Is there a loadout more based than this?

is there a loadout more based than this?

Tar 21 fmj
Akimbo model 1887

I wish posting about CoD was still a bannable offense

>not using the SCAR

>one man army
>danger close

The rest need not to be mentioned, nuke in 5 minutes

>Not using the Quad S
What's wrong with you OP?

Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Steady Aim Pro

>Not using the F-2000

Makes sense, actually, since Sup Forums is notorious for shit taste

>not using the aug

I'm surprised you didn't have heartbabby monitor as your attachment

The Vector would like to have a word with you.

Ump 45
Akimbo 1887

Found the child.


>No cold blooded

Have fun getting a killstreak with the constant UAVs

9.5 out of 10

Drop that red dot and pick up that silencer son its almost as if you don't want a nuke

silenced ump45

slight of hand
ninja pro

>calling anyone "child"

It's never been bannable

This place had cod generals up until black ops

>when the M4 has similarly low recoil with a higher fire rate and is available right from the start

Trying this hard to be a 4fag?
Meme texting?

>Not manning up and going F2000 with the suppressed M9.

And then COD went to shit.

theres a noticable recoil difference

>random smg
>akimbo 1887
>carepackage killstreak
enjoy sprinting at the speed of light and shotguns with infinite range

ACR basically recenters with every shot, meaning virtually no recoil. That's a bit overkill however, considering that the M4 has low enough recoil to only notice at the longest distances on the largest maps. Even then you can just tap the trigger.

>Ump .45 Holographic
>Desert Eagle FMJ
>Marathon Pro
>Stopping Power Pro
>Ninja Pro

Bring it, you school boy bitch.

>"newfag" witchunting
Christ, I'm just fucking around with you.

>dot sight


>1887 akimbo gets shit on
>SPAS + grip doesn't

lol'd at that too

I'd be a massive shit and swap Scavenger for Bling and put on the under barrel shotgun and the Heartbeat Sensor

Yes, I coppied sandy ravage's build and would fucking slaughter people.
ump 45 (silencer)
spas 12 (extended mags)
stopping power
pain killer

stinger an scavanger, nigger faggot

>red dot sight
>sleight of hand pro
>commando pro
Step it up.

>not taking advantage of the only smg mobility/35 min damage combo ump + silencer + cold blooded
Trust me, I was a full blown umpshitter

Main weapon can be what ever you want because you don't use it anyways.

>"is there a loadout more based than this?"
>literally asks for an opinion

>faster firing

>that gun with the barrel mag

>killstreak that adds ammo and nades

Unstoppable on small maps. You don't reload, you change weapons. Should get 2 or 3 kills minimum before you run out of ammo.

Plus the care package marker before running with it got nerfed.

have you never heard of a rhetorical question?

user, you can't be this stupid.

who /m21 fall camo/ here?

>puke camo

marathon pro
stopping pro
ninja pro

Wasn't this shit the hardest skin too? What a letdown

why do we never get these threads about BC2 doe

ive tried a couple times

shit like this never happens in modern day BF games anymore

ya it required the most kills


Somebody wasn't here in 2010-2011

I used to have a loadout just for that hedge map, it was mainly C4, scavenger and forgot what else.

Nuke every time, I might pick up call of duty again if they ever go back to round ending killlstreak

Change that ACR to M16 and Ninja to Commando
You're trying too hard to fit in

>tap firing the tar-21

YOOO MW2 was my fucking childhood I always ran with SCAR my gunfu

>unlock the scar early on
>use it till extended mags