You guys are watching DSP unbox and setup his switch right...

You guys are watching DSP unbox and setup his switch right? GET IN HERE HE'S LIVE! The greatest of all time BOTW playthrough will begin soon.

Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that Machinima has dropped DSP and his channel has been marked as advertiser unfriendly, which means less ad revenue. He's desperate for money, this is the perfect time to buckle down, and laugh while you watch his "business" burn.

>Asking Twitch chat for life advice
>Can't get a full time job because it will take months

Poor guy, he just wants to get paid 50k a year to play video games for 4 hours a day.


How the fuck was I supposed to know that this breaks several rules?
Fucking bugged Sup Forums mechanics.

Reminder that SoK lurk here and they're responsible for ALL DSP threads on this board and they don't stop shilling their podcast. Oh, and they are LITERALLY mental!

Fucking bugged reply mechanics

Is this "Shitting on SoK and Exposing Their Autism" Thread? SIGN ME IN BABY
Previous thread showing their autism:

Machinima, a company notorious for never letting people out of contracts, fired DSP.

Both sides are the same shit, spamming some obese unemployed retard on a videogame board. You should get together and kill yourselves.

What do you think of our fanart? Someone on Deviantart shat this for us.


One of the members' name is literally King of Sup Forums....really makes me think. Hmmm

No wonder his electronics die faster than a channel with 180,000 subs.

What is this autism? Get the fuck out of here retard!

Can I get a condensed version of what's happening? I'm not sitting through Phil telling his life's story for the hundredth time.

Good on him. Hope /ourguy/ has fun with the Switch and Zelda

>Want DSP to go out of business because it would be funny as fuck
>But its also funny as fuck when any not completely casual game comes out because he will have 200 plus deaths and possibly even rage quit and its hilarious.

Id rather a world with DSP its just comical.

Your world is one where the undeserved gain fortune that people who deserve better will never have

Nothing happened. He decided to do full time streaming on Twitch. SoK autists on the other hand can't stop being obsessed with Phil. You can hear their autism screeches miles away

I know but its funny. And even if DSP disappears yeah that is karma and justice etc but it won't stop far worse injustices. It took DSP this many mistakes and stupidity to drown himself in failure/debt. Smarter terrible people aren't going to go down period.

They even call it a "Movement" How retarded is that?
Was watching the other thread. That SoCuck on Twitter with 61K Tweets about Phil was something, whoa

Please stop. You're making me cringe

How many times has he dropped it and blamed Nintendo for it?

I don't know. I don't watch/care about e-celebs. Neither do you. Report and move on

>Nothing happened.
Machinima fired him because of something retarded DSP did. Don't let hating on the SoK blind you to Phil's retardation

Spotted the SoCuck
I'm sure knowing everything about Phil will be a good thing to add on your resume, faggot

Wait. I recognize that autism!

Phil couldn't even include that on his own resume

>I'm sure knowing everything about Phil will be a good thing to add on your resume, faggot
I laughed. Trolling a manchild FOR FREE. You fags are not better than CWC's trolls.

>DSP is now blaming the failure of his channel on "the people at youtube who aren't street smart"

How long till he gets a job?

That thread was gold. Holy shit.

>Over 1k viewers

/OURGUY/ will be just fine after all. Glad he's going Twitch fulltime now.

Based Phil

Just raised my Patreon pledge to $10 :^)

>Subsidizing your girlfriend's cost of living, paying off a mortgage, paying the lease on a car, selling your remaining assets and losing money on a rental property which can't even be put on the market at the moment while getting $1,333 a month from patreon and having the worst month ever for ad revenue

Nah m8 he's got to get a job