did someone say butterface.
I sold this game because the only thing overwatch is good for is the porn
I like Pharah, Junkrat, and Dva. Because I like running away.
Care to explain your logic how being plastic makes it 2D and not 3D
Gremlin D.Va is nice but just a massively inferior bkub knockoff.
>All that skin smoothing
Could she be any more photoshopped? Holy shit dude.
2D is perfection. 3D has inherent flaws. Using plastic surgery to fix these flaws is moving closer to 2D than 3D as they are now 'perfect'.
That's my understanding of it, anyway.
t. Never had a 'waifu' but understand why autistic people think 3DPD.
Here's your waifu for tonight.
>using comic bkub
Get with the times, my man.
is this a funny image thread
haha she got mad
wtf is this reddit thread?
I'm not quite sure if other people treat "2D" as something that is perfect. As far as I know 2D is, umm, 2D. Definitely not a 3DPD who shaved their jaw becomes 2D.
Enjoy it when it comes, user. Remember, the effort it takes to get round it is not worth getting it for something so pathetic.
Naw I just said it got closer to 2D, not that it is 2D. I wasn't that guy, I was just saying. 'Perfect 3D' is closer to 2D than 'Normal 3D'. I dunno. I don't really care enough about the subject to discuss more.
Fucking thread.
I was gonna go to the corner store to get some iced tea, but now I am probably going to get doritos and dew.
Isn't that the artist who does all those Mario character pictures? His art is great.
too bad he's a mudslime
I want to breed with DVa.
ok, mauro
I would like the closing word that Koreans and honkeys who fell hard for this Korean girl/boy and Kpop memes are the fucking trash of this planet.
I would've included Blizzard, Overwatch, and D.Va in there too but I feel like that would be shitpost territory.
Thank you.
Who is it? What's his name? If he's a Muslim, then why hasn't he been denounced by his fellow Muslims for committing shirk (putting something before the worship of God)?
Poor MooMoo
>TFW she makes six-figures from Pateron
Omar Dogan
Donald Duck Having A Stroke.webm
Koran allows D.Va to be your waifu.
He's a 40 year old in Canada. If he's a Muslim he certainly isn't a practising one. His art is literally breaking their rules. Well, the more anal ones anyway. Omar is also a common Indian name, he could be Hindu or Christian.
Would you.
Would I what? Have sex with a woman? Yes. Yes I would. Alas, it is something that has avoided me throughout life and will likely avoid me until I die. Thanks life.
>never ever wake up to this
What happened next?
Other stuff.
So has bastion glitch been fixed yet where you can't defense matrix his bullets if one of his allies stands in the path?
That wasn't as good as the kiss one
Dumpy chicks should be more thankful than Trump to Sup Forums for forcing the THICC meme.
Best gremlin dva picture I got from the drawthreads
I remember him posting about celebrating ramadan with his children last year
here's the full thing
>shitty ass "Doritos and Dew xD" meme finally almost dead
>Overwatch autism fags bring it back bigger than before
Yeah, fuck this.
Holy fuck i hate being stuck in lower ranks. Just seeing everyone at the start of the game with no heals or only Lucio just fucking kills me. I can't even go heals since im the only fucking tank.
>hand holding
Das it
I'm sure she has the face of a fucking horse but from this angle....
its sounds like someone puking
The fart is edited in, right?
He is, and I sadly use this term, a 'Westernised Muslim'. Long story, but in some areas of the Middle East, he would be denounced as a Muslim. All it takes is 3 Muslims to agree to denounce him and boom, he's no longer a Muslim in the religions eyes. If they're that anal enough to do it, they're anal enough to chop off his head for not being a Muslim and being bad enough to be kicked out.
I'd be interesting to ask what his fellow brothers from the Middle East would take on drawing. Especially Western content (Or Far Eastern) like that. Putting the furtherance of his skill as an artist, patreon and social media before worshipping God? Tut tut.
What do you think?
>What do you think?
If I trusted what I think I wouldn't ask, don't be dumb user
Too bad.
the funniest thing is that she is SOOOO fucking butthurt about the fart sound edited in
>NEET as a teenager
>Somehow becomes a super soldier with the leaping abilities of a anime ninja in a few years of training
wew lad
As someone who isn't an ass man and hates twerking degeneracy, this is so fucking refreshing
If you sell your body image you either learn to cope with the bantz or get fucked.