Comfy BotW thread for people who are playing
>what do you think of the game?
>where are you?
>What is your favourite weapon class?
>Are you having fun?
>what improvements do you want to see in the sequel?
Comfy BotW thread for people who are playing
>what do you think of the game?
>where are you?
>What is your favourite weapon class?
>Are you having fun?
>what improvements do you want to see in the sequel?
>what do I think of the game?
Solid 9, if only there are no framerate issues and the dungeons are longer
The 1s are funny as fuck desu
>where are you?
Post game, wandering around for shrines
>what is my favourite weapon class
Sword and shield, I'm a boring guy. Shield parrying is fun too
>Are you having fun?
Sure, it's a good game
>What improvements?
Longer dungeons
Weapon skills
Enjoying the game overall but man, durability was a really terrible design decision. It sucks how fast everything breaks.
What really pisses me off is how bows have both durability and ammo, micromanaging both at the same time is a nightmare.
Where are you in the game?
What is the purpose of posting this, we know the framerate is spotty
Yea, there's really no reason why bows should be breakable. Arrows already serve that purpose
What's been your favorite part of the game so far?
Mine was being leaded to Zora's domain by Sidon, and then going inside Vah Rutah
Sidon is a total bro, best character
My favourite was getting into those dungeons.
It would be weird if swords break but not bows though
>What do you think of the game
Enjoying myself but I do think anybody who's trying to claim this does anything any better than every other bland sandbox game is high.
Climbing literally everything is neat (fuck the stamina though) but other than that it feels like all the other Ubi sandbox clones. It even has towers to expand your map. (If you're not playing with Pro HUD turn it on right now)
And what the fuck happened to the music! This isn't Zelda. It's boring ambient sounds and bastardizations of classic themes.
>Where are you?
Still pretty early on. Just getting around is taking a lot of the time because of how climbing mountains is. I think I'm like 5 hours in maybe.
>Favorite weapon class
Spears are fun as fuck.
>Are you having fun?
Like I said it's very much your traditional sandbox game but with some Nintendo charm. I have fun getting lost and fucking around but I'm so burnt out on sandboxes I can't help but wish if anything this was segmented open world so they could have intensely focused and detailed each little biome with unique "scripted" events that you could find on your own because so far 90% of my play time feels like fighting Bokoblins, climbing towers/mountains and doing two minute shrines.
>What improvements do you want to see in the sequel?
Scale it back focus effort. Segment the areas so you enter Death Mountain and it's a huge Goron/Fire area with lots of NPCs, hidden caves, area specific quests, villages all unified under one theme. BotW suffers from the typical sandbox problem of having to plan for everything and also nothing so the environments themselves don't feel like they are built with a direction to go and so it never feels rewarding to me getting somewhere. I don't feel like I had to work and puzzle my way through the swamp to get to the Deku Palace or up the mountain to get to the Goron. It just feels like I had to climb shit.
I sound negative but I'm just being real because I think Zelda gets off too easy
I just got this game and noticed that the box says it's compatible with Wiimote and Nunchuck.
Is it a misprint, or is it like Bayonetta where you have to pull some weird shenanigans to get the controllers to work?
Just beat Water Blight Ganon, first dungeon for me.
Ah, I think you would feel differently once you enter the domains of the various races
But I agree, if you are burnt out on open worlds, you won't like the game. The towers are not ubitowers though, they don't reveal points of interest
You liked it?
I liked the elephant trunk mechanic, but the dungeon was too short. Pity
>5 hours in
>This is like any other open world game
It's not. Also, if you wander around with no objective of course you will get bored.
I'm kinda conflicted. It's decently fun for an open world game but there's just nothing about it whatsoever that feels like Zelda.
So while I commend Nintendo on that front for innovating and moving forward with the it really innovation if you're just copying the sandbox trend that everything else in the industry is doing?
ALBW was innovation in the right direction. This just feels like Nintendo trying to be someone other than Nintendo.
Game is solid, I miss rolling though. Srill in great platou, enjoying sneak arrowing everything
>Have a Link amiibo
>Summon Epona into the game
>Don't know how the stable works yet, so just ride her around for a bit and then go back to what I was doing, figuring I just summon her in the same way next time
>Go back to the stable later and find out how registering works
>Try to summon Epona again
>Get some random items instead
>Google it and apparently you can summon Epona in exactly once per save file and if you don't register her right away and let her despawn that's just it and you can never get her
>Can't find her anywhere on the stretch of road I rode her on
Who thought this was ok
Yeah the """"dungeon"""" was a real disappointment. Felt like just a more complex shrine and it was like all just 1 room.
Boss kicked my ass really good. Died to him like a dozen times before I finally figured out how to do it.
Can't you just load a past save?
the ALBW team is working on a separate top down view Zelda for the switch.
Currently heading towards Kokoriak. Really enjoying the game. Do wish sneak attacks with bows did extra damage. The inventory is limited right now, but I haven't reached the point where I can expand it, though I have enough seeds to expand it fairly well.
My oldest autosave is like half an hour after I last saw her
When will it stop raining so I can finish this torch quest? I'm literally one lantern outside of the lab.
Why dont you just like let pass time nigga, like find some fire and close your eyes nigga
Sneak attack with bows? You mean head shots? They do do more damage
>Twin Memories Shrine
Ahahaha fuck.
What's wrong with it
Thankyou user for warning me about that. Your sacrifice will be remembered.
Is zelda part of Link's current quest or is all her stuff from the trailers just in memories?
I obviously do not have the memory for it. I'll just return to it later.
>what do you think of the game?
It's good. World feels very empty so far and I have yet to die in a situation where it wasn't my fault (falling off the tower, getting hit by guardian, falling of a cliff) but I like the charm and overall feel.
>where are you?
Went to Kakariko. Now by Dueling peaks
>What is your favourite weapon class?
I like spears and swords/clubs the most so far.
>Are you having fun?
Yea. Exploring is fun but this low stamina is very annoying
>what improvements do you want to see in the sequel?
Better inventory management. Better cooking system. Better/more music. Fix the goddamn framerate. Playing on Wii U and Kakariko village is like walking through syrup. Consistent 15-20 fps. It's unbearable.
I've only played for like 3 hours so that's all that sticks out as bad.
This is from the website. So the other Smash Zelda amiibos won't work with this game?
You take control of her momentarily at the end to deal the finishing blow
> if you wander around with no objective of course you will get bored
Bullshit. Part of the fun of exploring an OPEN WORLD is picking a direction and seeing what you find. The world is pretty empty outside of enemy outposts and shrines.
>Spend 20 minutes trying to figure out a crystal switch shrine.
>Try all kinds of mlg tactics like two separate bombs and standing on tiny lampposts to try and chuck bombs over a fence.
>All I had to do was put a laser turret on a moving platform.
I've now played about 6 hours and watched someone play 3 hours. I can't believe how many combined things we missed that the other got. I have to go back and they missed stuff I got that they didn't. Shit's nuts. Can't wait to play more. Good night Sup Forums
The game is painful to look at. It's like they developed it with stunning graphics but were forced to turn them down to total shit just to make it run.
>I'll just port back to the Old Man's shack to pick up a torch so I can do the flame thing for the loli scientist.
>2 hours later in Gerudo desert just exploring.
No you don't. She just a cutscene after Link spams Light Arrows he randomly picks up.
>the world is empty except when it's not
Came across any villages or stables yet?
What the fuck, I swear I did something as her. Must be my autism acting up
I'm being a retard and killing windscourge ganon after the first plateau, is this gonna ruin shit for me?
anyone else fought that huge dragon on top of snow peak?
holy shit the journey to the top of the mountain was easily one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. especially with the only thing keeping me warm was pepper plate I made.
Only one I've seen is the one taking a bath in Lake Hylia then flying away into some cloud portal.
Yes, the one outside of Kakariko and Kakariko.
I guess I should elaborate. Those are the only things I've come across, and even those are few and far between
Are you fucking kidding me. I cheesed the fuck out of it with two bombs and using an arrow while gliding.
Are you fucking serious m8.
Like five recycled dialogue NPCs selling bugs and rocks. That's your idea of a big discovery in a sandbox game? There's not a single cool discovery moment of little things like creepy lore filled vaults in Fallout or dumb shit like stumbling on a troll under the bridge in Oblivion.
And even then Bethesda games have a lot of problems keeping their open worlds interesting. If you're going to go for the full sandbox you have to be meticulous with detail. Think Rockstar levels of why the fuck did they even bother when 1% of people will see this.
I'm enjoying the game because I'm a Nintencuck and I love Zelda but the world itself is dull as fuck. I had low expectations though because of the hardware and Nintendo's never really done sandbox before. Wind Waker was their closest and well that was pretty fucking dead too but at least each square there had an island with some little thing on it. This has nothing but Bokoblin huts for miles.
That's balantly false, especially for wind waker. The islands are boring as fuck
This tower
The world is pretty detailed. I realized how much I missed by watching some videos, and sometimes you do get the feeling of "why did they put it there who the fuck would find it"
yeah im having a great time. wind waker was a blue wasteland and cucks love it
Having a lot of fun.
Framerate and lack of AA aside I think this game is really pretty. I love the art style. Certain times of day look really nice. And I'm still at the beginning of the game. Can't wait to see how the other areas look.
I like the amount of options you have when it comes to dealing with enemies. Found a bokoblin camp and climbed up a hill overlooking it. Rolled a bomb down the hill. It rolled over near them and I detonated it as they walked over to investigate.
I have one more shrine to go to in the plateau and it seems to be located in a cold area. I think I've found a hint to help me deal with the cold.
I've only played for about 3 hours but I'm already hooked.
>Get to that tower
>realize I need to burn that shit off
>starts to rain
so her shit is all memories then pretty much?
Pen and paper, bro. Adventurer's best friend
Just use your camera
>get to any tower
>it starts to rain
I didn't say anything different. I said they WERE boring but they also made the effort to make every single square of the map it's own island with its own little event whether it be just doing a puzzle for a heart piece or something big. My point was that yes BOTW is huge but when you're not doing anything with that space it's kinda boring.
Do you have a horse? The world seems to be designed around it, especially the large plains for horseback combat
Oh I had the stamina upgrade so I made it up but I died a lot, I didn't k ow you could burn it down
Yeah I've tamed multiple horses. I generally end up ditching them and having to tame a new one because the horse won't go anywhere that isn't a flat road so I gotta go parkour over shit to get where I really wanna go and by the time I'm there the horse can't reach me.
Just got off the Plateau. Any tips?
Jesus there a lot of huge ass moblins everywhere I go.
Couldn't you wait out the rain by sitting next to a fire under some cover for a few hours?
I think it's a misprint because I've tried it and nothing happens.
I forgot I had that image
>tfw amzon wont ship my game til the 5th.
At least i have Nioh to pass the time til then.
I don't want to start a shitstorm but what kind of battery life are you guys getting with the game?
Like 2 hours. It's not a handheld.
>Says the world is dull
>Praise rockstar
>Any Bethesda game good open world since oblivion
user please tell me you know the GTA games maps are base on real location, please tell me you are not retarded enough to not know that.
This is the first time in my life I heard someone praising Rockstar open world maps, this is ridiculous now.
Played the game for 20 hours straight, havent had that much fun with a zelda game since lttp.
You know how far that tower is from the village? By the time I get to the village the rain would have ended.
Did anyone notice the crazy ammount of sexual innuendo?
Also is it just me or is it straight up implied link is into zora Girls?
>what do you think of the game?
I really like it and it is actually my first Zelda game
>where are you?
I'm on some mountain near Zola or Zora village (can't remember the name). This Wizard cunt keeps killing me with his electric feels so I gave up for the day. I'm about 8 hours in.
>What is your favourite weapon class?
I like the arrows when they have electricity or ice.
If not I like swords when I can get them and a shield.
>Are you having fun?
Yes, but I am starting to get frustrated because I like a good challenge but this takes me back to games when I was a kid where it just kept kicking your ass over and over again and it gets old.
>what improvements do you want to see in the sequel?
Weapons don't break every 5 seconds.
It's kiiiinda a handheld
>what do you think
A personal 10/10
>where are you
Exploring the fuck out of the game. Beat the first dungeon. Searching for shrines.
>what is you favourite weapon class
A plain sword and shield. Spears its a second favorite.
>are you having fun?
I am having the time of my life.
>what improvements do you want to see in the sequel
A better weapon breaking system. THROW AWAY SLIPPING WHILE RAINING ITS FUCKING HELL, better textures, more dungeons, change the annoying "beep" sound from the radar
18 hours in and havent used a horse for more than 15 minutes.
Why use a horse when you can climb and glide?
Just because you can hold something in your hands doesn't make it a handheld.
Just because it connects to a TV, doesn't mean it isn't a handheld.
>I'm on some mountain near Zola or Zora village (can't remember the name). This Wizard cunt keeps killing me with his electric feels so I gave up for the day. I'm about 8 hours in.
Just unequip all metal items, stay away from puddles and metallic objects. Shower him with arrows.
What. It is a handheld by definition. Shitty battery life on demanding games doesn't change that. I'm getting an easy 3h with 50% brightness
who /wiiuversion/ here?
frame drops in the town and during explosions, but other than that, its great
Thank you based user; I was getting so sick of it.
This game is huge I don't think I will finish it :( I may finish the story line but never 100% the content :(
I think horses are use more near end game senpai.
I don't have the game so I don't know where anything is. I was suggesting using a nearby cliff-side, cave, or anything else that rain dosen't fall through to block the rain from your campfire so you could pass time closer to the tower.
Not that user but I used a horse briefly early on.
Seemed really pointless since you can travel so fast by gliding/climbing.
Where is Safula Hill? Need to find it for a sidequest
I'm getting it on Wii-U. So the frame drops aren't that bad? People were making it sound abysmal. That's a relief.
The slowdown isn't THAT bad, but yeah, I do notice it.
Did anyone else notice you can do 1 hit kills on large enemies if you sneek up behind them?
Seconding this
I just started and does anyone know where to find warmer clothes? I'm just now searching for the next 3 shrines.
They aren't that strong but they'll knock you back, I'd explore a bit and get a couple shrines before continuing, you get to play in the world more
Has anyone done the Thunder Magnet side quest that you get from the girl at the stable in the Faron Province?
No idea what to do.
I never asked to dress up as Axl Rose in a half-shirt.
>see that voice acted trailer
>get all excited
>game comes out
>see gameplay of the open world
>read these posts
>tfw it has openworlditis
Like come on, I get that that they started development of this right when Skyrim was the hottest shit ever but some guided quality experience would be better than what seems like green fields simulator
please prove me wrong switch owners, i want this to be good
Just make a meal that has the spicy peppers you find on the Great Plateau, apparently there's a side quest from the Old Man that gives you clothes but I didn't do it.
>been estimating my play time since Tuesday being around 15 hours
>check my activity log today
>just over 30 hours
Holy FUCK I've apparently been doing nothing but playing this.
Does anyone know where the korok seeds are?