Redpill me on Overwatch Sup Forums

Redpill me on Overwatch Sup Forums.

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Its fun

Its cum

Fun game

It's objectively a video game

It's a gambling game in the form of a shooter

It's popular, you'd hate it

Different heroes can't properly 1v1 each other without being hard countered due to unbalanced shit.

With that being said, it's a shallow game.

Fun game ruined by Blizzards inability to balance and the fact that 98% of the people who play it are garbage.

Has Blizzard balancing i.e. not worth playing unless you want to take turns being OP

It's not a fun game. TF2 is objectively better in every way. flavor of the month shooter that will die in less than a year.

Characters are interesting but it's $40 and has no content

I just spend the entier day playing this game because my friend gifted this to me.
What a fucking shit show.
>Nobody actually tries to kill the enemy team but shots at them anyway to get ult charge faster
The game

I played LoL for 5 fucking years and not even that game is as reliant on having the skill to win button up at all times.
It doesn't even matter what you do in this game as long as you are the one on your team that gets the most ults off, you are immun to critisism if you are that guy.
If everyone on your team has ult at the same time it's pretty much GG from that point forward.
This is whitout looking at the terrible balance and bland abilities mind you

It's been out for almost a year

dont spam your shit channel loser

Its skill ceiling is too low for it to be played competitively, but it isn't great for casual fun either because it's so restrictive in how you can play it. The main reason it's so successful (aside from shitloads of advertising) is that the biggest competitor in its subgenre is a decade old.
It isn't a bad game, but overall it's a step back from what TF2 used to be.

Interactions between characters are largely rock paper scissors character match ups, making the game all about team play and coordination. If you don't have friends to play it with it's frustrating and unsatisfying.

*gives you a quick rundown*

If anybody tells you they actually find this game good, they're incredibly delusional or just stupid.
The entire game is pretty much in an early alpha state. Characters are unbalanced, abilities don't activate some of the time, and sometimes people just straight up shoot through barriers (shields, Mei's wall, etc) a lot of the time. It goes without saying the devs don't know what they're doing, they possibly got the job because of nepotism.
It's obvious they stole a lot from other games and mashed it up together in order to make money, which is nothing new we've seen in the game industry. It's wholly uninspired, and has no passion put into it. This is hardened by the lackluster writing and the shitty characters/personalities(which personally don't matter to me, but the "FUNNY" one liners they spit out get annoying a lot of the time).
The biggest problem(rather, the most visible) is the balance. In so many matches I have to play up against some of the most cancerous, horrific, fucking shitty character designs, and chances are, I'm playing one as well. It's to the point where you don't blame anybody for playing cancer, you either play the OP characters, or you fucking lose.
Another problem is the game just not taking any skill. Even though it is, technically, an FPS, it sticks out like a sore thumb against other FPS games that take real mechanical skill. But even if you lower your standards and start considering it as a MOBA, it doesn't even take a good amount of strategy or knowledge that a good MOBA should. It's essentially a kid's game, and by kid, I mean 7-10y/o, Nintendo's audience.
In short, a horrifically made, terribly balanced, completely braindead FPS that costs, at least $40.
Oh, and there's microtransactions too.

this is truly magnificent bait, i see why it is reposted so often

It's a TF2 clone that's better than TF2 is now and worse than it was before all the steam marketplace shit.

If you haven't played TF2 it's fine.
If you have played TF2 it's like methadone vs. heroin; calms the shakes, but in your heart you know it's just a shitty substitute- that you'll never experience that original high ever again.

I stopped playing after a few weeks because it just made me sad.

>dont like thing
>call it bait
wow kid ya showed me

Political correct video game for retards.

Big as a pond as deep as a puddle with 75% mud

>Keep in mind blizzard got the australians' dialect completely wrong
look i know this is b8 but junkrat is easily one of the most authentic australian characters across all of fiction

3700 hours in TF2 here. Probably spent a couple hundred hours in overwatch, maybe. It's just not the same. The tanks, the ults, the slows, the stuns, the single button evade/escapes...
It's all just, so disheartening.

Was on board until 1:00.

Don't ever produce content again until you actually put some effort into your work

Has the best waifus.

Valve practically abandoned TF2.

whether or not i like something doesnt affect whether or not your shitposting about it is bait or not

g'day m8

I just won a placement match I should've lost, was pretty exciting.

solid game with cancer community

>The tanks, the ults, the slows, the stuns
Each of these is such unutterable cancer

Tanks in an FPS is the dumbest fucking design I can imagine, especially where a lot of characters have low damage output

Casually it's a really fun game
Competitively the game is a mess and Blizzard has no idea what they're doing


It's kind of fun if you have friends to play with, but if you solo que you'll get stuck with really bad teammates like half the time. Old tf2 is more fun


>Each of these is such unutterable cancer
Tell me about it. I thought I might still be able to get into it; maybe the devs would realize the problems with all these things, and slowly phase them out or diminish their influence... nope.


It was fun on release, learning the characters.

Now it's pure cancer

Blizzard has no idea how to balance it

Assuming equal skill:

I don't think you're saying what you mean to say.

Without being soft countered MAYBE.

Without the other having an advantage at certain ranges/maps/being ambushed for sure.

Of course I could say that is irrelevant since 1v1 is not what the game is about AND having the same skill level/luck/situation is never going to happen.

A great player might end up in a 1v1 with only 25 hp left against a less than average player.

It is bait tho

>you either play the OP characters, or you fucking lose.
Sounds like average mmo game.

easy, lowest common denominator team fps where if you don't party with people who know what they are doing you will get bad teammates too often and get dragged down
flashy and "fun" (special moves feel satisfying, mostly, especially for "mandatory" heroes)
mostly about pick/counter-pick
loot box duplicates and rng = suck

That was the dumbest fucking video I have ever seen in my life


am i right guys? fuck videogames

Pharah a best.

>using fanart of Mei
absolutely ebin bait, friendo

Who was in the wrong here?


As an extreme poltard I can safely say this anime-enjoying weeaboo is being autistic

its shit

stop posting your retarded spam attempts

>If you look into the void for too long, it stares back at you

t. SuperHomura64

Holy shit that's some serious autism.

This video is as bad as the game.


Fun game, considered shit by Sup Forums because of its popularity with normies.

is a bunch of legitimate problems.

>considered shit by Sup Forums because of its popularity with normies.
Eh, not really. see

If it's not bait, then it's made by a severely mentally disabled individual. Happy now?

>3700 hours in TF2 here. Probably spent a couple hundred hours in overwatch, maybe. It's just not the same.

Found the problem. You went into OW thinking it was going to be a TF2 clone. Guess that's another shitty Sup Forums myth busted by yours truly.

heavily team based fps. You might be able to carry games by yourself in gold or even low plat, but when it gets to around diamond, you need good team coordination.

Disheartening isn't an argument. It just means you don't like it.

I like it but it gives content updates really slowly. Why does HotS get a new hero every 3 weeks? Nobody even plays it.

>The tanks, the ults, the slows, the stuns, the single button evade/escapes
Whether or not you want TF2, none of this is good.

Instead of chips/cash you gamble away 15 minutes of your life at a time.

Overwatch's setting is a Noblebright Utopia. The real "Crisis" had been overcome by the time the game starts, and even the places that got sacked (Eichenwalde for example) look fucking beautiful.

He's just being autistic.

I wouldn't really call it Noblebright, with all the anti-Omnic shit happening all over the world.

It's fun for about 15 hours. The gameplay is shallow and lacks any kind of depth. You will be dependent on good teammates because the skill ceiling is low, making you unable to hard carry games by yourself.

being conservative is the new punk rock. feels good to be on the counter culture alt right movement. its so punk.

>named Homura
>has her as an avatar
>isn't totally psyched that Tracer is gay.
It's like he didn't even watch Madoka.

all you need to know right here

It is the best first-person shooter available at the moment. A better game may come out in the future, however.

Orisa is cute

Guy who played a fuckton of TF2 here.
That's true. I didn't say specifically why I dislike all of those mechanics, but I could. Might take a while, so I'm not going to go into full detail.
>You went into OW thinking it was going to be a TF2 clone
Not really; I knew it would be different, but the differences carry far more negatives than positives, at least in my opinion.

Anyway, I consider the gameplay mechanics I mentioned detrimental. Some, but not all of the reasons for this stem from experience in TF2.

First, stuns: I consider them a very poor mechanic to include in a first person shooter, especially one with a focus on mobility. I strongly believe that removing control from a player through stuns or slows does not lead to fun or engaging combat in a first person shooter. This is subjective, but it's a subjective opinion that I believe most people share. It also leads to excessive baiting, stalling while waiting for the ability cooldown, and boils many engagements down to 'did they hit with their long cooldown stun ability?'.

Single button evades suffer from many of the same problems as stuns, but since they don't directly remove control from a player, they aren't as noticeably egregious. The bigger problem with these abilities is that they practically necessitate the inclusion of stuns as a counter.

Ults are problems on a case-by-case basis, but as a while I consider them a problem. Some are stuns, some are wallhacks, aimbots, etc. While many others are okay, the ability to stack ults leads teams to avoid pushes or combat while waiting for ults, also making engagements into battle-of-the-ults more often than not.

Lastly, tanks. Tanks slow the game down, as they are very good at stalling, and have a high incentive to do so. They are not very fun to play against. They are not very fun to play as.
Fuck tanks.

>as a while
*as a whole

>They are not very fun to play as.
>Fuck tanks.

go fuck yourself

t. Rein main

I bought it during the xmas sale and have been playing quite casually and having alot of fun. But it's getting to the point where I'm "getting gud" without really trying and the game is becoming increasingly frustrating. Every "balance" patch offers more and more noticeable changes that are really starting to piss me off. In my opinion it's the most fun if you ignore comp. But after a while you find yourself dipping your toes in that water. Overall I like the game but there's no way I see myself putting TF2 ammounts of hours into it.

>"maining" a character with a skill ceiling reachable by chimps

Mei is unironically the best girl

>the call that saved blizzard

I don't mean that as "fuck people who play tanks", more as "fuck the idea of having these bullet sponges that exacerbate the problems this game has with stalling".

but where's the lie tho

post the sassiest girl in ow


it's gay

The game is fucking trash cause Blizzard can't balance for shit

Top 500 in S2 and S3, I stopped playing at the end of S3 because I lost hope in Blizzard getting their shit together and balancing the game properly.

Ana is a fucking mistake and all she gets are little slaps on the wrist and Blizzard considers the changes as nerfs. She's ridiculously broken still after multiple months after her release. To further prove my point, look at fucking Bastion right now.

The new hero isn't looking too balanced as well, oh well we can always use another dps tank :^)

Fucking this. One can only hope that Orisa doesn't make me throw my mouse through my screen this season.
>TFW I've uninstalled twice already

>The new hero isn't looking too balanced as well
Surely a left-click graviton is a good idea!
>oh well we can always use another dps tank
Yeah, who needs DPS classes anyway. Game might as well be tanks and healers only.

>that mei
She's got ass, thighs, hips, cow tits and a slim waist according to her final art without the parka and her in game model. Where can I find a ching chong snow woman like her?

>tfw Blizzard will never release this outfit of her.

Mei is cute and I'd like that as an outfit.


So much this.
Got master in 2k16 and uninstalled to go back to CS:GO. Fuck Blizzard, they can't do anything right since WOTLK.

>japan and mongolian
Besides, both are asian, and Mongolians almost conquered japan if it wasn't for fucking storms and the ultimate decay of the empire

It delivers nothing that could have enjoyed more from TF2 or MNC in their heydays.