Atelier Thread

Who's ready for Tuesday?

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My body is not ready.

I'm ready

Just finished Sophie, so I'm ready. Is it really 35Gb though? Sophie was only 5.

That big? I'm buying the game Physcially

That said, to anyone who Imported, how is the game?

>Bought Sophie on launch last year
>Can't even bring myself to finish it
>Every time i try I go back to an older game instead

No thanks, the Mysterious games are fucking awful.

I want to deito Totori.

I'm suprised they never localized the Sophie epilogue DLC

Firis japanese version is 17GB


>actually resolves the ending instead of "let's just disappear"
>it never got localized

Thanks for making me angry.

I don't even understand Moonruns and I'd also like to know what all happens

where are my collectibles koei don't you want my sweaty crumpled cash

I was semi interested in this, but everyone says it's shit, and the PC port is insultingly bad. Guess I'll just pass. Maybe if I buy a PS4 one day I'll get it for that.

Firis? But that game isn't even out yet.

Atelier hasn't been good since Rorona.

Escha and Logy was supposed to be its saving grace but still wound up being "Airheaded female protag is just trying her best say something nice about her! ____ is my waifu!" completely trash and it will remain that way till the end of time.

Hate to be a party pooper but I still can't get over how fucking badly this series was ruined by the japanese market waifufaggotry forcing GUST to adhere to their fucking god awful taste to sell their games.

Well, it's been out in Japan for a while. People can judge based off that.
Unless you're talking about the port being shit, in which case you can judge based off the screenshots on the steam page. They're using the fucking Vita assets for the UI so it looks like shit. I don't even know why they'd do that, but they did. Doesn't seem to be any way to get the preorder bonuses on PC either. I assume there'll be more problems too, since it's not like the Sophie port was any good. At least they fixed it so it doesn't use 100% of your CPU at all times though.

>Firis: $60 versus Sophie's $30
For what purpose?

It's brand new this time, I guess. It's a trainwreck of a port though.

E&L was shit, but because of the gameplay, not the characters. If you don't like cute girls doing alchemy things you should play another series.


I'll wait till it's on sale for $20.

Just finished playing Escha and logy after like 60 hours? moving on to Meruru, just started it, and loving it. After that I plan to play Sophie, then I'm either playing Firis or Mana Karham. Not sure. Thoughts?

A friend said it took everything that worked from Sophie and improved upon it. Heard it was fun.

Not many people here know what Firis is like, so it's kinda hard to give recommendations.
Mana Khemia is closer to a normal JRPG than most of the other Ateliers. There's no time management, alchemy is super simple, and you get a lot more guidance on what to do instead of having a big map to explore and do what you feel like in. Maybe you'll like it, maybe you won't. I don't know.

You played Rorona and Totori, right? Because if you like Meruru you should like them. The Rorona remake in particular is one of the best Ateliers out there. Maybe the best, in fact.

So far I've played Rorona, Ayesha, Totori, and Escha Logy. I like them like this A>R>E&L>T.

Right. I assumed you wouldn't start Meruru before playing the first two Arland games, but, y'know, you can't be sure. People on Sup Forums do stupid shit sometimes.


Okay. Was wondering if there is a difference in amount of content, though.

>check boorus
>literally zero art of Plachta

Why? There's very little art of Sophie too.

are these games good?

which one is best to start with?

It's too bad really, I would more art of the lewd book.

Where is the spec. My toaster probably not fit to play this

I wish they would bring back the combat from Arland. I love the focus on Alchemy, but I feel less motivation to do it when the combat is simple and easy. Even Despair in Sophie was too easy because it inherently made you grind way faster.

Honestly I never caught on with the battle system in Sophie, I always had everyone in attack postition

But I'm not a "waifufag" at all and I love these games. Care to explain your position? Sophie was really good and I'm going to start Firis on Tuesday. Totori and Meruru are still my favorites though but I definitely liked Sophie more than all the Dusk games.

Yeah this still makes me mad. Ever since this was announced I kept expecting an announcement eventually but nope, we're not fucking getting it. Sophie and Plachta are my favorite characters in Sophie and I really wanted to see the interactions with them in the epilogue dlc. I'd even take it as paid dlc even though it was free in Japan.

Only if you're Mimi.

>tfw that's the exact party I used

Went with Plachta (that Alchemy-whatever spell that launches delayed "arrows"), Julio for tanking, and Monika for attack/healing/revive.


Same here. Firis party is going to be Sophie, Plachta, Illmeria, and Firis.

always curious but what was the best dollmake costume in Sophie? Including DLC?

I had plachta as the tank, Leon for item abuse and debuffs, and Cory endlessly chucking items with Sophie. Once I discovered that Plachta's resurrection perk worked indefinitely, I just had Sophie hype her up with maxed out puni jelly with the lasts 3 turns perk.

(different user)
I never bothered, except to put Plachta in a maid outfit because maid outfit.

How is the actual alchemy in this series? Is it actually challenging? I haven't played an Atelier game since Shallie and while it was kind of fun I felt like they made it disgustingly simple.

I'm really excited. I'm looking forward to it more than Persona.

To be honest, I didn't finish Sophie. I don't want to force myself to slog through Sophie to get to Firis so I may play them simultaneously or just skip to Firis for now and go back to Sophie later.

Firis looks a lot better so I'd believe it.

I don't know but I always used top left. It's cute and tasteful.

>screenshots on the steam page

There is no steam page you nigger. You're thinking of Atelier Sophie. Firis is the sequel.

Firis has a steam page right now, and the HUD is blurry, at least in the pictures.

Oh my mistake. It wasn't there when I checked this morning.

It's cute when Plachta likes (or says she likes) all the outfits Sophie chooses for her.

>that fucked up play order

What are you doing nigga?

Generally you finish the first game before the second one. I'm not looking forward to Firis as much as I was to Sophie mainly because I'm not liking the characters as much this time around. Firis should have had a smaller chest. I pray that the next game will finally give as another Totori. They should be announcing it sometime this summer.

Thinking about getting Rorona for the Vita as my first Atelier game. How difficult are these games? Do the time limits feel like they suffocate you?

I'm always a little wary when I hear that a game has time limits.

I always gave her the grapes(?) or whatever it was that she liked the most.

I will never understand it either. If you want to get into a series it should be obvious to play them in chronological order. I think some people just want to jump on the latest fad or play the latest and greatest or whatever.


Babies jrpg. No difficulty at all. It is just for cute girl doing cute thing

Do you play video games? If so you'll be fine. These games are good with or without time limits. Original Rorona is the only one that felt a little more constrained but not excessively. They give you clear goals and you focus on synthesizing or doing what they tell you first, then you use whatever extra time to synthesize or battle/whatever.

???? I played ayesha then rorona then totori then escha logy, then Meruru. Liked Ayesha, but heard Arland was better, played and loved rorona and moved on to totori, love hated totori and heard meruru was harder so i wanted a break, moved on to E&L cause heard was pretty easy. Playing everything in order dumbass.

If you play on the hardest modes the games are adequately challenging for turned based games. Part of the fun is synthesizing ultimate equipment/items in order to overcome bosses with ridiculous health regain and so on. About as hard most turn based jrps.

Mana Khemia is an Atelier series? Does that mean Tonelico is Atelier series too?

Rorona's best qualities are its characters and pacing.
Meruru blows it out of the water in terms of gameplay.
Ayesha was great too, but the rest of the Dusk games took a fat shit on the potential it established.
Sophie was fucking boring as hell. I didn't care about a single character, the gameplay changes did nothing to make the combat better, the loss of time limits sucked, and the alchemy puzzle grew tedious very quickly. I'm really not interested in Firis.
Series went to shit after KT bought Gust and I don't see it recovering any time soon.


no thanks

>claims to get smaller from replicating items
>doesn't actually get smaller

That's too bad user. But I guess I understand.

>Meruru blows it out of the water in terms of gameplay.

And characters and pretty much every aspect in general. It sounds like you're just tired of the series. E&L was indeed shit but Shallie was okay and Sophie, while not as good as Arland games, was a step back up and really good.

She was one of the best characters in the game though.

She only gets smaller if she does it a lot, that's why there's a limit on the amount of itens you can duplicate weekly, pay attention to the lore.

>tfw you are the only person that would love Atelier: Corneria

I love Linca!

What a pleb.

I love her doujin with Marion.

Don't forget to grab the free PS4 and vita theme.


>and characters
lmao no
All of the returning Rorona characters were flanderized to shit. Sterk's totally insane, Esty is a walking christmas cake gag, Astrid lost any positive traits or development she had in Rorona, and I don't even need to say anything about Rorona herself.
The Totori characters were dull to begin with and they didn't really change much. The new characters were hit or miss. Meruru was annoying.
Sophie and E&L both sucked but at least the latter had likeable characters and a strong returning cast from Ayesha. The literal only person in Shallie I gave a remote shit about was Keith.
Every single character in Sophie was BEYOND dull except for Oskar. I groaned every single time a cutscene came on because I didn't want to hear anything more from any of the characters. They even managed to make fucking Pamela of all people forgettable and drab.
I can go back and enjoy a replay of any Arland game any time, so i'm not just getting bored.

Sounds like you just have shit taste.

no u

I heard there are some Atelier games in translation that will finally be done soon. What game? Is it good?

I hope all these costumes are free and not DLC.

Just started Eschatology, 3 games far from ready.

I'm a different IP telling you are an overreacting manchild.

They look nice.

>tfw Nier and Toukiden 2 already burned off the cash I had planned for releases
I'll get this one but can`t happen soon. Cant belive steam is actually getting this many japanese releases.

How can it be a trainwreck of a port if it isn't even out yet?

Don't forget about Zero Escape: The Nonary Games, Monster Monpiece, and Senran Kagura: Estival Versus

Sophie's port is pretty gud though. Its not perfect but its hardly bad. The fact that it supports native downsampling from 4k is pretty rad. Just don't play with a keyboard and you'll be fine

None of those are good though.

I just read through everything on the official homepage.

I am psyched. If it lives up to everything it says in there, it could be the best atelier game in a long while.

Shitty VN game, Shitty card game, Shitty Beat em up. At least recommend some good games instead user.

>favourite Atelier games are Shallie and Sophie
Is there something wrong with me?

Well it's nowhere near the same as playing it yourself obviously, but if you want the QUICK RUNDOWN on the Sophie afterstory, there's an English summary here:

Perhaps saying why would help user.

Thank you!

I had more fun with them, I guess.
I just enjoy grinding without concern.
Even though they're so lenient, I'm not a fan of the time limits.

What makes 999 shitty?


Thanks, just read it. And KT somehow thought I didn't want to see more cute moments between Sophie and Plachta? Seriously, I still hope they announce it out of the blue. There's no reason to fuck over your western fans. They're the two I'm looking forward to the most in Firis.

No. People's favorite ones are largely subjective.

Are there time limits in Firis?
I thought Sophie was comfy as fuck due to not having any.

Everything is paid dlc senpai. You really think Jew would skip the chance for more $$$?

The outfit in that image is not paid DLC, it's purchasable in game. Same with the summer outfit, the winter coat, and the alchemist outfit. In Japan the beach vacation and Alice in Wonderland outfits were a preorder bonus and a Premium Edition bonus, respectively.

Firis is shit don't buy it