The Maiden in Black is cute. CUTE
The Maiden in Black is cute. CUTE
Demon Souls is a bad game.
It's good
What about Maiden in Red?
i wish demon's souls wasn't the only good souls game
It's overated as hell. I wish it was available on PC so everyone could see how underwhelming it is.
What's the best starting class?
I see,
overrated? it's totally underrated, barely anyone thinks it stands up to the other games. pretty much just me touting it as #1. if you see someone on Sup Forums who thinks it's the best souls game, always assume it's one guy. me. it's the tragic state of this world, a total lack of appreciation of that design, flawed but so genuine and true to itself in ways that no subsequent souls game has reached. basically no one agrees with me on that.
bloodborne is the overrated one.
post more Maiden in Black !
I don't really have much.
>just fought 3-1 boss
>that buildup
>that dreadful ambientation
>that eerie music
>that deep atmosphere
>that feeling of uncertainty during the entire dungeon
my heart was pounding while climbing the stairs to enter the church where Fool's Idol is, what an amazing game
Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates the "X is cute. Cute!" maymay.
Yeah, I like it too. think dark is better than both but having trouble deciding if I like Des or BB more
I agree
You're the only one
You are not. Not!
I agree.
Just me, or is there something wrong with that staff? Looks like it goes a mile away from her hand somehow.
What the fuck is this posture?
It's by far my favorite souls game too, user.
peebee is cuter
>Bloodborne is the overrated one
I think DaS1 is the overrated one. At least Bloodborne has consistent quality.
DeS>BB>DaS series
JoJo reference
I have been wanting a DeS remaster on PS4 and would be willing to succ for it.
Now THIS is the real edge i came to this thread for.
You haven't seen half of it user.
You see, there's a reason I didn't put the DaS series in order in my original post and just lumped them together. I was saving this for you, watch this:
What do you say to that?
i cant handle it
This is a fact, DaS2 is the best Dark Souls game
Latria 3-1 is one of the best levels in the series by a very wide margin.
is there a name for this?
hooked back? banana figure?
I want to search a tag of this later.
is this real or edited? she looks far less shrek-like in this image than others
You're fucking annoying, asshole.
It's my favorite as well, but only subjectively. I understand fixed and improved a lot of thing and for the most part is the better game, but DeS was my first souls and I have never had a souls runs even a fraction of interesting or exciting as my very first DeS run. It will just remain in a special place in my heart for that.
Just played Demon's Souls after a long time. Some observations:
-No boss is good mechanically. Bosses are generally not aggressive enough to discourage healing, and they have woefully limited movesets with swings that are sometimes laughably slow (Adjudicator, Dirty Colossus). Even bosses who approach being good, like Flamelurker, have AI problems that make them only decent by later series standards. Penetrator is absurdly overrated, FKA is a little bit overrated but still manages to be a decent boss. The best bosses in it are good for atmosphere reasons, like Storm King or Astraea.
-It's the easiest Souls game, and I don't know if if difficulty was a conscious design goal like it was in DaS3 or DaS2.
-There is no weapon with a unique moveset in the game.
-Weapons are generally more realistic and less flashy than Dark Souls stuff (look at the war scythe, for example). DaS3 and Bloodborne feel like anime games in comparison, in many ways.
-Very dependent on atmosphere, and therefore a bit more crippled by replaying than other titles. Astraea still affected me, even if 3-1 didn't. Still, unquestionably the most atmospheric game in the franchise.
-Most visually inventive and diverse souls game
-World tendency is stupid.
-Freke's Apprentice has a great voice actor.
-I generally dislike world 5, but no section is as bad as Dark Souls 1 and 2 can get. You can also charge through almost every area pretty quickly.
-Most gimmicky bosses in the series
-Old King Doran was ridiculously dumb, I didn't remember his voice lines
-Fuck the blue dragon
>It's the easiest Souls game
Dark Souls 1 is way easier, as is dark souls 3
>bloodborne is the overrated one.
I thought the same initially, but it improved on replay. Bloodborne is the most fun. It isn't very hard if you aren't rushing a Bloodtinge weapon or fighting chalice bosses, healing is fast enough to kill the tension of being low on health, you can mash dodge all day if the boss doesn't have a pseudo combo, and every mandatory boss between Shadows and Gherman are terrible, but the weapons are diverse and a joy to use, it has the best bosses in the series (Gehrman and Ludwig), it has the coolest aesthetic, FRC spelunking is enjoyable for a surprisingly long time, and really it's just the most fun in terms of combat. Every Souls game has more or less similar mechanics, Bloodborne's the one that escapes series fatigue.
>World Tendency is stupid
It is, but in theory, it was an interesting mechanic
>Old Burger King Doran
His death wail is the best tho
fire keeper is cuter
nah, demons souls wasn't really designed for you to actually have +10 weapons, which is why they are so hard to get. As a result, if/when you do get one none of the enemies really scale high enough with it, so you just rape the shit out of it. I did a run once where I managed to get a +10 kilij and I was just left in utter shock at how much is straight up shits all over everything.
Suffice to say, it is a very easily breakable game which makes it very easy, but I'd say thats part of the charm. Kinda like nioh.
I disagree but she probably loves us more so there's that.
bargain bin MiB
>Demon's Souls is the easiest game
Maybe if you came off of Dark Souls 2.
Dark Souls 1 is almost arguable, Dark Souls 3 is not. Demon's Souls was extremely easy to break (firestorm, light weapon, black turpentine, no boss's AI can deal with range cheese) and its bosses were so rudimentary that maybe four could give you trouble if you don't have brain damage.
Dark Souls was also really easy, but it wasn't quite as breakable (picking up a black knight weapon can do it for the first half of the game, though). It was also way more likely for the player to run into some obnoxious beginners trap, because the game was full of them (most of the people calling it the hardest game ever were middle schoolers who got cursed, neglected vitality so they use every weapon they found, and tried to run Anor Londo with a +5 weapon because they didn't know they had to switch menu and infuse their weapon with Andre to level it up).
Dark Souls 3 is straight up wrong. You can break the game with bleed and make it a lot easier with a quality build, but it has by far the largest collection of challenging bosses (Sulyvahn, Champ, Danker, Twin Princes, Soul of Cinder) and a lot of genuinely pretty strong mobs (serpent guys, Ghru, and especially the pontiff knights/firewitches). They tried to make it hard and they had competent designers.
This, I never understood the "dark souls 2 is unfairly hard" meme. The only thing in all of vanilla that isn't a fucking cakewalk is darklurker, and if you are a casual magic user that isn't even a problem.
Are you implying the hitboxes in DaS2 weren't fucked?
Because they were.
I might be implying that (for PvE at least, PvP fuckery was unforgivable), but I'll also imply for your sake that ADP was a fucking terrible idea.
Still even with that, game was easy as fuck. Every enemy is so slow and you can play so defensively. If DaS1 is "circlestrafe around enemy until it dies: the game" DaS2 is "watch an enemy do their super slow 3 hit combo while you sit out of range and then end them as soon as they finish: the experience"
And that's without factoring how OP magic was for spellswords and how fucking retarded greatshields were.
>no adaptability ruin sentinels without a blunt weapon
>no adaptability smelter
>ancient dragon
>bad rat
It had some bullshit.
>>no adaptability ruin sentinels without a blunt weapon
Buy the eagle shield in majula. Makes ruin sentinels look like fucking retards.
>>no adaptability smelter
smelter is the easiest nigger ever but since I have not had the opportunity yet to fight him SL1 with 86 agl, I'll take your word for it. For now.
>>ancient dragon
He's an absolute shit boss yes but he is also really easy to cheese. Stick-to-the-toes method works every time.
>>bad rat
Which bad rat? There are 2 bosses with rats in them yes and I'd say they are both very bad, but I couldn't say either are bullshit.
>Makes ruin sentinels look like fucking retards
The solution is to use a shield. If you don't use a shield, it's very hard, especially if you don't have any adaptability.
There are a lot of genuine hang ups for people playing blind.
I meant Royal Rat Vanguard.
Most shitters who play these games though will have shields on them. Only people like you and me that go in blind have trouble with stuff like that. And even then, stuff like ruin sentinels should be the expected, not the exception.
Vanguard's entire fight is summed up to whether you killed the stupid rats in time. If you did, congrats you already won. I'd say your ability to do that largely depends on the weapon, but I'd say for most of them it's completely possible. Pretty sure on my first run it only took me like 2 tries to do that.
It happens to be the worst Souls game, but it's not a bad game. It's 7/10 at worst. All the other games are at least an 8.
I have never put a single point in adaptability during any playthrough of the game and have never used a shield.
Ruin Sentinels is hard
Smelter is easy. Even with minimal ADP he's easy to dodge. I beat Blue Smelter first try with no ADP investment and minimal HP as a glass-cannon caster simply because he's easy to dodge.
Ancient Dragon isn't so bad, he's easy to get into a pattern.
Royal Rat Authority is pretty hard though.
Of course, the hardest bosses are all in the DLC. Lud and Zallen are the only boss in the whole Souls series I needed to use a summon to beat.
>Vanguard's entire fight is summed up to whether you killed the stupid rats in time
Yep, took me about six tries or so. Not the end of the world, but it felt random as fuck, like it was entirely dependent on how quickly the dogs ran to you.
You're pretty reasonable, though. It's just if you've played even a couple of games you stay the hell away from shields when you fight bosses, unless you want to ruin the experience.
You have good taste user. Don't let the plebs say otherwise.
DeS is still my favorite, after playing all 5 of them.
Fat Rat is just Sif 2.0.
If you're caster you can drop Lingering Flame and the smaller rats will run straight into it.
Are thou done?
Oh wait, I got authority and vanguard mixed up.
Vanguard is just flat out super easy. I think the only time I died to them was during a greatshield only run because greatshield bashes aren't really designed for slaughtering 5000 rats.
>the way she sounds like she's on the verge of crying when you give her the eyes
firekeeper has better feet
Oh, I mixed them up too. I meant authority.
Can't blame you really. I can barely remember most of the bosses to this game.
Just bought Maiden in Black's game, I only played DaS2, first dungeon of DaS3 & BB
what I'm in for ?
As soon as you get back in body form for the first time run back to the nexus and kill yourself
If this is true you've done a great job, some people who have never played DeS are convinced it's the best one.
>you will never snuggle with fire keeper as the world is sinking into eternal darkness
Doll is cuter.
world tendency does not fucking matter, can't really think of anything else that has so much unwarranted complaining
DS3 did this ending better
Parrying is fun to practice on enemies that 1 shot you.
i played a few levels of Demon's Souls. it's just an unpolished Dark Souls. you guys have nostalgia goggles on or something.
Dark Souls 3 is, obviously, the current best souls
Yeah, I guess I could see that. I suppose I hadn't played enough DeS to properly judge it.
pretty much a non-statement
>tfw no DeS remake with boss armor sets
I just want to invade people dressed as tower knight.
>You will never have theme music that laughs at your opponent
I didn't play DeS until August last year and I find it a much more solid and complete game than DaS, and I enjoyed twice as much. Only thing DaS has over DeS is interconnectivity and more save slots.
Fight me
>dragon bone smasher
Literally the only weapon in the game with a unique animation.
undead berg
drakeswords only
10 minutes