Nintendo switch joy cons manufactured with cheap paint that even adhesives skins once remove will deteriorate the finish

>nintendo switch joy cons manufactured with cheap paint that even adhesives skins once remove will deteriorate the finish

early adopters BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:

> Don't put an adhesive skin on it



>One thing which is worth noting is that the panel itself is plastic rather than super-tough glass like you'd find on an iPhone or iPad. As such, it's very easy to scratch – our review unit picked up a mark within 24 hours despite being handled with utmost care


>yfw this deteriorating finish will be a sign of 1st edition switch 25 years later and will be worth thousands

Top-loading NES decks are worth more and more sought-after than side-loaders.

You Sonyfags are reaching the bottom of the barrel for things to shitpost.

Nice autism

>mfw even vita screen is better


>You have to have a competing allegiance to laugh at a calamity
Lol, no.

Not even him, but this shit's hilarious.
Hope all of these fuck-ups get pasta-ed to oblivion so nintendo goes sega.

That's still pretty shit though

>Not even him

Sure you aren't autismo.

it was specifically some kinda vinyl skin, not any adhesive.

I'll just choose a skin for life once there's one that calls my attention and never remove it.


Its not the paint, its the material they are made out of. Adhesives eat away at the material. This isn't a sign of quality in the slightest.


I think it's more about what it says about the quality of the system.

Aanon I wasn't aware of this fact, how come nintendikids always like to get buttfucked by nintendo? The switch's production value must be less than 10 euros wit hthe 6 year old hardware nad the shoddy cost-cutting quality.

>implying it will be worth shit
Its battery won't even last 2 years

The only one acting like an underage faggot is you. Is this really how you spend your Fridays?

well it's 4:32 here and just came back from an entertaining chat with a friend with a lot of beer where I equated government-subsidized art with elitist supression of public freedom, this is just me having fun at your expense.

I like how everyone assumes that people that enjoy Nintendo consoles only own Nintendo consoles. I own a Switch, PS4 and PC

Just because you are poor doesn't mean everyone is.


If you waste so much money on any DOA memesystem, you probably have a less wealthy life than I do

The Vita's screen is better than every handheld system out there user

Oh wait, I used multi-syllabic words and that confused your monolingual murrifat mind?:)

>Sonyga/v/ is in full damage control about pic related

>Dodged PS4 analogs falling apart
>Dodged Switch paint coming off
>Dodged the Xbox One entirely

> muh paid reviews

it's okay when nintendo does it

I'm sorry nintendrone, but this is about hardware, not software. Although you are used to getting cucked by being overcharged for underpowered hardware to play software, so maybe the two are difficult to differentiate for you.

It means the plastic is soluble in the most simple of solvents even slightly acidic water AKA like the oils on your hands


No dude. This is inevitable to every single switch. This sticker only sped up what will occur for every single model. See ya back here in about 1-3 months.

It's weird but Xbox One S is the nicest hardware of the 3.

Nice try Bill Gates. I'll still buy a Switch before I lay my fingers on another piece of Xbox brand hardware.

>not playing with gloves on

Do you want to get your hands dirty?

Lmao has get all fixated on advocating console wars instead of just having a fair discussion on console aesthetics. Okay pal.

Oh well if we're talking about the look of the hardware alone I'll give you that, the Xbox One S is a pretty box.

When will early adopters learn?

Hey man, somebody has to be the guinea pig so that shit like this is fixed before we throw money down.

Nah because I don't try and belittle others on an internet forum for enjoying themselves.

I fail to see a problem. They just get it replaced for free.

>if you use super glue to put a piece of paper on the controler and then remove it, it will take the paint off
Well who would had guessed

call me when the analog sticks break after 1 week of use

What the fuck are you people doing to these things

Playing it in the battub?
Letting your dog/cat/bird walk over it?
Bathing it Ammonia?
Trying to eat it?

>every adhesive is superglue

>Never had scratches on OG 3DS screen
>Never had analog sticks tearing apart on PS4
>Never had an RROD on my 360

Yet every new hardware launch, here we are. Really gets the cogs turning.

Who /takes care of their shit/ here?

>>Never had scratches on OG 3DS screen
So you never closed it then.
>>Never had an RROD on my 360
And you live in Antarctica.

>So you never closed it then.
If by "never closed it" you mean "never slapped it shut" then yeah, because that's what somebody stupid does.
>And you live in Antarctica
California, not exactly a Winter Wonderland.

>If by "never closed it" you mean "never slapped it shut" then yeah, because that's what somebody stupid does.
You don't need to slap it shut, the bottom frame will always come in contact with the top screen.
>California, not exactly a Winter Wonderland.
You must have picked a late model 360 then, because people went through 2 to 5 consoles on average.

Just letting you know since I read their report. Yes that is true the adhesives did remove the vinyl on the switch. However, they did say that it took extensive amounts of applying and removal of the adhesive. They tested many builds to it.

Still not great, but I doubt many people will ever experience it.

Unless you were slamming the bottom frame into the screen by slapping the unit shut, or let the unit get dirty, contact or not it was entirely possible to avoid permanent marks on the screen. Both my friend and I both had launch 3DS' and never incurred permanent damage.
>You must have picked a late model 360 then
Later than launch for sure, but it was not a hardware revision model. This was one of the models without HDMI.

>I'm poor

i'm sick of nintendo being cheap as fuck. i want to get this system, but zero chance till xmas. and even then, may not

Avoiding day one hardware does not mean I never buy the hardware.
>I'm retarded


>made out of nintendium, can even survive an explosion and still work
>so fragile a simple touch can melt it

Everybody knows they used the last of their Nintendium creating the blunt weapon known as the Gamecube.

>early adopters BTFO


>putting adhesive skins on video game consoles
>removing adhesive skins after you put them

Just how much autistic can one be

wrong thread

>but you pay for quality

There are people that put stickers on things? I thought only dumb teenage girls did that.

thats literally nintendos target audience, say goodbye to sales

>Not buying simple $2 analog stick grips
Honestly, I'm almost glad about that issue, it turned me on to analog stick grips. Makes them better than any default analog sticks I've ever used.
Don't get me wrong, that's still shitty, but easily fixed by doing something you should do anyways.